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What happens when you meditate?

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When anyone is able to reach a point in meditation, can you recall things? Do you see things? I hear stories of people floating over their 'happy place', people get 'visions', people get tingly etc... etc...


I personally see myself dressed in some sort of black gi (not sure which kind) walking up a path with torches lighting the way towards a temple with stone steps. I then stop and stand their and all I see is a black flame and then nothing other then a tingly feeling..


Am I doing something wrong? Is this possible for me to be in a meditative state while seeing these things and actully recalling them? The tingly feeling through my chest down flowing through my arms and out my hands really gets me though...


I just wondering because now I read more and more posts here I feel that my old sensi did not really give me (or other students) the full explanation on everything :kaioken: :(


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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when i meditate i dont think about anything at all. my head is completely empty. but anyone can meditate in what ever way they want, if you find you see things then thats your meditation.
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When I do goto meditate I do clear my mind, but the result is seeing that, and feeling that.


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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Maybe the temple you are seeing is you "sanctuary". A sanctuary is a safe place created in a meditative state that you go to when you need to de-stress.


It is a technique that is sometimes taught as a stress reduction technique and in some pain management programs.


Here is a link to a brief description of the term santuary.





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One of the keys to meditation is actually not to expect anything to happen. Try to quiet your mind by bringing your attention back to your breath.


Different things happen when I meditate, but what happens is normally up to my conscious before I begin the meditation - if I visualise being somewhere its normally because I consciously decide to visualise being there. My visualised places normally involve being outside in nature, in the woods near me or in an imagined place of great natural beauty.


Another one I often do is to lie or sit and visualise gravity pulling all stress and tiredness out of my body, and then visualise a gentle, brilliant white light relaxing my body slowly from head to toe.


When doing a meditation concentrating on my breathing, I don't get go to any place in my mind.


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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SaiFights I think that may be it... Though I never went inside, I always stayed out front of it and just looked at it... But when I was studying under my 1st trainer he used to hit us with little sticks around pressurepoints or the muscles that if you squeeze them or hit them it sends a killer pain and he said we couldnt break our meditation because we had to let the pain go and when we used to spar with him when he hit us in the areas that he hit us under meditation it wouldnt hurt or hurt as bad.. So I think the sanctuary thing might be right :)


"I aint gonna eat, I aint gonna sleep, aint gonna breath till I see what I wanna see and what I wanna see is you goto asleep, in the dirt permanently"

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When I meditate, I don't think about anything. Before class, it's time to clear my mind. I do Danjun breathing. I actually "see" my mind clearing ..... weird, but it's true. After class, I reflect on what we did in class.

Laurie F

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