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Athletic vs Healthy

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Athlete vs healthy sounds like the same thing, but I think not.

I've brought this topic up, because I have noticed that many people look athletic, yet they are not living a healthy lifestyle.

For instance people taking drugs to look athletic. Or bodybuilding with an unhealthy diet.

Does surprise me when I see fitness club owners/trainers going out the gym for a cigarette.

As I equate healthy with fitness, leading to performance and becoming athletic.

Whereas I'm noticing that looking athletic is the aim and nothing other than to look good physically.

Looking back at martial artists in the past, I don't recall them to be looking very athletic, which in contrast was very much in favor of helping Claude Van Damme (that looks athletic) to become popular.

What is your opinion on the subject?

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I can agree with your opening sentence wholeheartedly; the two aren't the same, in any way.

Looks are just that; appearances! Appearances aren't reality!!

Over the two, I'll take the healthy over being athletic!! Without that healthy life style, that quality of life is an increasing shadow.

Had I not, back last October 2016, changed my then life style to what it was then into what it is now, I'd not have lost over 70lbs, and all that is required of one to live that healthy life style in the search for that positive quality of life.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I can agree with your opening sentence wholeheartedly; the two aren't the same, in any way.

Looks are just that; appearances! Appearances aren't reality!!

Over the two, I'll take the healthy over being athletic!! Without that healthy life style, that quality of life is an increasing shadow.

Had I not, back last October 2016, changed my then life style to what it was then into what it is now, I'd not have lost over 70lbs, and all that is required of one to live that healthy life style in the search for that positive quality of life.


Yes sensei8; I believe we have both used our MA (discipline) background positively to reshape our lives for the better.

I was in the do or die situation; the choice was mine to make; I feel great for making the right choice; living a healthy lifestyle.

We are most of us, inundated with unhealthy food products and temptation; the unlearning takes a tremendous amount of will power to fight it all.

A martial art saying "Only in darkness we can see the light"

Having reached my personal rock bottom the only other direction was up.

I remember being (in a hospital bed) surrounded by trainee paramedics and the Matron nurse explaining to them how ill I was; as a few weeks earlier I had a major heart attack then developed pneumonia, this happened about 14 years ago.

Having at the time, a major problem with the skin on my face (with many large red scabby blotches) that specialists gave up treating me for and missing front teeth and malnourished, underweight, I was a looking and feeling and most definitely, relating to Pearl Harbor.

Today I'm happy to say; every health issue I had back then has been treated with nothing short of miraculous results. As I can pass myself off as being alot younger than I am.

We do have a tremendous amount of medical technology these days to help us but a person still needs to make the effort to meet and match it half way with determination and willpower; something I had learned from martial arts.

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Some people are lucky and have good genetics, and tend to be athletic no matter what. Some of us don't.

Personally, I think one should strive for both. One can be healthy but not strong, and likewise one can be strong but not healthy. I think there is also a misconception about what healthy is. Some people think 6-pack abs and being able to run a mile-and-a-half in a certain time is the only kind of healthy. They aren't all the same, so a balance has to be struck.

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Some people are lucky and have good genetics, and tend to be athletic no matter what. Some of us don't.

Personally, I think one should strive for both. One can be healthy but not strong, and likewise one can be strong but not healthy. I think there is also a misconception about what healthy is. Some people think 6-pack abs and being able to run a mile-and-a-half in a certain time is the only kind of healthy. They aren't all the same, so a balance has to be struck.

I have had friends, that were as you say "Lucky to have good genetics" but they unfortunately died young, due to their own negligence and reckless (unhealthy) life styles.

One of them died in his sleep, due to (asphyxiation) leaving a heater on over night while sleeping in a tent while camping.

Another friend died from speeding on his motorcycle and had a fatal accident.

While another friend died, from falling from a bridge, he was trying to cross the bridge from one side to the other from the underside of it, only with the use of his hands.

It does seem like to me, that athletic people, also having bravado/bravery can put themselves in to some very dangerous situations; as they can feel as if they are a type of superman.

My brother was super strong, he also died from an unhealthy lifestyle. Unlike my friends, he (my brother) died a long slow death; due to very bad eating habits, that lead to: kidney disease, diabetes, blindness and both legs being amputated due to gangrene complications.

Perhaps witnessing my brother's sufferings from unhealthy living choices, I wish other people would make better eating choices than they do.

My brother said before he died "If I could do it all over again, that I would do things differently"

My brother had great genetics, he looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his 20s, thirty years later dead, due to an addiction to junk food.

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I see what you are saying. At the same time, one can try to be as healthy as possible, do everything the "right" way, and get hit by a car.

I, too, like the idea of having a six-pack and eating healthy, but I like to enjoy life, and eat steak, and chocolate, and pasta, and chocolate, and drink soda (and eat chocolate). I'm not going to have a visible six-pack. Not going to happen. So I don't worry about it. Nor will I choose to spend life eating salads as meals and drinking kale shakes. Not even if a doctor prescribed it.

My point is, yeah, there are things in life that we can do to ourselves that might be harmful if not moderated. This can be eating choices and physical activities. But its also important to enjoy life along the way, and if you can't do that, then all of life just becomes work, and then, likely not enjoyable.

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I knew a guy that could run like the wind without breathing hard. He turned in sub 6 min miles.

Dude smoked like a chimney. I saw him suck down 2 cigarettes before his run, then light up after. He also took these little tiny baby steps and physically was not much to look at.

"Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know." ~ Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

"Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger threatens." ~ Jigaro Kano

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I knew a guy that could run like the wind without breathing hard. He turned in sub 6 min miles.

Dude smoked like a chimney. I saw him suck down 2 cigarettes before his run, then light up after. He also took these little tiny baby steps and physically was not much to look at.

There is alot of deep breathing when inhaling cigarette smoke.

Deep breathing is something many none smokers should try also; without the smoke.

There are far to many health risks associated with smoking to condone it.

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Ultimately I think it's all about moderation. Yes you have to be healthy but you also have to enjoy yourself too.

That said, its not easy to be athletic and though sometimes these people don't have a perfect lifestyle, it does take a heck of a lot of work to build muscle and maintain a low bodyfat. You can't take that away from them.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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Ultimately I think it's all about moderation. Yes you have to be healthy but you also have to enjoy yourself too.

That said, its not easy to be athletic and though sometimes these people don't have a perfect lifestyle, it does take a heck of a lot of work to build muscle and maintain a low bodyfat. You can't take that away from them.

While not trying to take anything from anybody. There are many, not all, that neglect working out from the waist down. Looking triangular with a well developed top half with an almost less (developed) than normal legs in comparison.

Yes they have low body fat but missing body sculpting aesthetics; looking top heavy.

As martial artists that punch as well as kick, there is a balanced workout; Hopefully!

From a personal perspective, practicing coordination and stretching doesn't burn calories as well as weight training or vigorous movements.

This can hinder burning unnecessary body fat.

I try to counter this effect by focusing on the core with every workout or focus on it more the next day.

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