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Multiple reps

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When I go training we always do about 4 or 5 sets of push ups. What is the point in this? Wouldn't it be better to do just one set to failiure? Matt Furey also recommends multiple sets of exercises but I find this hard when I have to do so many exercises I thought it would be best to do one set of one exercise and then do another different exercise instead of repating the same exercise another 3 or 4 times. Is this a better method. Some pople do like 3x20 pushups so they say that they did 60 pushups. But they did not, they had to rest in between. I really don't understand this sop it would be great if someone could help me out here.





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Well, I will try to go over some pros and cons of doing multiple sets and single sets (working the muscle to failure).


Recent studies also suggest that multiple sets result in greater testosterone production than single sets ... (which you may be more concerned about than I :wink: )


But on the downside, multiple sets decrease training intensity and increase the recovery time needed between workouts which is true but one set/per exercise/ per workout does increase training intensity. But the downside to this too is that high intensity (by definition) means low volume.


Okay, so using one set to failure has its pros (single sets allow for higher intensities compared to multiple sets) and the cons (?)... (the targeted motor units, although being used, are not exhausted due to the low number of sets). But using a large number of sets is a trade off too. You can completely exhaust a targeted muscle group yet the excessive volume requires a less intensity. So really you should make it a point to regularly change your training routines. so that you avoid adapting to the positive features of the program while avoiding too much of the negative elements.


What I tend to do is alot of different of exercises which allows me to cover agreater percentage of muscle groups. This just happens to work for me. And I vary the types of different exercises on a regular basis. But then again when you do many exercises, you can't do a lot of sets.

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