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SoKyokushin Belt Rank - Which side?


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Cheers!! I have been trying to search online, but alas have not found anything firm and concrete. I wanna be able to do thing properly when I reach 9th kyu. Where do you put the stripe of the belt. Left or right? Thank you in advance.

Don't let your belt represent you, but represent the belt.

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Your instructor didn't do that for you?

Have not reached that point yet, since don’t have stripe yet. I also think Sensie gives me too much credit as being too observant and thinks I might have picked it up by now. I did noticed them wearing it on the right. Thou, when I researched online some say it was on the left. So am confused, have not asked my Sensie outright.

Don't let your belt represent you, but represent the belt.

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I don't think there's a side all Kyokushin IKOs wear it on, but I think most wear it on the right side. Some may wear it on the left.

Next time you're in class, look to see how the other kyu ranks are wearing theirs. Especially the upper kyus such as brown or green kyus.

If your sensei puts the stripe on your belt while you're wearing it, remember which side he put it on.

If all else fails, ask your sensei after you earn it. I'm quite sure he'd prefer you to ask about something you don't understand rather than you assuming something and being wrong. Most senseis are and should be pretty flexible with beginner students when it comes to protocol. How do they expect you to know something they haven't taught you yet?

I'm OCD and always wear my patch on the right. In Seido we sew a patch on our belt rather than a stripe when we earn an advanced kyu rank, such as advanced brown, advanced green, etc. We don't have a set side that everyone wears it on. Yudansha don't have a set side to wear their stripes either. In my former school, we always wore stripes on the right. As a black belts we always had the school's kanji on the left and our name and stripes on the right. It drives me crazy that there's no set protocol in my current school, but that's my issue I need to work on :) When I earn my shodan in my current school, I'll always wear my stripes on the right :)

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Ask you CI this because your CI is the final answer as to which side identifiers go on ones belt. And yeah, usually the CI is the one who puts ones identifier on the belt, and not the student.

For grins and giggles, and for what it might be worth, in Shindokan, allowed identifiers are placed on ones belt on the left side. This is because we view the left side to be the "Heart" side, in which the right side is where style or ones name is placed on ones belt.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Thanks guys for your awesome responses, really appreciate your patience with me. It’s just that as much as possible, I want him to see the effort I exert of learning things in advance. 😇😇😇

Finally, per your recommendation I asked him and he just smiled. He explained that the rank is always worn on the right side. Since the left side is where you put the name of your organisation which is kept close to the heart which is on the left. Then I asked him about pictures of Mas Oayama I saw online, why some photos show rank on his left. I immediately apologize and meant no offense, was just curious. He smiled and it’s and that is a good question. Mentioned perhaps the way the picture was taken it inverted the image.

Don't let your belt represent you, but represent the belt.

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Thanks guys for your awesome responses, really appreciate your patience with me. It’s just that as much as possible, I want him to see the effort I exert of learning things in advance. 😇😇😇

Finally, per your recommendation I asked him and he just smiled. He explained that the rank is always worn on the right side. Since the left side is where you put the name of your organisation which is kept close to the heart which is on the left. Then I asked him about pictures of Mas Oayama I saw online, why some photos show rank on his left. I immediately apologize and meant no offense, was just curious. He smiled and it’s and that is a good question. Mentioned perhaps the way the picture was taken it inverted the image.

My right side when I'm standing in front of facing you...Or your left side when you're looking down at your belt??


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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When I put stripes on belts (despite being a Goju-Ryu Practitioner), it is normally on the end of the belt that doesn't have the Belts Logo on it.

For Dan Grades, I think it depends on the organisation and how they like it. Some clubs i know do the following:

- Bars under your name, which is worn on the right hand side

- Bars on both sides, to indicate that your that rank in that organisation and is your personal rank.

- No Bars on belt, regardless of what your dan grade is.

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Cheers!! I have been trying to search online, but alas have not found anything firm and concrete. I wanna be able to do thing properly when I reach 9th kyu. Where do you put the stripe of the belt. Left or right? Thank you in advance.

You should be able to look at your fellow students and see which side your grade goes on. Having said that since you are in a Japanese art the grade goes on the right side, along with your name (if your organization does this) and your art goes on the left side.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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I'm in a SoKyokushin dojo, not sure if there is an association rule or not but kyu grades tie the belt so that the stripe is on the left and dan grades are on the right.

Just ask your instructor what is the accepted practice at your dojo.

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