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Wednesday 24 May

Karate Session

Warm ups

Same as per usual


We did this slightly differently to usual - less combinations but with more emphasis on the shoulder and hip movement for the single techniques. Felt useful.

Foe the kicks my hips appear to gradually be loosening again so i am feeling mawashi geri and yoko geri kekomi less uncomfortable in the hip (mawashi geri was actually hurting a while ago). Soon i should be able to start increasing the height again :)


Multiple run throughs of Tekki Shodan. Also ran through heian Godan and Sandan plus Heian Shodan in Ura which was interesting


Practicing some jiyu ippon kumite drills. Was useful practice. Initially stated attacks then unstated.

Finished with some more kata

Overall good class. Also got confirmation that i will be grading again next mth (in about 3wks) :)

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Good luck with your upcoming test!

Thanks! Think it is in a slightly different location this time but fingers crossed it will all be fine. I try to take the view that all i can control is do my best on the day. Worst case i get direct feedback from an 8th dan on what i need to improve on!


Saturday 27 May

Lifting Session

Back Squat

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

60kg x 3

72.5kg x 5

80kg x 5

90kg x 5

72.5kg x 5

Left knee started to feel a little funny after first backing off set so decided to call it there. Had got main weights done already and no sense risking an injury for additional volume

Standing single arm kb press (total reps = L+R)

20kg x 12

20kg x 12

20kg x 12

Was happy with these as they felt very strict with both arms

KG Swing

24kg x 15

24kg x 15

24kg x 15

These felt smooth and easy. Could have done more reps i think but wanted to stick to the program. Think i will invest in a pair of 28kg ones soon

Rack chins

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

These are gradually increasing nicely and i don't feel like the band is being used much (which is good). Will work up to sets of 10 and then reduce band in case it is doing more than i realise!

Banded triceps pushdowns

11 reps

11 reps

11 reps

11 reps

11 reps

used same band as for the rack chins. Quite liking how this feels

Total poundage : 6580 kg

time : 35min

density : 188 kg/min


Tuesday 30 May

Lifting Session

Bench Press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

47.5kg x 5

55kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

47.5kg x 5

47.5kg x 5

KB Swing

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

These felt smooth still. Will likely order a 28kg soon to continue progression. Really focusing on hip explosion with these.

Rack Chins (with purple band)







Final reps of last two sets were tough but numbers are increasing nicely. Some of the improvements are due to neater form i think

Triceps banded pushdowns

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

25kg x 11

these feel good still

total poundage lifted : 8638 kg

time taken : 43 min

density : 200.9 kg/min

Questions on your squat; are you keeping your knees shoved out, and are you making sure that you aren't causing some knee slide in the bottom by "bouncing?"

Am making a conscious effort to push knees out so i don't think it is that. Think i am being relatively smooth and not bouncing but it can be hard to tell sometimes - i might take a video and watch it back.

Am also hoping it was just a one off as haven't had it on other sessions - better to be safe than sorry though!


Wednesday 31 May

Karate Session

Warm ups

Usual Warm ups


Usual grading required kihon. My hips are really feeling so much better on the kicks. I'm wondering if it is the higher rep kb swings i have been doing a few times a week that have helped - i have been focusing on hip explosion with them and things aren't feeling as tight (in a good way!)


Ran through Heian Yondan, Heian Godan Heian Shodan and Tekki Shodan. All seemed ok. Only comment was to slightly narrow my kiba-dachi stance which i will try to do going forwards


Ran through the grading required ippon kumite with one of the 3rd Dans. All seemed to go fine.

Got good feedback from the instructor at the end that he had basically made a point of giving me all my grading required items and that they all looked fine so should be good to go for in a fortnight :)


Saturday 3rd June

Lifting Session

Trap Bar Deadlift

70kg x 5

80kg x 5

90kg x 5

102.5kg x 5

117.5kg x 5

Bench Press

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

50kg x 10

Rack Chins

7 reps

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

6 reps

Triceps Banded Pushdowns

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

25kg x 12

Rear delt banded pull apart

12.5kg x 10

12.5kg x 10

12.5kg x 10

New exercise this one. Holding a band with arms straight out in front and pulling each arm out to side, straight arm, like with a rear delt raise

total poundage : 9375 kg

time taken : 39min

density : 240.4 kg/min


Tuesday 6 June

Lifting Session

Seated overhead press

20kg x 5

25kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

37.5kg x 5

42.5kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

KB swings

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

Rack chins

7 reps

7 reps

6 reps

going to video my form on these and double check. Felt like i might have been slightly too horizontal for final few reps

Triceps banded pushdowns

25kg x 13 reps

25kg x 13 reps

25kg x 13 reps

rear delt banded pull apart

12.5kg x 10

12.5kg x 10

12.5kg x 10

12.5kg x 10

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