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Monday 19 August

Lifting Session


20kg x 5

40kg x 5

60kg x 3

70kg x 3

80kg x 3

85kg x 8

85kg x 8

85kg x 10

Bench press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

62.5kg x 3

70kg x 3

80kg x 4

Sumo deadlift fat bar (tri set with fave pulls and lying leg curls)

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

Lying hamstring curls

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

Cable face pulls

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

25kg x 1

Triceps rope pushdowns (superst with cable lateral raises)

30kg x 15

30kg x 15

30kg x 15

LAteral raise (reps = total of L + R)

15kg x 12

15kg x 12

15kg x 12

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Wednesday 21 August

Karate Session

Warm ups as per usual though we are doing a little more dynamic leg stretching which is good (my flexibility is crap and hopefully this will help!!).

Worked through a moderately long combination that involved quite a few techniques: kizami tzuki, oi tzuki, gyaku tzuki, step forward age uke, gyaku tzuki, gedan berai, gyaku tzuki, soto uke, reverse uchi uke, double punch, uch uke, reverse uchi uke, uraken, gyaku tzuji, shuto uki, mae geri (front leg), nukite, front arm shuto uke again with no forward step (jsut adjust footing) then haito.

Was a good sequence to work on hip rotation and footwork so enjoyed it.

Moved onto some kata then plenty of kumite drills. Again did drill of someone against wall and opponents attacking with single unannounced attack then counter with gyaku tzuki. I messed up first time and reflexively countered with a kizami tzuki. After the joking comments stopped i remembered to counter with the right technique thereafter!

Then some more kata and class finished


Monday 26 August

Lifting Session

Trap bar deadlift

70kg x 5

85kg x 3

100kg x 3

110kg x 3

120kg x 8

120kg x 8

120kg x 10

Seated overhead press

20kg x 5

30kg x 5

42.5kg x 3

47.5kg x 3

52.5kg x 5

Cable chest fly (superset with bulgarian split squat) - weight is per hand

20kg x 12

20kg x 12

20kg x 12

Bulgarian split squat (reps = toal of L + R)

16kg x 10

16kg x 10

16kg x 10

these are feeling smoother and smoother every week

Cable lateral shoulder raise (reps = total of l + r)

15kg x 16

15kg x 16

15kg x 16

Triceps overhead extension

30kg x 16

30kg x 16

30kg x 16


Friday 30 August

Lifting Session

Bench Press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

55kg x 3

60kg x 3

65kg x 8

65kg x 8

65kg x 10


20kg x 5

40kg x 5

60kg x 3

67.5kg x 3

77.5kg x 3

87.5kg x 5

Cable chest fly (weight is per hand)

20kg x 13

20kg x 13

20kg x 13

Cable lateral raise (reps are total of L + R)

15kg x 24

15kg x 24


Tuesday 3 September

Lifting Session

Seated overhead barbell press

20kg x 5

35kg x 5

45kg x 3

50kg x 2

55kg x 1

55kg x 10

Trap bar deadlift

70kg x 5

80kg x 5

90kg x 3

105kg x 5

120kg x 3

135kg x 5

These felt good - think i could do more if needed which is good but will stick to the planned progression

Bulgarian Split squat (superset with cable lateral raises. For both total reps = L + R)

16kg x 12

16kg x 12

16kg x 12

Cable lateral raise

15kg x 23

15kg x 23

had to call it there as needed to take my son to his athletics class


Monday 2nd September

Karate Session

warm ups as per usual though a little more leg stretching which is good!

lots more kids that adults tonight so the class got split into the 3 adults (one black belt and 2 1st kyu's - including myself) and the kids with another instructor.

Lots of work on kata which was really good. Due to the smaller numbers we performed the katas individually which meant it was a lot easier for the instructor to drill down to little points. Got several useful comments and we worked quite a bit on drilling our individual comments.

Did some kumite drills next: worked on punching a wall with glove on, with the goal being to just touch and no more, then tested our distance by removing the gloves. Was pleasantly surprised with how non beat up my knuckles were from doing it afterwards which is a good sign!

Worked a few footwork drills after too. I am really awful at the stereotypical "bouncing" shotokan footwork, i use much more kickboxing style footwork i think which works better for me (not sure how best to articulate it but less bouncing!). The instructor was adamant that should be bouncing though which was a little sore on my ankles - i will try to adapt over time and see if i can have it as an option when needed going forwards.

Really good session though :)


Saturday 7 September

BJJ Session

Session was on closed guard techniques. Worked initially on back take from closed guard, arm drag your opponent, clamp tight (grabbing to far rear armpit), then climb up. Found the final securing back not that great mainly due to being a lot longer than the guy i was practising with so was tough to squeeze in. Then moved to flower sweep from there, assuming not taking back, once arm is trapped go for the sweep. Is a sweep i have always liked so it was good to practice it more. Went from there to drilling scissor sweep if couldn't get arm pinned against you and finished with scissor sweep into and armbar almost straight away. Armbar involved sliding your head side shoulder under the opponents arm as soon as you sweep them over and not coming up all the way, settling instead into armbar. Wasn't the smoothest so need to work on that quite a bit.


Then some rounds of positional sparring and 'proper' sparring which both went fine :)

On 9/4/2024 at 10:00 AM, DarthPenguin said:

Worked a few footwork drills after too. I am really awful at the stereotypical "bouncing" shotokan footwork, i use much more kickboxing style footwork i think which works better for me (not sure how best to articulate it but less bouncing!). The instructor was adamant that should be bouncing though which was a little sore on my ankles - i will try to adapt over time and see if i can have it as an option when needed going forwards.

I agree with you on the bouncing anymore.  It's a little tougher on my knees.  I try to do it every once in a while, but I rely more on the footwork I need to use at the time, and just stay as light on my feet as I can to be ready to move.


Tuesday 10 September


Lifting Session




20kg x 5

40kg x 5

60kg x 5

70kg x 3

85kg x 2

90kg x 1

95kg x 10


Bench press


20kg x 5

40kg x 5

60kg x 3

67.5kg x 5

75kg x 3

85kg x 1


Cable Face pull (supersetted with bench press)


15kg x 10

15kg x 10

15kg x 10

15kg x 10

15kg x 10


Cabe chest flye (weight is per hand - superset with lying leg curls)


20kg x 14

20kg x 14

20kg x 14


Lying Leg Curl

25kg x 8

25kg x 8

25kg x 8


Triceps rope pushdown


30kg x 16

30kg x 16


Cable lateral raise (reps = total of L + R)


15kg x 28

15kg x 28


Thursday 12 September

Lifting Session


Trap bar Deadlift

70kg x 5

80kg x 5

100kg x 3

115kg x 2

120kg x 1

130kg x 10


Seated overhead press

20kg x 5

30kg x 5

45kg x 5

50kg x 3

55kg x 6


Cable chest flye (weight is per hand - superset with bulgarian split squat)

20kg x 15

20kg x 15

20kg x 15


Bulgarian split squat (reps = Total of L+R)

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10


Cable lateral raise (reps = total of L+R; superset with triceps extensions)

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10


Triceps extensions

30kg x 17

30kg x 17

30kg x 17



Session went well. Capped the shoulder press as using omne lift at 531 a day and other one at the juggernaut numbers. It was the 531 and meant to be 1+ so targeted 6 since the other main lift was planned to be the heaviest for the day.

Pleased with how lifting is going using the combined routine. Am noticing a large benefit from it as i have always been weaker at doing more reps in lower weight than i should be based on max strength.

This week and last couple have unusual training availability due to professional exams at work so been to less sessions but since i lift in my home gym that is easier to squeeze in

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