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TKD: The Practitioner's Club

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Well, I'm tired of hearing TKDists have to defend their art, and I thought that a breath of fresh air was in order, that we deserve a chance to simply say why we love it without getting flamed. So, let's hear from the people who actually practice it what you like about TKD. Let's make this a thread to talk about why we like TKD, instead of just defending it. :wink: If anyone comes in here and says "TKD sucks because of blah and blah" we will just ignore them, because we're above that. :P C'mon, it'll be like therapy. I'll start, then we can go around the circle.


First of all, I love, high fancy kicks. I don't care how ineffective anyone says they are, I like 'em, they're fun to do. I love fighting standing up and dancing around opponents instead of grappling. I love being in an extremely traditional school where we do not really crosstrain much and my instructor teaches for free simply because he loves to teach and his master and grandmaster taught for free too--TKD is a gift. I love my fellow students (usually). I love doing calisthetics for an hour before we even begin techniques, I dunno why but when we start our one hour "warmup" I just start smiling, I cannot stop, and I've got my instructor doing it now too. hehe. Hi, my name is Ben, and I am in love with Tae kwon do. TKD es la bomba

Might as well take my advice--I don't use it anymore.

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Cool thread. I agree. No flames wars here peoples. Keep it cool.


Anyways, I love to kick, plain and simple. When I got into martial arts, I found out that I was a natural kicker (even at first when I couldn't kick very high LOL). TKD (and TSD for that matter) made me flexible. I couldn't even touch my toes when I started! Now I can do a split. I never thought I could ever do a split. And yes, I love doing tricks (trick kicks), too.


Tae Kwon Do also helped me get over my fear of getting "hit." I had a fear of sparring. With the help of my instructor, I got over it little by little. Now, eventhough I still "dislike" (not hate) sparring, I just get in there and go at it with my classmates, and have a blast.

Laurie F

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I LOVE those snap kicks and fakes! :P Kicking high is fun...sometimes I think that people bash TKD's high kicks just because they can't kick that high...;)


Anyways, yes there's nothing wrong with TKD...it just depends on how much you like to use your feet, etc. Plus people need to observe when a school is training for sport or effectiveness or anything in between........there's a HUGE difference. If you've seen one dojo you absolutely HAVE NOT seen them all.

red belt-American Tae Kwon Do

"Men have little to fear but fear itself."

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nice thread! let get stuck in.....


i love everything about TKD! its my favourite art. i dont care if people say patterns are "pointless" (which i dont agree) because i love doin them anyway.


i love the sparring and ive learnt so much from the instructor. im not scared any more when i spar (well most of the time).


and i know exactly how you feel, when we start the hour of warm up and stretching i just wanna smile.


i have so much to learn about TKD and i just love it.


p.s. and having 2 kick-ass instructors helps to.

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Well I'm not doing TKD. I don't come here to bash it, cause as you noticed I've already took its part in other threads :) I had the opportunity to work few times with a BB in TKD. I was impressed. The guy moved great and his techniques are to be admired. High kicks are very good looking and no matter their effectivness, they are necessary for a true martial artist. If we want to become better we need to do the hard stuff, not just the easy part :)


Keep on going :karate:

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Kind words ramymensa. Thank you.


My name is Ken, and I love TKD!


I love kicking high. For someone who is 5'7" tall to kick at the level over my head is very gratifying. It also, no matter what people say, makes my lower level kicks much more powerful and faster. My hands are something to be feared, because I am a "Southpaw" and have pretty fast hands for a "bulky" guy. One of my 4th Dan instructors commented on what good hands I have. That feels great to know omeone of a much higher ranking and station in the dojang thinks that. :D


Also, I just love kicking. Being as short as I am. Using my legs in a stand up situation is almost paramount to punching due to reach limitations against taller opponents.


Fighting kinda comes natural to my family, so, I like the less controlled, hit anywhere you want kind of situation. TKD give me the tools I need for this type of situation. Now I just need some grappling skills for the ground.


Pilsung! :)

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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*KickChick enters and bows to her fellow TKDOists*...she breathes a sigh of relief as she commends Maestro on his subject matter


I don't want to bore all of you with the details of my training and my love for the martial art I practice (my web page is back online :wink: ).


I, like the Maestro, study and practice a very traditional style of Tae Kwon Do much in the same manner as he describes.


I have spent the duration of my membership here trying to educate those who have no clue as to all the styles that are contained within TKD ... TKD has suffered the fate of "modernization" ... is it sport, is it art?


In all honestly I am tired & frustrated (but that is another story!! :wink: )


This is indeed a breath of fresh air.. and Maestro I thank you! :)

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Oh yeah! Zero reminded me; I love doing forms too. They are sooo relaxing and gratifying. When we do forms we often have multiple people attack in the manner that fits into the form so we can see how it would be used. That's good stuff. Plus, well, I admit it, they just look cool too! :D

Might as well take my advice--I don't use it anymore.

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Hello, my name is Aubrey, and I love TKD. I love the kicks, the spins, the throws, and the forms. Oh do I love the forms. Palgwe forms rock and Chung bong forms are simply great. If I knew some ITF forms I'd do those too! I like watching for that front leg roung kick and turning to counter with a speedy back kick. I like the one steps and board breaking. I love yelling my kihas while kicking paddles, punching too. ILIKE TKD AND AM PROUD OF IT! :karate:


Pilsung? You better beleive it!

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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I have studied several styles of MA and TKD is definitely my favorite!


When I first ventured into a TKD school, I was a Shotokan BB with a small school looking to enhance my sparring skills with speed and flexibility :roll: . I fell in love with the art and eventually began teaching TKD instead of Shotokan! Some of the things I like:




High kicks


Incredible spirit and energy


Keeps me flexible (in my old age :lol: )


Incorporation of other arts (in my TKD school anyway)


and of course...Tradition!


There's also something about TKD'ists...I can quite put my finger on it but they're just special people!!!! No disrespect to my former Sensei's intended-they were special too, but in a different way. :)



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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