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Yoga vs Sunbathing

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Yoga in the sunshine while those around sunbathing.

Doing some Yoga today in the sunshine, nothing serious but it was a four hour session.

I do admit to looking very strange to those around me, the sun seekers, wearing shorts and bikinis. As I'm well protected wearing plenty of black fleece and cotton exercise clothing, cycling gloves, scarf and a baseball cap.

While those aound me would consider what I am doing as eccentric, what I am doing actually is maintaining and improving my youthfulness. While the sunbathers are causing their skin to age rapidly causing wrinkles.

In my minds eye, I have a picture of a black fly, that is too cold to move, so it patiently waits for the sun to warm up its little body. Little by little I would stretch a bit further, increasing my range of motion, while straddled in a spilt position.

Usually I would do some hammer fist massage on my thighs and calves to loosen my leg muscles up, as if tenderizing meat or something. I started doing this out of habit but my subconscious said stop. As doing nothing and letting the sun to do its thing, was far better than what I could do.

Staying hydrated is a factor to consider while doing any type of exercise or in the presence of the sun. Drinking water is also important for many things (such as cleaning kidneys) of course but while doing Yoga or stretching more importantly so, because muscles and joints function better, lubricating (joints) and adding to elasticity (for muscles)

Another point to consider as hydration keeps a person healthy and younger looking the sunbathers were not drinking enough fluids. Hydration helps prevent sun stroke and keeps the body thermostat in good working order.

We are about 97% water, and a few days without it, we can die. Suppleness in plants due to water is essential same applies to people.

Doing all the right stretching exercises without proper fluid intake is missing a vital ingredient. Have you ever tried to tear jean material when it is dry? It is possible. Try tearing jean material when it is wet; good luck on that one, because it is wet the fibers can stretch and stay strong, whereas when the material is dry tearing and ripping is very easy to do.

Before stretching and during, keep comfortably hydrated, then there is a lesser chance of tearing muscles and a better chance to have a great workout.

Another stretch of the imagination while doing yoga poses in the hot sun, is I think of myself (muscles) as like human Gello just out from the refrigerator. As the sun and water are melting and diluting my muscles, increasing their elasticity.

After doing yoga there should be a feeling of inner peace and wellbeing.

After sunbathing there is usually burnt irritated skin, followed by peeling and painful reminders.

Yoga vs Sunbathing, which one do you prefer?

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I really don't do either. Just some regular stretching routine when I get the chance. I don't sunbathe on purpose, either, although my skin does bronze up quite nicely when the summer rolls around from being outside, fishing and the like. I always end up with a really nice famers tan. :D

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  • 2 months later...
I really don't do either. Just some regular stretching routine when I get the chance. I don't sunbathe on purpose, either, although my skin does bronze up quite nicely when the summer rolls around from being outside, fishing and the like. I always end up with a really nice famers tan. :D
I'm planning on getting a Yoga tan this summer!
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