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Anyone know how to control the adreanaline rush


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Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone knew any methods in controling the adreanaline rush that we get in a street situation. I know of one called "Combat breathing", but not much on how it is done. cos ya lose this stuff when it happens (http://www.patiencepress.com/samples/OnKillin.pdf",


best regards!! :brow:

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The key is not to mistake the adrenalin for fear. When it's mistaken for fear, this is what causes people to freeze up on the spot. Constant exposure to adrenalin rushes will also help you to control it better as well.




Check out https://www.geoffthompson.com

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Yeah, the point is to know about the rush, so it won't mess you up. When you are in a threatening situation and you notice your hands tremble and sweat, you can feel and hear your heart beat and it may get hard to talk as if there's a lump in your throat, if you start thinking about fear "oh god, this is bad, this can get me hurt" you are surrendering to fear. But if you think "okay, now I feel it, this is my body unleashing adrenaline to turboboost my muscles, now I just have to keep myself together so I can function, I'll be alright" you have got a chance of survival. Remember, the rush boosts your energy, strength and makes you more "awake" but at the same time it lessens your fine motoric skills and gives you what is called a "pipeline vision", you only see the immediate threat. There are two things to do when you notice you are getting the rush:


1. Calm and steady your breathing - it helps calm your mind and makes sure you don't forget to breath (some do when they get frightened, that's why some people pass out when they get really scared).


2. Break the pipeline vision, start looking around, see what else is there. This means turning your head and eyes, checking out the environment. Stop staring at the threat ahead.

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Just keep it simple. When your adrenaline begins to rush, you really only have two choices. You either run, and trust me you will have the strength to, or you attack. Use your adrenaline as a weapon, it will enhance any physical feats you try and perform, which includes punching your opponent in the face multiple times.
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Train your body to get used to adrenaline rushes. Scare the living shyt out of yourself, hypnotize yourself. Stick yourself in a dark room imagine the worst bed wetting monster/witch whatever and try to function like you normally would. When you're sparring, push the tempo. When in a fight, pretend you're playing.


Also, religion. A religious fighter, will have an easier time controlling adrenaline rushes. They're just a bit calmer and less afraid of death. But you don't want to get rid of your adrenaline anyways, it numbs some of the pain from blows.

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Kirves gave a good answer.


A couple of things that help me; relax. Make this a conscious effort any time you get the rush so that it becomes an ingrained habbit. I allow my shoulders to round and inventory my body for tensions after any event. Second, I do something with my hands and feet. I practice bringing my hands into a non threatening guard position. Usually, to get one hand high without raising alarm flags, I stroke my mustache. My feet go naturally to a ready position as well, but I don't take a recognizable stance. Try to make it natural and relaxed. I do this any time I'm startled, and any time I face an uncertain situation. Also, when walking in questionable areas, I do a moving version of this drill.

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