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Time to clear the misinformation. Creatine DOES NOT cause kidney disease. The waste products that your body produces as it processes your natural supply of creatine will be elevated due to creatine supplementation. To a doctor who is inexperienced in athletic medicine, this can APPEAR to be kidney disease. The load phase for creatine monohydrate IS necessary UNLESS you also use an insulin potentiator (mimics insulin) such as alpha lipoic acid or vanadyl sulphate. Cell-Tech is in all actuality a very good product. The marketing campaign that Muscle-Tech uses is the reason for the high prices. If you don't use an IP with your creatine, take it with a simple sugar as creatine is insulin driven. I could give you all the info on exactly how this all works, but it's a bit long winded. If anyone needs an explanation of exact dosage schedules and cycles, I'd be happy to help, just email me and I'll go over it with you. In fact, I'll be starting a thread to this effect. Creatine is safe, long term studies HAVE been done (columbia university). And you don't get acne. You will, however, retain water. Drink more.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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  • 2 weeks later...
The_Ryno, I agree that it does not cause kidney disease and that it should be taken with a simple sugar, ( thats why most will recomend mixing it with grape juice). but the load phase is not necessary, 2 to 3 tsp per day is all that is nec. (all the load phase does is gaurantee a sale of a second bottle within a week for the manufacturer) I will also have to dis-agree with your statement that it wont cause acne. in some ppl it will cause acne, though it's not usually facial. it will most commonly appear on the backs of the upper arms. it can also cause severe diahrea if too much is taken at one time. all of these symptoms will stop once the dosages are corrected.
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Crash, in many cases, a load phase isn't neccesary, but for the majority of the meat eating population, a load phase makes a very large difference. As for the acne, I'm sure you've noticed that this occurs almost exclusively in men. The reason for this is not creatine exactly. Creatine increases strength output. Anytime you lift heavier, or more intensely, your body will have to assimilate more protein in order to compensate and build more muscle mass. The hormone required for increased protein synthesis is testosterone. That's what causes the acne. Take a look at someone you KNOW is using steroids. You'll see the same acne, only more severe.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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yep exactly right, ppl on roids will have bad rashes on there backs if u look closely they are actually pimple rashes.


i take a mega creatine, which does not need a loading stage, and i also take tribulus which naturally increases testosterone levels, and to tell you the truth i havent had any problems with pimples. if anything, because i am drinking alot more water for the creatine supplement, my face is perfectly clear now.

-= To truly be immortal, you must be ready to face death. =-

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  • 2 weeks later...

It for people who are looking for an extra boost. To do a few more reps.


You are born with everything you need. Just eat right and work hard. Save your money and buy your mom somethhing nice this mother's day.


I agree with Blue.


When I was younger (18) I used creatine and it worked. But was it worth the money - IMO no. I'd rather mentally push myself harder than take some powder mixed with my grape juice (How I took it.)


Hard Work Builds Charatcer.

"Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft." - Pres. Theodore Roosevelt

"You don't have to like it, you just have to do it." - Captain Richard Marcinko, USN, Ret.

"Do more than what is required of you." - General George S. Patton

"If you have to step on someone else to stand tall, then you truely are a small person." - ?

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Thanks jmy77 .. i thought i was going to get flamed for that remark. In my opinion, martial arts, physical activity ( working out and such ) is a very honest thing. You cant fool yourself into doing more than it's possible for your body to do. The satisfaction i derive from working out, from pushing myself harder, doing the extra reps and then being able to look in the mirror and think highly of myself - is a very pure thing. I dont work out for anyone else, i think any sort of enhancer is dishonest..like lying to yourself.
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i think any sort of enhancer is dishonest..like lying to yourself.
First of all let me make it clear that my intent is not to flame. However, that statement makes it clear that you have no intention of doing any type of competition other than maybe (and I stress maybe) point fighting. Putting things into your diet that you otherwise wouldn't get isn't being dishonest. It's being intelligent. Do you want to get the most out of your training? Supplement. Do you want to spend twice as long recovering? If not, supplement. While I respect the ethic that you express, that training is pure, and your love for pushing yourself harder, I rather resent the implication that those of us who do use supplements are cheating ourselves or anyone else.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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