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Against My Better Judgement!!

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So I know you've mentioned that the buck stops with you since you're the Kaicho.Now I know the Kancho is the CI of the system. If you lived nearby or some other person did, would the Kaicho be the CI? Also did anything come about of term limits for the Kaicho position?

So does the person who got elected to CI feel they aren't worthy, hence he or she willing to give it up?

The Kancho of the SKKA is not the CI of the system, but only the Vice-President of the SKKA. Kancho's plate is way to full to deal with being the CI. Especially when I'm more out of house than in house.

No, if I lived locally to the Hombu, nowadays, I'd not be the CI of the SKKA because, as it stands, my plate would be way to full for me to equally give both of these positions the respect and attention they both deserve.

Well, the Term Limits, for now, have been tabled until a time yet to still be make in the future. This is due to the tragedy of July 2016!! This is both for respect to them, as well as their families!!

Our current CI, is the Interim CI, as we've not elected a new CI, as of yet. If Iwao accepts my stipulations, he'll be elected as the CI. It is my understanding that all of the Higher Hierarchy will vote for him to be the CI of the SKKA. If Iwao refuses my stipulations, then we'll search for, and then vote for a CI of the SKKA.

Our Interim CI is more than qualified to be the SKKA's CI, and feels worthy, however, our Interim CI is very busy being Vice-President of a fortune 500 company. As of now, he's being allowed to be our Interim CI on a full time basis, and we've until the end of February to find, and secure, a permanent CI. So, he feels both honored and worthy, however, had he felt unworthy to hold the CI post, we'd not stop him from abdicating, as no one is ever forced to hold any elected position of any degree.


Thanks for the clarification best of luck in your search.

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Each, and every action took against the perceived enemy, Iwao Takahashi, was by me, preemptive, for cause.

Iwao's response, while of no surprise to myself, to my punctilious stipulations are to be expected. Even though my courses of discard was quite premeditated intentionally; I've no qualms of disheartening whatsoever towards Iwao. In short, he made his bed, now he can lie in it, for all I care!!

Higher Hierarchy's feelings, as of now, are a bit disheveled towards me for the moment, because they see me as the unwilling proponent of peace. While Iwao's destructive past is evident, and without cause, my unwillingness to consider a peaceful accord is being thought of not much better.

Think what they might, it's their right, but as I've reminded them, I run this...the SKKA/Hombu, and my obligations towards the SKKA/Hombu and its Student Body, is without ambiguity and/or reservations, and I will protect and defend the SKKA/Hombu as well as the Student Body, to the best of my abilities...and without approval and/or permission!!

I'm Kaicho, and in the manner of how our By-Laws and the like have been written, my decisions are final, without contestation, and that is why my stipulations were not overbearing, but to exact that which is perceived as harmful to the SKKA/Hombu/Student Body.

There's a reason why we've only 5 Regents in the SKKA. That's to avoid any vote that might end up tied votes, of any type!! Any votes of mine aren't beneficial because a tie can be birthed, and a tie vote, stalemates the SKKA. That isn't allowed; either a vote passes or it fails!!

Now, for potential tied votes, and this matter is just that if I was to add my vote to the final tally, our Legal Team made my decision to be the only authority of vote to be considered if the Kaicho has determined that a viable threat exists against the SKKA/Hombu/Student Body. Only a newly voted for Kaicho can override any Executive decision...that means, when I'm no longer the Kaicho, then, if necessary, the newly elected Kaicho can suspend, and invoke a change of this matter.

Iwao has asked for more time to consider, and I've given him until February 3, 2017 at 5pm PST, to consider. He must make his final decision by then, and if that time expires, so does any and all petitions and the like!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Now I remember you saying the SKKA is a partnership now. Could Iwao if he wanted to buy other members out? If so would that have an effect on anything?

Yes, any of his fingerprinting on the SKKA would greatly be a negative effect on the whole enchilada. However, I don't foresee that to ever happening, not the way our Legal Team has taken those painstaking efforts to protect the SKKA, especially when it concerns Iwao. I'll speak with our Legal Team to ensure of that.

One of the Regents asked me why am I being being so aloof towards him and with this entire situation. I told him, I'm not there to be his friend, nor am I there to be nice nice with him! He came to us, we didn't come to him, and I owe him nothing. He wants a friend?? He'll not find it in me!!

I don't have to be nice to him...and I'm not going to be!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Feb 3 has come and gone, so can you fill us in on what transpired, Bob?

Iwao has respectfully declined my "unreasonable" stipulations, as he's also added that "You'll hear from my Lawyers very soon!!", and in that I say...

Bring them on; I don't sweat the small things...never have...never will!!

Our Legal Team has assured us all that Iwao's threats are "vain, as well as without substance!!"

One day, the drama of this magnitude will cease so that we can do what we all came here for, and that is...train wholeheartedly in Shindokan!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Feb 3 has come and gone, so can you fill us in on what transpired, Bob?

Iwao has respectfully declined my "unreasonable" stipulations, as he's also added that "You'll hear from my Lawyers very soon!!", and in that I say...

Bring them on; I don't sweat the small things...never have...never will!!

Our Legal Team has assured us all that Iwao's threats are "vain, as well as without substance!!"

One day, the drama of this magnitude will cease so that we can do what we all came here for, and that is...train wholeheartedly in Shindokan!!


I felt like your expectations were very reasonable, considering whom you were trying to protect from any potential issues down the track.

I hope nothing happens out of that threat of legal action!

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Feb 3 has come and gone, so can you fill us in on what transpired, Bob?

Iwao has respectfully declined my "unreasonable" stipulations, as he's also added that "You'll hear from my Lawyers very soon!!", and in that I say...

Bring them on; I don't sweat the small things...never have...never will!!

Our Legal Team has assured us all that Iwao's threats are "vain, as well as without substance!!"

One day, the drama of this magnitude will cease so that we can do what we all came here for, and that is...train wholeheartedly in Shindokan!!


I felt like your expectations were very reasonable, considering whom you were trying to protect from any potential issues down the track.

I hope nothing happens out of that threat of legal action!

Thanks, Liam for your kind words!!

As far as the threat of legal action against us/me, I'm of the side of caution, even though our Legal Team isn't worried in the slightest. Should something come from his idle threats, our Legal Team is more than prepared to defend us/me; our Legal Team is very meticulous in all aspects of record keeping, as is our Executive Secretary.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Sounds like everything worked out for the best except the law suite. If your legal team feels it has no merit it probably doesn't.

I'm happy to hear you don't have to deal with him. Sounded like this was a bad situation all the way around.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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