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Help! Student conducting research

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Hello all,

I am a student at Denison University who has been conducting research with my advisor for the past year and a half on the impact of martial arts practice on interpersonal conflict, intrapersonal conflict, and perceptions of violence and emotion. Basically, I am trying to put some hard numbers and data behind what many believe to be central traits that are developed through the practice of martial arts. I am hoping to get a peer-reviewed article published about this, but desperately need more data. Would anyone on here be willing to fill out the attached survey and email to me?

It would be greatly appreciated. I am currently at around 30 data points but would really like to have around 100 for a good data set.

My email is gaumer_p1@denison.edu and the survey is located at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H3NQFgN7R6yOMJeVYsl58M5Yb-9yh3fX/view?usp=sharing

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Thanks for sharing your questionnaire, some of the information feels a bit vague. Especially in relation to ones education; as many countries don’t use the term College but instead use University.

In a way I feel like it could have been done electronically, so people can do it whereever they are and not having to spend time editing on Adobe.

Also there is a spelling error in how you spelt Aikido; as you wrote “Aekido”

And may be worth adding or clarifying question 8 on page 9. As you could have some errors in responses, when people won’t understand or know where they fall.

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I'd worry about the validity of such a study...

1) Having folks self-select to do the survey makes it invalid. Ideally, you should be looking for a more random way to select people to participate.

2) This is the internet. There's no way to prove that I, or anyone else on this forum has the necessary experience in the martial arts.

5th Geup Jidokwan Tae Kwon Do/Hap Ki Do

(Never officially tested in aikido, iaido or kendo)

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Thanks for sharing your questionnaire, some of the information feels a bit vague. Especially in relation to ones education; as many countries don’t use the term College but instead use University.

In a way I feel like it could have been done electronically, so people can do it whereever they are and not having to spend time editing on Adobe.

Also there is a spelling error in how you spelt Aikido; as you wrote “Aekido”

And may be worth adding or clarifying question 8 on page 9. As you could have some errors in responses, when people won’t understand or know where they fall.

This is true, but the two are fairly synonymous in the US. :-)

5th Geup Jidokwan Tae Kwon Do/Hap Ki Do

(Never officially tested in aikido, iaido or kendo)

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This is not intended as a service promotion, but Survey Monkey is free and easy to use for surveys. I have used it before, and have not financial or other interest in it. One aspect that might be interesting to study is the participation rates in contact sports (football, martial arts, boxing, wrestling, etc.) and the peoples' ability to handle a physical confrontation with a minimum use of force. I don't think there is much hard research on this topic and it is becoming more relevant in society today (ie. use of force in Law Enforcement or by civilians).

"Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know." ~ Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

"Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger threatens." ~ Jigaro Kano

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I have seen these "surveys" before.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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I'd worry about the validity of such a study...

1) Having folks self-select to do the survey makes it invalid. Ideally, you should be looking for a more random way to select people to participate.

2) This is the internet. There's no way to prove that I, or anyone else on this forum has the necessary experience in the martial arts.

To the bold type above...

Ouch, but how so true!! Proof is on the floor!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Indeed, the floor. Maybe that is where the survey should be conducted if it is to be considered of value to any research. It would be much more likely to obtain reliable information than asking random strangers online, who may may not be as involved in the martial arts as they say. It may be old fashioned, but a little elbow grease and a good pair of shoes goes a long way in doing any kind of serious field research.

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