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What does your warmup consist of?


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So I’m at a week long training course for Krav Maga with some kickboxing intertwined. My body seems to be very injury prone and has been for about the last decade. A re-occurring neck injury forced me to give up BJJ because it just wouldn’t stop getting triggered. What hurt it yesterday was shadow boxing. Light shadow boxing. Then, what set it off and made me leave class, was having the audacity to look left at my training partner when he said something to me.

As it seems, I’m the kind of person (at 26 years old) that has to warm up, for the warm up. It’s the most discouraging thing I’ve experienced. Some of you may have noticed in previous posts of mine that I’m actually a yoga teacher, and I help other people deal with this problem all the time. But I’m starting to think that my knowledge on yoga may not be best for my own body. I mean, I’ve never met anyone who had to tap out of class because they got injured at the beginning of the warm up.

Can you share what a warmup looks like for you?

Things that you make sure to do?

Things that you make sure to avoid?

I’m looking for as many points of view as I can find. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated!

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As someone that is pressing 60 very hard (with a birthday rapidly approaching), the combination of living a very "stupid" younger life and acquired health issues makes it difficult for me physically at times.

I don't know if my personal warmups or the like would be of much good to you. It basically consists of a number of fang song gung (放松功) exercises.

But, what strikes me is that you are 26 and indicating (if I am readying you correctly) that you have been having these types of issues since you were 16. Now, I am not a doctor of any kind. Nor do I play one on TV. But, at your age and the duration of you having issues screams to me that you have something that is going to require MUCH more than just a different warmup. A warmup is just to "get the juices flowing". What you are describing, to me, is being in need of major corrective steps.

You reference turning your head to look at a training partner. Does that mean you are having issues with your neck? If so, is it just the neck or other parts of your back and/or body?

It may take a while to find the right person or people, but I would highly recommend looking for a good chiropractor as well as someone who can help with movement, structure and mobility.

I'll save you that long drawn out story, but a few years back I had an issue around the shoulder blade of my right side. Incredible pain...constant and ongoing. No mobility and, no matter what I did, no relief. I ended up going to a chiropractor who also did what was called MAT or Muscle Activation Technique. ONE treatment and I felt like a new person. Literally ONE. But, I have to tell you, it is PAINFUL. Literally, this man made me cry it hurt so bad while he was doing it. In this case, the muscles and fascia were all bound up and meshed into a glob that had to be, more or less, separated. The easiest way to say it is that I had to take my right arm through a very wide range of motion (repeatedly) while the doc used his thumb to inflict toe curling pressure and pain in conjunction with the movement. Worth it? 100% it was worth it. To this day, because of old physical injuries...I do NOT recommend going forehead first through the windshield of a car...I still see someone who works with me on pain management, mobility and range of motion. That along with the occasional chiropractic adjustment thrown in as needed.

The other thing that helps me tremendously has been zhan zhuang gong (站桩功) or standing stake work. This work trains your entire body to be in the correct posture and alignment. It might be something for you to look into, but it is not a "quick fix". It takes a while to "get it" on the physical level. But, it will help your martial arts as well as your yoga in addition to just general well being.

Lastly, I can tell you that one of the best purchases I have made in recent memory has been an impact therapy or massage gun. Something does not feel quite right or is causing me some issue...I put the gun on it for a bit with the correct attachment for the area and/or muscle group. Something like this may help you in the short term as a warmup to your warmup. But honestly, I really think you need to look to more major corrective work for what you are describing...especially at your age.

I hope that is of some help to you.

For me bujutsu is not a set of techniques, but a state of the body. Once the principles are integrated, the techniques surge spontaneously because the body is capable of adapting instantaneously.

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  • 1 month later...

Note: We just noticed that this thread had a blank title because of a glitch with the forum software. Sorry about that! I have fixed it now, which should make it accessible to more members, and I wanted to bring it back up. Thank you for your patience!

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Stretching is paramount to my warm-up because I'll be 65 years old this October, and ones body gets stiff as one grows older. However, some stretches have to be modified due to some of my physical limitations. Stretching is first and foremost in any of my warm-ups; nothing happens until then.

Because I can't afford any setbacks, even the tiniest, so for the most daily warm-ups, I usually do these as well...

*Marching in place while swinging your arms

*Jumping jacks

*Walking jacks

*Arm circles and shoulder shrugs

*Pushing a Sled

*Swinging toe touches

*Leg swings (forward)

*Leg swings (side to side)

*Hip rotations (like stepping over a fence)

*Hip circles (like you’re hula hooping)

*Bodyweight squats



*Hip extensions

My warm-ups have changed somewhat due to medical/physical reasons. But the one thing that has never changed with my warm-ups is doing all Kata's in our style, both regular speed and slow speed. That's because I value what they bring to my MA betterment as well as to my cardio.

Saturday....12 laps in the Gyms swimming pool


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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training starts off with light cardio such as running in place, jumping jacks, push-ups, then to stretching, starting at the head/neck and working down to the feet. then leg stretching, side to side. bent over stretches, american and chinese splits.( as far you can go).wall stretches, etc... then into a few minutes of basic punches and kicks from left and right fighting positions. then into a more intense training with body shields or whatever the class may be for that session. start light and build up the intensity.

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  • 11 months later...

Oo this thread hit home for me. I’m in my 30’s now and first beginning to notice that my own warmup needs have grown. I’ve pulled enough muscles to know I can’t just jump into exercise anymore.

Luckily, Goju-ryu has a pretty thorough set of traditional warmups called Junbi Undo– something which seems normal nowadays but was probably revolutionary when it was introduced a hundred years ago. Michael Clarke has a good description of them in his book The Art of Hojo Undo, but you can probably find a complete list on the internet.

I don’t do all the exercises every time I train, but I like to start at the feet and work upwards to warm up each joint in succession. Gripping the floor with your toes and releasing, rocking from the ball of the foot to the heel, the outside edge to the inside edge, ankle circles, knee circles, hip circles, shoulder circles are pretty standard. I have been in a few classes where this warm up phase takes 30 minutes to an hour. For me, at least 10 minutes is probably the right range.

Fitness classes and exercise DVD’s almost never warm me up properly. I’ve found doing a 10-minute warm up on my own before jumping into the workout, even if they have a ‘warm up’, works for me.

“Studying karate nowadays is like walking in the dark without a lantern.” Chojun Miyagi (attributed)



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Just saw this come up and it reminded me of some issues my brother had where yoga actually made the issues worse! When he got it looked into properly by medical professionals they said that he had unusually flexible joints etc and that the yoga was making this worth and leading to instability.

He was advised to quit yoga and take up some other exercises and actually to stretch less etc!

If you haven't already though i would echo the suggestions to go and see a medical professional - 26 is quite young to be getting issues like you describe (without a clear cause like being in an accident etc).

Good luck!!

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