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2018 New Year’s MA Resolutions

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Seeing 2018 is drawing to a close, thought I'd resurrect this thread.

Did everyone accomplish what they wanted to this year?

Happy New Year all

I've two... one small and one not so small:

1. Get back to the gym and be more structured with my training

2. Start my own club

For me I completed number 2 but in the process I think number 1 fell by the wayside :lol:

After much jumping through hoops I finally started my own club in partnership with my long-term training partner, my younger sister. Classes started September and we're now running 6 classes over 3 days a week and have 32 students on the books. My own training has fallen off a little bit though as I have even less time to train myself though it is good to have to focus on all the beginner syllabus again.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Seeing that I'll have Afib for the rest of my life...

1. Continue to teach

2. Continue to train

3. Continue to put the Student Body of the SKKA first

Yeah, my 2018 New Years resolutions weren't all that difficult; all 3 resolutions were reached with a great big yawn, yet important to some degree.

Here's to 2019!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Since no one else started it, I figured I would...

1. Earn 1st kyu.

2. Minimum 2x per week with my BOB XL

3. Increase leg and hip flexibility

Accomplished 1 and 3. 2, well, not consistently as I’d like to have, so it’s a no.

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1. Actually take that sandan exam that I've been dodging for the past ....6 years

Yes, I did it! :)

I had four unexpected curve-balls:

1. I tore my rotator cuff in a sumo tournament about 4 months before the test so I had to do some quick physio to get back into shape.

2. The testing facility was actually at a really high elevation, which made everything super interesting with my asthma, but no attack, so all was well.

3. I had to spar my male senpai testing for 5-dan in the kumite section of the exam.

4. Only Ueki himself (head of the JKA) administered my test.

Somehow it all worked out. Now I am just working on looking consistently like a sandan, not lapsing into nidan-level training when I'm tired. haha! :lol:

"My work itself is my best signature."

-Kawai Kanjiro

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1. Get my hips assessed, diagnosed and repaired (if possible).

2. More sparring

3. Continue to support my club in anyway I can

1. Replace repaired with manage, still working on that one

2. For sure I have moved forward with my skill set there, still novice tho...

3. Supporting big time, especially after the passing of our club founder, plenty of politics to navigate............

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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Add more variety to my training methods by making them more unorthodox, creative, interesting and challenging.

Do more types of training that I need to do but don't like to do and learn to like them.

Try harder, train smarter, be more professional and more focused on improving performance.

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