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Saturday 22 April

Lifting Session


20kg x 5

40kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

72.5kg x 5

80kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

62.5kg x 5

Amusingly i tore the back of my tracksuit bottoms on second set of squats - thankfully i lift in the garage so i wa able to continue but was mildly amusing and slightly offputting and i could feel it get worse with every set!

Standing one arm kb press

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

KB Swing

24kg x 10

24kg x 10

24kg x 10

24kg x 10

24kg x 10

KB Rear Delt Flies (weight is per hand weight)

4kg x 10

4kg x 10

4kg x 10

Uses KB for the additional forearm work of holding it out straight

Hip flexor lifts

8kg x 12 (6 per leg)

This felt uncomfortable as could barely fit the end of my shoe into the kb handle. I have been considering getting some bands and this might be a good reason to do so. Trying to work hard on strengthening my hip flexors to aid with kick height

Total poundage : 5473.5kg

time taken : 35min

density : 156.4 kg/min

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That's rough when you tear out a pair of workout pants!

I decided to look on the positive side - i was actively trying to sit back more in my squat and i must have managed it!


Monday 24 April

Karate Session

Warm Ups

Same as per usual


Grade kihon and also a particular focus on kicks. We were working combinations that should be useful for kumite mainly too


Ran through Bassai-Dai again. Don't need to know it yet for grading but the sensei is taking me through it regularly now which is a good starter for when i need to start doing it in anger

Did several more run throughs of Tekki Shodan too - seems to be of a tolerable standard at least!

working hard at my hip positioning in stances and also my front foot in zenkutsu dachi. i think i have been sometimes allowing my knee to collapse inwards slightly by putting too much weight on inner part of foot. Working hard at adjusting it a little


Tuesday 25 April

Lifting Session

Bench Press

20kg x 5

40kg x 5

50kg x 5

57.5kg x 5

65kg x 5

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

50kg x 5

These were smooth and easy. I have widened my grip again as i realised that i have inadvertantly been close grip benching all the time really. Weight feels light but that is good as am building up volume and reducing rest periods. Doing as a superset with 60sec between each paired set

KB Swing

24kg x 11

24kg x 11

24kg x 11

24kg x 11

24kg x 11

KB Gorilla Row (L + R = total)

24kg x 14

24kg x 14

24kg x 14

24kg x 14

24kg x 14

Front squat

40kg x 6

40kg x 6

40kg x 6

these are gradually feeling smoother. will keep gradually building them up a rep a week until i get to 5 x 10

E-Z bar curl

32.5kg x 6

32.5kg x 6

32.5kg x 6

total poundage lifted : 6717.5 kg

time taken : 34 min

density : 197.6 kg/min


Wednesday 26 April

Karate Session

Warm ups

Standard warm ups though we did also add in some laps of the hall which we don't usually do


Usual grade kihon. As is now becoming common i performed mine and also then the grade up too. Is good practice :)


Multiple rounds of Tekki Shodan. Good practice again. Couple of minor points to work on but was told that it is good currently (or at least tolerable i think) which is good


We did a reasonable amount of kumite practice this session. Mainly in trios; 1 in the middle and two either side working jiyu ippon kumite. Stated attacks first then majority unstated

Overall a good class


Saturday 29 April

Lifting Session

Trap Bar Deadlift

70kg x 5

77.5kg x 5

92.5kg x 5

105kg x 5

120kg x 5

92.5kg x 5

92.5kg x 5

92.5kg x 5

Incline Bench Press

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

47.5kg x 10

Single Arm Triceps extension

8kg x 24

8kg x 24

8kg x 24

Total poundage lifted : 8088.5

time taken : 37min

density : 218.6 kg/min


Monday 1st May

Karate Session

Warm ups

Same as per usual


Ran through grading required kihon. Lots of emphasis placed today on proper hikite and using kime on every technique.

Kicks are slowly feeling more fluid, hips seem to be loosening up again which is good!


Few run throughs of Tekki Shodan with a couple of minor points (lower my 'cup and saucer hands' by about an inch or so). then a few run throughs of Bassai Dai again

Overall a good class


Wednesday 3 May

Lifting Session

Crazily busy week today so tried to get in a quick lunchtime session

Seated Overhead Press

20kg x 5

25kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

37.5kg x 5

42.5kg x 5

32.5kg x 5

Truncated this a little as was short on time

Gorilla Row (total reps = L + R)

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

24kg x 16

These still feel good though the handle on my kb's are really thick. Thinking of picking up some 28's but ideally with a narrower handle

Goblet Squat

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

20kg x 10

These felt smooth and really easy (which is good!)

Band assisted rack chins




all with purple band which is between 18-30kg of tension. Didnt ever stretch it anywhere near the max so was a minimal help at bottom of rep which was good. Also did a few reps of pull up grip (5) to see if that was the same

Want to add this exercise in a lot more going forwards as need to do more vertical pulling like chins. Saw this setup idea online and managed it (just) in my squat rack: bar on top peg, me hanging from it with band, legs lifted up onto bench. Need to do that of i would be on the floor for a lot of the rep otherwise, the legs on bench thing reduces the height needed a lot!

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