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Does anyone have experience with Arazawa?

I'm losing weight, so I'll be in the market for new gis soon - and it'll be a whole new karate wardrobe.

I mostly used Japanese brand gis. But it appears that Hirota is cutting back on their heavyweight gis (no more #162, and MH-10 is no longer available "off the rack"), and Tokaido (made in Japan, not "Kata Master") seems to be moving away from pure cotton and onto poly/cotton blends (no more TAW). Shureido takes 3 to 4 months just to get an "off the rack" gi.

All brands are going to toot their own horn, but it seems like Arawaza is the best at it. A Canadian brand that will confidently price their top gis right up there with Japanese gis.

I'm looking at the Black Diamond, Amber Evo, and the Emerald specifically. Is Arawaza as good as Hirota and Shureido, in anyone's experience?


Kobayashi Shorin-ryu, 2019 - 2023: Rokkyu

Shotokan, 2023 - Present: Yonkyu

Judo, 2023: Novice

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, 2023 - Present: White Belt

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I don't have one personally but one of my training partners does and likes it. I asked him about it last time i got a gi (though i ended up getting a Hirota one). He has quite a few though including Hirota, Tokkaido and Shureido ones also and i doubt he would say it was decent if it wasn't.

I have also only ever read good things about them online when i looked into it myself.

If you do go for it then i would be interested in hearing what you think of it once you get it if you can be bothered to post a review!

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