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How well can a yellow belt defend themself?


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Well I'm starting highschool next year, that's about the time I'm expecting to get my yellow belt. I was wondering sense there are just too many immature people out there, there is bound to be some jerk that's gonna start something because i'm in karate. I plan to just walk away, but that does lead to even worse things in my expirience. Anyway I wanna know, if the need arises how well will I be able to defend myself, that is if the need araies.

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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First of all: If you simply just don't tell anyone (that you pracice karate) there won't be a problem. as for getting your yellow belt, that doesnt really matter. The thing that does matter however is how well you instructor have prepared you for situations where self defence can become necesarry. In generall i dont think that karatekas at a yellow belt level are proficient fighters.

Read a book!

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And now you'll hate me :)


A yellow belt has got little chance in defending him/herself. It's a beginner and the techniques are not learnt that well and reactiion is not as good as of a person who's spent more time in MA. BUT it could turn out OK, with some confidence and a harder training ... not to mention luck :)


Try to avoid conflicts. It's important for yellows and black belts as well. :)


And regarding your problem. SHUT UP. Don't tell anybody you are a karateka and everything would be OK. Some people are jerks and like to make other misserable just because they themselves are good for nothing :)


Try to avoid them and chose with care the persons who deserve to know such things about you :karate:

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Don't you feel that you are a better person to answer that question than us??


I mean how do you feel with what you have learned up to this point. Do you honestly feel you are physically & mentally equippedand prepared to handle a defensive situation should the need arise??


ah I see.... I thought so! :)


Listen its not the point whether or not you are sufficiently trained to fight to win but more so are you effieciently trained to resist and walk away. True victory is only achieved if no one loses.


There is an old saying in the martial arts, ...., "One must first learn civility before he learns the art, and one must first know his ethics before he knows his skills.

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I agree with most that has been said here, especially the don't tell anyone about training in Karate. The only thing I can add is that you should walk and talk with confident attitude. Walk with a purpose and hold your head high. It's a fact that bullies and criminals will seek out the weak and less able to defebd themselves. Those who are confident in their demeanor will less likely be a victim. There's a good article by Terry Bryan at this link http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=304 , it's worth a look. That's my opinion, I hope it help a little. :D :karate:


Good Luck in school,



"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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I came into my current arts already knowing the basics so I skipped yellow belt. I don't know how that sounds to you, but it doesn't sound that encouraging to me regarding ability.


A lot of people already have an idea of how to fight before going into martial arts because maybe they've watched a lot of fights or been in them. I'd say at yellow belt a person would be only slightly better than they were before taking the class. So there are some yellow belts that can handle themselves and some that probably can't :).

1st Dan Hapkido

Colored belts in Kempo and Jujitsu

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Its all up to the person. I mean if Mike Tyson attacks you it don't matter if your a black belt. LOL.


Like everyone said don't make your training public knowledge and if worse comes to worse and you can't walk away do what you can do.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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