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America: The Dictator Of The World


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The only downside to this is that we’re now number 4 on the extremist hit list.


Perhaps, but I'd much rather be where you are, considering your immigration laws. I wish we had them as strict as yours. :up:

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Uniting against "evil" is what the UN is about.


Have you seen the track record of the UN? The Commission on Human Rights is a prime example of how big a joke the UN is. They let some of the biggest violators in human rights sit as members on this commission. :o


Check it out here:




The UN also wants the USA to ratify three treaties that would undermine everything America stands for. All in the name of world peace. Those treaties are, The Kyoto Protocol (which would kill the US economy all for the sake of some three-toed, spotted frog owl), Convention on the Rights of the Child (which would take away all parental rights an adult has for their child except the ones that hold them responsible for when their child does something soceity doesn't like), and CEDAW(Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women)(which would make it an act of violence for a man to not do exactly what his wife tells him to do, like fold the laundry).


You can check out here:







Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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Yeah, the United States should mind it's own business. I mean, who are we to be interupting oppressive dictators when they are killing innocent people? C'mon, let's let the dictators do their work right?


The "Mind your own business" argument is just ludicrous. That's like "well, we should alow murder and rape on the high seas, 'cause it's not our soverign territory, so let's go ask the UN if it's OK to stop it or not." The UN is a joke, all it is really good for is political legitamacy. The last really big trade agreement to go through the UN was sitting waiting to be ratified because the U.S Congress was out of session and so the U.S hadn't ratified it. So Congress was called to a special session, ratified the agreement, and then dozens of other countries ratified it within weeks. It's not the UN that leads the world, it's the U.S. Countries like France and Russia are using the UN to serve their own interests because they have resources they don't want to risk losing. In doing so, they took away the threat of force, without which Saddam will never listen. And why should he? It's not like the UN has ever followed up on any of their resolutions concerning him so far.


The United States has a power to help oppressed peoples that no other nation has ever had, but people talk like we shouldn't exercise that power because the oppressed didn't ask for it or something, as if they could without getting a bullet in the forehead or sarin gas in the lungs. That's like "hey look, that deaf and mute guy is about to get flattened by a bus, but I won't help him because he hasn't called out for help yet." It's the same thing, the Iraqi people are cut off from the world media and are not allowed to speak out, they're deaf and mute, but any dumb pedestrian knows that the guy in the street needs help. You don't always have to hear something out loud or see it in a official document to know it's true.

Might as well take my advice--I don't use it anymore.

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This just burns my butt...


Citizens of the US protesting against freedom for another country. Who are they to decide that only they have the right to be free and that the people of Iraq shouldn't enjoy the same freedoms! They should go and live under a dictator like Saddam and then maybe they'll appreciate (and not abuse) the freedoms they have, and take an active role in supporting those that are not as fortunate.


Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating the US (or any other country) imposing it's own agenda on every country in the world that doesn't have what we have. I have served my country proudly and will always be ready to defend those freedoms that others gave their lives for and to protect those that do not have the freedoms to do as we have done to make our lives FREE.


End of tirade..I feel better now!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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They aren't nessarily protesting them becoming free. The protest are all probably driven by different things but I honestly do not think it is because of Freedom of Iraq. They will never be free anyway. Even if you get rid of Saddam then another will step into his place. America also does not have a good track record of placing leaders into countries. It just does not work. So I don't think it is the freedom they are protesting.


I do not agree one bit with us being over in Iraq. I mayself protest the war. One thing however is that I support the soilders and pray for a safe return of all who fight in this war. Not just Americans. Bush is basically just allowing our people and others to get killed because Saddam makes us mad. Sacraficing his people. I don't see him sacrificing himself. I can garantee he does not want to die but he will send the people he leads to die. I support all who are there and all who help the US. That does not mean I support what Bush is doing. I do not support him at all. Its kind of a weird subject that I bring up here. I do believe that people can support the troops and hope for a win to the war and still not support the war itself.

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  • 3 weeks later...
BlueDragon? Come on thats just like saying if a guy is being beat to death dont help him cause later on he will probally get beat again. I will support our troops and america till the end. This is a liberation war and it is our duty to help. By the way,we gave saddam a chance,he laughed at the un,but he is not laughing now i guarentee it!!!!the un is a joke,is has proven that it wont enforce its own rules. By the way,who gave the money to Osame? If you said Saddam,you are right. We dont get this guy right now he is going to send some nuclears our way. He is just waiting for a chance. All them protestors make me sick, i agree with whoever said that we should ship them back to iraq and let them know how it feels. By the way,they ssay they want peace,yet most of their protest are very violent. I forget,but their were a ton of arrest. If their blocking my street and im in my car,they might want to think twice.lol. Also did you hear about them getting mad at the policeman sporting bandannas with american flags on them. They said it was insulting to them.well if its insulting to them,I tell them to get their sorry rears and get out this country. I also respect Tony Blair for realizing how dangerous Saddam was if left unatended to. Go Get Them America!!!!!!
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The UN is a paper tiger. Iraq had ten years to comply with UN resolutions. The UN only wastes time and money.


When I was is Bosnia we were only allowed to fire a weapon after being fired upon. We were sitting ducks.


The peace keepers in Somalia and Mogadishu could not stop the clan lords from using soldiers to steal the UN food supplies from the people because we were not being fired upon.


The country of Libya's representitive is the person in charge of the human rights violation committe in the UN.


Iraq's rep is in charge of the committee monitoring chemical weapons.


If it comes down to taking out an evil person or waiting for the UN I will agree with eliminating the physco every time.


The US waited during tyhe second world war until Pearl Harbour to get totally involved if the US had gotten involved earlier like 1938 perhaps Hilter could not have slaughtered as many people.


Maybe the Us and the coaltion forces learned something from past behaviour and decided to intercede before more deaths occured

Honor is the most important thing a man has once you lose it it is gone forever

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The reason the why the UN is a paper tiger is because the five permanent members China, Russia, France, Great Britain and the US, are all too busy trying to carve up our little blue planet into manageable chunks to be sold to the highest bidder.


Once in a while these noble members get caught trying to steal another members bit of turf, therefore they can’t come to any satisfactory agreement in the UN.


Don’t give me this moral high ground rubbish about removing a dictator with WMD just so we can all feel nice and fuzzy about liberating the Iraqi people. Who sold him those weapons in the first place, we did. The French supplied the planes (Oh yeh and the nuclear capability), the Germans supplied chemicals, the American supplied the rockets (courteously of Mr. Donald Rumfield) and the anthrax, and the Russians sold him the tanks and assorted weapons.


Why were the French, Germans and Russians opposed to “The coalition of the willing” stepping in and removing the dictator? Simple, cheap oil deals with the dictator himself.


Why on earth did Australia get involved? Simple again, $800 million (Au) worth of wheat exports to Iraq, or should I say the loss of $800 million to the American market if we weren’t seen to be supporting the coalition of the willing. Only joking the Australian government really wanted the Iraqi people to be liberated so they can come over here and live with us, who cares about a lousy $800.000.000


We all have the blood of innocent men, women and children on our hands, get over it and stop trying to justify the slaughter. It’s not the fault of nations but the greed of mankind.


Welcome our servicemen and servicewomen home as they have fulfilled their duty. Honour those servicemen and servicewomen who have died doing their duty, and pray for those who died defending their country or who were victims of collateral damage.


Teach our children how to love and understand our neighbours and not fear those who look and sound different to us. Teach compassion and tolerance not prejudice and bigotry.


We as martial artists may not be able to solve mankind’s greed but at least we can try.




John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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