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[KF20] KarateForums.com is Turning 20! Share Your Stories

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Hey all,

On May 21, KarateForums.com will turn 20 years old. This is an incredible milestone. It is rare that an online community exists, consecutively, for this long. We've been fortunate, as a community, to have so many amazing members over the years.

As we cruise toward May 21, we have a number of things planned as part of what will be a lowkey, intimate celebration. We'd like to start with this thread!

I'd love to hear your stories about how KarateForums.com has impacted you. How members within this community have helped you or made something better or added enjoyment to your life. What stands out to you? It would be so great to hear your stories, and I know that I and others would love to read them!

This is a special place, and it is your experiences and stories that illustrate why that is.

Thank you,


Edited by Patrick
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Wow, 20 years! What a milestone for this great community!

And I do mean great. I signed up March 31, 2006. Fifteen years with KF, and I wish I could have been there from the beginning!

When I first found KF, I was actually looking for martial arts chat rooms. I didn't find anything like a chat room that satisfied what I wanted, but I did find KF. And what a gem I had found! The contributors were great; martial artists of all kinds of different levels of experience and backgrounds, sharing their knowledge with each other in such a positive manner, even if they did disagree here and there. I found a place where I could share my own thoughts and experiences with a myriad of other like-minded individuals who were more than happy to offer up their own thoughts and experiences on the subject matter at hand. With so many helpful and passionate members, it's hard to go wrong. Over the years, I've received so much great advice, critiques, and suggestions from some great martial artists, and I have done my level best to offer the same in return. I think above all else, KF has provided me with a positive atmosphere in which I've been able share my many musings on the martial arts over the course of my journey. At this point in my life, I can't imagine not being on my MA journey. Echoing that, I now can't imagine being on my MA journey with having KF alongside it.

Of all the postings and articles I've had the privilege to contribute to KF, the most rewarding circumstances that have come from my time here were the chances when I got to meet Patrick in Kansas City and when Bob, better known as sensei8, came to my hometown to meet and train with me for three days. Those are moments I'll cherish forever.

Congratulations to Patrick especially for providing and maintaining such a great community for 20 years, and to those members who came before me and laid such a great foundation for the atmosphere and character of this community. Here's looking to the next 20!

:karate: :bowofrespect: :karate:

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I came here on 8/31/2005, my mother's birthday. I was 15, stupid, and roughly 2 1/2 - 3 years into my MA journey. I sometimes look back at the posts and cringe. Having reminders of the kind of person I was a teenager is rough. I remember a lot of posts being removed because I was an edgy boy trying to be dominate. I've mellowed out a lot since then. At 30, it's hard to imagine the kid that joined KF, but I'm glad that he did.

The things that I remember the most are learning about stretching and health from the pages of this forum. I remember being asked to be part of the mod team, which was and remains a huge honor. I remember having to give it up to focus on school and be successful, which was harrowing. Throughout that time, the biggest impact on me was the supportive environment that Patrick and the mod team tirelessly creates. A lot of what I remember is how supportive people are here, even at a disagreement. The people here are committed to creating a good dialogue. I'll always be grateful.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I signed up here in 2003,and while I don't post a lot, I do read a lot of the posts. It's so great getting different points of a view in the martial arts world. There are no egos here it's very nice. Here's to another 20!

Teachers are always learning

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Not sure how long I've been here. Not posting much as I don't have a lot to say really, just been enjoying my MA journey and having great people here that I can sound ideas and opinions off has been great. Highlight has been finally meeting Sensei8, Bob and his lovely wife, I hope me visit with them again and maybe even train if Bob was to invite me1 Also shout out to JR, who has been on a similar journey to my own within Seido karate, big thanks to him for being a great listener! Osu (to those that use it!) and Arigato to those who do not!

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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Thank you so much for sharing these stories, Brian, John, The Pred, and Bulltahr! It was really amazing to read them.

I appreciate the kind words, but all 4 of you have impacted so many people with your posts here, yourselves, and have helped make the community what it is! :)


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20 years is indeed a milestone, and can't be anything less than landmark; one I'm so proud to be part of.

Joined: 23 Feb 2008

I've never ever once looked back in any regrets whatsoever. My beginnings here at KF were almost my endings. I've been very fortunate to have exchanged many things here at KF with many outstanding KF members. I've tried my very best to be that transparent with everyone, and not just here at KF; this is just how I am.

KF came to me at a time when I needed it the most. I had been part of the SKKA hierarchy for quite some time, when Brain, bushido_man96, invited me to give KF a try. I did, just that because I saw KF as a place that I desperately needed to be a part of.

You see, life is so lonely when you're part of the SKKA hierarchy, no matter how many are in the Student Body, and no matter how close I am to Soke and Dai-Soke. Egg shells can replace security in a heartbeat, whether one wants it to or not. The SKKA WAS everything to me in every shape, way, and/or form. However, the SKKA bubble is a very fragile thing, as is every MA Governing Body because ones own heart is often used as a stepping stone to the next rung in the hierarchy, and the SKKA was no exception. I was once the Kaicho, President, of the SKKA, the highest administrative position, and I can tell you without any reservation, that that position is the loneliest of them all.

I climbed up the hierarchy slowly but surely, but that fragile bubble remained as a daily pressure cooker. I thought the bubble would pop at anytime, and sooner than later. Nonetheless, that proverbial needle never relaxed, but instead, day after day, that needle was going to burst the SKKA bubble.

Then KF quickly became that escape from the SKKA bubble. I once again could breathe in and out painlessly, and not hyperventilating. So. I kept coming back, and I still keep coming back to KF because KF and its members are that proof that is on the floor, and I need them, more than they need me. Patrick exercised mentoring me for some reason, of which, I will never take his friendship, understanding, and leadership lightly. Neither would I take lightly that which the KF Staff has given me. Thank you all!!

I have many KF members to thank in every shape, way, and/or form for all that you've each given to me. Some to the point, and some not so much to the point, but either way, I need that frankness daily. Brian, bushido_man96, became one of my closest friends here and away from KF; I own him a thanks that I might not be able to ever repay. Thank you, Brian!! We trained once, wish we had trained together more because Brian's a very solid MAist through and through!! I was able to have lunch with Ken, Bulltahr, and my wife, and we talked MA shop, and other things, as well!! Thank you, Ken!!

I've enjoyed far more than I haven't while being here at KF, and God willing, I pray that I can enjoy even more here at KF, in any shape, way, and/or form. I'm no one special, just Bob who loves his family, yes, KF and it's members are part of my family, tries to do his best, and loves the MA with all of his heart and soul.

Congrats KF for 20 years, and here's to 20 more years, God willing. Thank you all...I love you all!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I can't believe I've been on here this long! (really because I can't believe I'm as old as I am!) 😂

I started posting on here while I was a missionary out on the Navajo Reservation. I was only about a year back into martial arts when I went out there. I was unable to attend classes in person (I lived on the reservation in the middle of nowhere) and so I spent the entire two years just posting on here and practicing on my own. When I went home and went back to my school they promoted me my first night back, despite not having been to class in two years! This forum kept me motivated to keep practicing and growing and to keep up with the martial arts community during a time I was fairly lonely and alone living 2,000 miles from home in the middle of the desert.

Since then you all have been a big motivation to keep training! I know I'm not able to train right now, but I am going to be moving to Naples, FL mid-July and I plan on looking for a school down there to start up again-- most likely in a brand new style. It'll be fun to be a beginner again and I'm sure I'll be needing your help!

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