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How often should you attend practice

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For future reference, should I go to practice every night? Or should I go 2-3 nights a week, leaving the other days available for me to practice what I have learned at home for several hours, and dedicate more time to stretching? I work full time, and I noticed that when i get off from work, I Zip over to the instructor. By the time I am down with the instructor, I have to go home and eat a late dinner and spend some time with my wife. By the time that is done with, Its almost bed time lol, and I have very little time to practice. If I go to the instructor every night, yea we do some stretching, yes we do some forms, etc etc, and yes we do some full contact, but I do not get time to practice what I learned the night before, and I do not get time to stretch for a half hour to an hour. So, I was wondering if some other TKD'ists out there can tell me what they do.


Nick D.

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Fear is the mind killer...

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2 -3 times a week should be sufficient. You don't want to alienate your wife. She is more important than TKD. :o


This will also give your instructor a break. Every night would be okay if you didn't have a life. :lol:


Take time to rest yourself as well. If you don't, you might start to suffer from burnout.



Edited by kchenault

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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I agree with Ken.... I train 2-3 nights and teach 1-2 nights but I try to be at school for only 3 days a week ... (which is approx. 1 hour a night) otherwise I would burn out and find myself in divorce court! (just kidding!)


It does get all consuming at times... and I fortunately have a husband and children whose own needs I place before my own.


Realistically, 2-3 nights is the norm for a "family" person with a full time job. Weekends can be devoted to morning conditioning and practice and every morning do some jumping jacks, push ups, crunches and static stretching for 15-20.

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Well, I'm lucky, because my wife attends as well. We both teach, she the "tiny tigers" (4-8 yr olds), and I the Juniors and adults. We both attend class 4 days a week, and our 9 month old girl comes right along with us. My wife attended class up until three weeks before our girl was born. While she was 7 months along, she took first in form in her division at a state tournament. So I guess you could say that we keep it "in the family".


Especially seeing that not just my wife and I train, but her mom, dad, brother AND sister also train. It's a blast! Train as much as you can, and try to include your wife. If she doesn't want to train, she can still help you out, just don't place it as a higher priority that her. She could then become jealous and that wouldn't be good.



~Traing in Songham TaeKwonDo since 2001~

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I agree with Fury...try to involve family! My whole fam studies...makes for good common ground with teenagers!!!! :lol:


As far as attendance goes...2-3 a week for beginners is the norm to avoid burn-out, etc. Once you become an advanced student your school may have a minimum requirement such as 4. Those training for BB testing can be required to attend 5 days with additional training on off days.


Have fun...keep it fun!:D



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Unless you're the type that likes to do things on your own, family involvement in MA is great!! At one point, my entire immediate family was in TKD. However, my dad had some arthritis problems that forced him to quit. Plus, he has to get up at 3 am every morning for work, so he kinda needed some more sleep. While it lasted, though, training with him was great. I'd get annoyed with him sometimes (that's just unavoidable), but it was good quality time :)


As for classes a week: I attend class 3 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) nights a week, and teach on the same nights plus one more (Thursday). I would teach on yet one more night (Tuesday) but I have choir practice those nights. LALALAA :D

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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I've come to 6 training sessions a week (one on mondays and wednesdays, 2 on tuesdays and thursdays). I'll add another in the fridays, so they'll be 7. I would train all day long, but nobody's to work with me. They all say I'm crazy :D


But it feels great. 12 hours of traininf a week is quite OK. Hope I'll add some more "effort". I feel great.

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I'm with you Ramymensa, I train anywhere from 14-18 hours a week, but it's not for everyone. Craknek, how long are your classes? If they are 2-3 hours, you could probably get away with just twice, or maybe even once a week, but if they're just one hour, then I think anything less than 2 times a week would be too little. Either way, you certainly don't need to be in the dochang every day, that's only for the crazies. Dedicate some nights to personal practice and I think you'll feel like you're making more progress.

Might as well take my advice--I don't use it anymore.

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