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Saturday 10 February

BJJ Session

Good session. focused on passing knee shield half guard. First pass involved flattening legs together, deep collar grip with outside arm, head into shoulder, sprawl down then free leg, walk round and come to side. Also drilled knee slide and shin cut pass from same starting position. Practiced several reps of the cradle pass too which i liked.

Did some positional sparring and then several rounds of rolling. Rolling was good though got completely schooled by a purple belt! Was useful though and gave me plenty of stuff to work on :)

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Tuesday 13 February

Lifting Session

Trap Bar Deadlift

70kg x 5

80kg x 5

92.5kg x 3

105kg x 3

120kg x 8

Incline bench press

55kg x 5

55kg x 4 - stopped here as shoulder was feeling funny. Had tweaked it a little the other day and decided it was better to be sensible

Lat Pulldown

75kg x 5

75kg x 5

75kg x 5

Triceps Overhead Extension (cable)

40kg x 10

40kg x 10

40kg x 10

Biceps High One hand cable curl (reps are per hand)

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

Cable Crunch

10kg x 10

10kg x 10

10kg x 10


Thursday 15 February

Lifting Session

Bench Press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

55kg x 3

62.5kg x 3

70kg x 9

Face Pulls

20kg x 15

20kg x 15

20kg x 15

20kg x 15

20kg x 15

Cable Chest Flyes (weight is per hand)

20kg x 11

20kg x 11

20kg x 11

20kg x 11

20kg x 11

Single Arm cable preacher curl (reps are per hand)

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

Single arm reverse triceps pushdown (reps are per hand)

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

Ski Erg

2km 10min 42 sec


Thursday 22 February

Lifting Session

Seated overhead press

20kg x 5

25kg x 5

30kg x 5

37.5kg x 3

42.5kg x 3

47.5kg x 10

These felt better than usual so was pleased with them

Zercher squats

20kg x 5

30kg x 5

40kg x 5

did a quick experiment to get an idea how the movement felt as i think i will add it in in future

One hand cable row (reps are L+r)

30kg x 20

30kg x 20

30kg x 20

30kg x 20

Single arm preacher cable curl (reps are L+R)

20kg x 22

20kg x 22

20kg x 22

20kg x 22

Triceps pushdown straight bar

45kg x 11

45kg x 11

45kg x 11

45kg x 11


Saturday 24th February

BJJ Session

Really good class which was on transitioning between a few different types of pins: side control ; north/south; knee on belly. Worked on drilling keeping it when opponent moved and moving to other position when required to keep the pin.

Was a really really useful class though i did feel it later!


Wednesday 28 February

Karate Session

Good class, did warmups then grading required kihon as usual.

Did a lot of kumite practice, rotating partners. First three unannounced jodan attacks each, then three any level, then jiyu kimute.

Then worked through all katas from Kihon kata to Bassai Dai.

Also good news that the CI told me he would like me to grade for 1st kyu in a fortnight!


Thursday 29 February

Lifting session

Trap bar deadlift

70kg x 5

80kg x 5

90kg x 3

100kg x 5

112.5kg x 3

125kg x 8

These felt good though i need to work on my grip more! last few reps my grip was beginning to give out. could have possibly managed more reps if not for that

Cable flyes (weight is per hand)

25kg x 6

25kg x 6

25kg x 6

25kg x 6

One hand triceps pushdown (reps are L+R)

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

One hand cable preacher curl (reps are L+R)

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

Overall pleased with session. Have had a sore shoulder recently but didn't play up!


Tuesday 5 March

Lifting Session

Bench Press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

50kg x 3

60kg x 5

67.5kg x 5

75kg x 5

These felt smoother than usual which is good! No pain from my irritated shoulder either which also helps!

Machine Standing Horizontal row plate loaded (reps = L+R) weight is per hand

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

KB standing one hand oh press (reps = L+R)

24kg x 8

24kg x 8

24kg x 8

Face pulls

20kg x 25

20kg x 25

20kg x 25

One hand cable biceps curl (reps = L+R)

20kg x 16

20kg x 16

20kg x 16

Triceps rope pushdown

45kg x 8

45kg x 8

45kg x 8

didn't have much time for session so had to squeeze in what i could. Didn't get time to use ski erg unfortunately

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