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KarateForums.com Turns 19 and a Half Years Old!

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Today marks the 19 and a ½ year anniversary of the launch of KarateForums.com. Patrick has asked me to address the community, as a senior member of the staff. I see this as a great honor and a privilege to be able to address this great community on this day! Being online for 19 and a ½ years is quite the milestone, and it brings to my mind one of the most important qualities all martial artists must accept: Proof is on the floor.

February 23, 2008

That's the date that I joined KarateForums.com; I've never looked back to that moment with any regret, whatsoever. I have Brian, bushido_man96, to thank for that moment, and without his tenacity in bringing KarateForums.com to my mind, I might've never kicked open these unknown doors.

Like a shooting star that streaks across the nighttime sky, and then fizzles away before it's too late to appreciate just what might've been, I, too, during my very early days here at KF, nearly disappeared in a blink.

But, if not for the interventions of Patrick, and of his staff way back then, I wouldn't be here today to have this distinctive honor to speak about KF, its staff, and its countless members. Thank you, everyone, for opening up my eyes some 12 years ago.

KarateForums.com quickly became that safe haven for me to escape from the closed bubble known as Shindokan Saitou-ryu; but more importantly, the SKKA, the martial art and governing body that I've trained in for these past 56 years, thus far. However, eating, sleeping, breathing, and drinking Shindokan for those 5.6 decades has been my deepest and sincerest privilege, especially under the watchful eyes of our taskmasters Soke Saitou and Dai-Soke Takahashi.

Bubbles stand up against the forces of nature and, oftentimes, the bubble surrenders to the unyielding pressures brought up against it. Albeit, the pressures of being part of the SKKA hierarchy for nearly 30 years, a pressure release valve was needed quite desperately... KarateForums.com was, and still is, that escape vent.

I came to not only need that escape from the SKKA, I depended on that release back then, and still do now, from all that KarateForums.com could only provide me away from that bubble.

As I battle against a new personal challenge, KarateForums.com as well as its members stand toe-to-toe with me as I fight this that is within me. Their compassionate support as well as their words of comfort mean everything to me, and these aren't idle words, for I mean them with all of my heart and soul. This too is the means of what "the proof is on the floor" means within the gates of KarateForums.com; no one is alone and no one stands alone. Not with family, and KarateForums.com is family.

A plethora of knowledge and experience, in and out, as well as away from the martial arts, seeps from the pores of each and every KarateForums.com member. Their topics constantly challenge all of us, as we are so willingly passionate with each other to engage from one conversation to another. This helps each member to find that which they either seek for and/or that which they desire to share which they're so very heartfelt about, whether it be about the martial arts and/or the world outside of the martial arts. Everyone is always welcomed with open arms.

These expressions that I gladly speak towards here are the areas where KF excels. Proof is on the floor. Time and time again, KF has exhibited that particular thing with unwavering distinctions.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you. Happy 19 and a ½ years to KarateForums.com.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Another half-birthday for KF! How wonderful!

KF is proof that a warm, fostering, constructive community can be built and maintained on the internet. Bob, your words encapsulate the greatest traits of KF. Thank you for sharing them.

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Thanks for that piece from the heart Bob, it is indeed a rare beast in 2020, that does not lower itself into personal attacks, ego and crude language, especially a forum that discusses martial arts!

Thank you Patrick for providing us with this pleasant corner of the internet, a bit of a refuge from the mad world out there, somewhere where we can discuss pretty much anything martial arts related, without fear of ridicule or abuse. Big thanks also to the staff and Moderators, a bit of a thankless task at times, so I'm thanking you now!

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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I have only been on the forums for a short time, but I really enjoy it and the discussions with everyone here. Congratulations for 19 1/2 years!!!!

Karate no Michi! :karate:

Godan in Ryukyu Kempo

Head of the Shubu Kan Dojo in Watertown, NY

(United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance)

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Thank you for addressing the community, Bob! I'm grateful for all of your contributions over the years, and I am so glad that this community can be part of your support system in your fight against cancer.

The kind words about this community mean a lot, Brian, Colin, and Fat Cobra. I really appreciate it, and thanks for making it that way through your posts here.


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