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Who would you be...without Karate!

Himokiri Karate

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The short answer for that is probably dead, seriously ill or in some kind of correctional facility.

Are you talking about Karate giving you a career path and lifestyle or is this in respect to channeling rage and anger to karate?

[quote name="sensei8"]I'd be on a long walk on a very short pier without Karate/MA. It's been my life literally ever since I was 7 years old; without the MA I'm not complete in my totality. It's all I've ever done.

What do you mean?

I have never heard this expression ever in my life and yet it sounds interesting but I wish to know what it means. :)

My intent is to not imply what this idiomatic expression might imply. What this expression addresses is this...

"Go away and leave me alone. What you are doing or saying is really irritating."

My use of this idiomatic phrase isn't as drastic or the like. What I'm simply saying is that Karate/MA has helped me to become grounded in my life. Without the compass that the MA provides me, I'd have taking a long walk on a short pier which more than likely would've just lead me in circles.

Perhaps I might've meant this more appropriately...

"You know what they call a leader with no followers? Just a guy taking a walk."

Either way, my life would've been far differently; as Robert Frost penned once...

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—


I took the one less traveled by,


And that has made all the difference."

I googled the term and it got many different answers. Thank you for clarifying. I agree with you and of course many martial artist must feel the same.

I notice one thing about karate when compared to boxing. Karate gives a person life. Not just the ability to defend but also it allows the instructor to make a living and to create a community. Boxing is beautiful in terms of technique but historically, it had the heir of exclusivity and it attracted negative elements. Its gotten better in some gyms but it can be a breeding ground for toxic behavior due to the goal being about fame and glory. Sadly, lots of ex fighters end up in a rough place.

Karate on the other hand does offer stability and lifestyle that is more holistic. Going back to what you mentioned, I understand, an art form is not just self defense but also having a purpose in various aspects of life. A light in the darkness that guides an individual in a better place.

It begins with the knowledge that the severity of a strikes impact is amplified by a smaller surface area.

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  • 2 months later...
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It's interesiting to read about karate having more of a structure to it than boxing. I never considered myself a good fit for boxing in the first place and I find boxing a bit boring too.

I relate to karate being an outlet and helping deal with impulsive behaviour, especially rage.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd certainly be way out of shape, heavier than I need to be, and very frustrated. I have made some of my best friends in the dojo and I would have missed out on the experiences that they brought into my life.

I would be dealing with a lot of stress from work that training keeps from building up. Knowing that I can deal with stress, physical pain and difficulty have made dealing with issues in my personal life much easier. I have survived this, what can the guy on the phone or or this supervisor of mine really do to harm me with some words?

My experience with karate in particular as a style, with the politics and petty issues, I have survived. It hasn't always been great. Being that I've basically been on my own with very minimal supervision outside of some discussions and short days of training, have kept me away from all those issues.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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Without Karate depression probably would have effected me a lot worse and would possibly have a lot of angry issues too. I very much doubt I would be particularly social either.

To start with I done Karate from the age of 5, so it didn't really mean a lot to me then, after some childhood family issues I appreciated karate for what it could do for me mentally, and karate became a family, support group and a sense of achievement during some very important years as a teenager.

It became an outlet for when I was feeling frustrated or low and I can't imagine what life would be like without karate...

Ashley Aldworth

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  • 6 months later...

God I don’t even want to think about that.

I was a total cry baby with no self confidence or self esteem when I started training.

I likely never would have felt I’d be a good fit for security work without karate

I’d have likely never joined the navy without karate

I’d likely be much worse off in life without karate unless I had gotten into a different style.

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Lions Den,

How true your statements are! not only did my body become way more fit and I became more confident. I had a purpose and a goal. I began to notice my friends didnt have a true passion and now I always use my time wisely and am a more positive person. I stopped watching so much Tv and sending meaningless emails and have more quest for knowledge. I can't imagine what would have happened to my mental during this pandemic as well! :brow:

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