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Renewing myself...or at least trying to!!


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Don't get too down, Bob. Rest as required and jump back into it when you're up to it. A rest will always do you good, don't worry about the weight you've gained, once you're fighting fit again you will smash through the plateau you've been experiencing!


Thanks, Mo; means everything to me!!

I do believe that a lot of the weigh gain might be due to water retention.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I know your doc wants you at a specific weight, but IMO forget the scale. Focus on how you feel. The scale is there to keep you focused, but it's not a be all, end all by any means. You know if you've cheated or shortcut yourself, and if you've stayed true. A scale doesn't need to tell you that. A scale can help you become more efficient, but it shouldn't dictate your failure nor success.

I'm not sure if I've said this before, so sorry if I'm repeating myself (I most likely am)...

Be consistent with when you're weighing yourself. Weigh yourself after you go to the bathroom, first thing in the morning. And sorry everyone for the visual, wearing nothing. Your stomach will be relatively empty, as will your bladder. If you're weighing yourself at 3 pm wearing clothes, shoes, and having stuff in your pocket, your weight will be all over the place. Different clothes and shoes weigh different amounts. A heavier lunch or lighter lunch and/or snack will change things. How much water you drank or didn't drink will show up.

The only way to truly be consistent is how I said above. The differences all add up. A 5 pound or more swing from first thing in the morning wearing nothing to randomly stepping on the scale later on during the day isn't unheard of. Yet it's quite obvious you didn't gain 5 pounds in that time.

Just an FYI. Consistency is everything.

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Thanks, JR; means everything to me!!

I agree...consistency is everything!! Still get small back spasms from time t time...still keeping me from the gym...still worrying!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Setbacks happen, and they suck, but know that this to shall pass, Bob. Let your back heal, and then start back in on things lightly. Build up. Once your back is healed, I'd recommend to start doing deadlifts, but that's just me. Get that back strong! But, one day at a time.

You're right, of course, even though it is quite upsetting.

One question, Brian, doing deadlifts, in which I do agree, can bet my back stronger, however, with a pinched nerve and a few bone spurs, won't my back still be chronic for the rest of my life??

Losing the weight...changing my life for a much more healthy lifestyle...and all, to save my life, but to also take the unnecessary pressure off my back, is paramount in my weight loss journey.


Well, I'm no doctor, but I'm guessing you will likely have chronic back pain for the rest of your life. But that happens to lots of bipeds. I have back pain here and there, as well. But, something else I do know is that being strong is never bad.

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Setbacks happen, and they suck, but know that this to shall pass, Bob. Let your back heal, and then start back in on things lightly. Build up. Once your back is healed, I'd recommend to start doing deadlifts, but that's just me. Get that back strong! But, one day at a time.

You're right, of course, even though it is quite upsetting.

One question, Brian, doing deadlifts, in which I do agree, can bet my back stronger, however, with a pinched nerve and a few bone spurs, won't my back still be chronic for the rest of my life??

Losing the weight...changing my life for a much more healthy lifestyle...and all, to save my life, but to also take the unnecessary pressure off my back, is paramount in my weight loss journey.


Well, I'm no doctor, but I'm guessing you will likely have chronic back pain for the rest of your life. But that happens to lots of bipeds. I have back pain here and there, as well. But, something else I do know is that being strong is never bad.

Solid post, Brian; thanks!!

Well, my lower back is much better, however, it's still not 100%, not that it will ever be.

With that being said...IT'S BACK, no pun intended, TO THE GYM!!

I joined a local gym two days ago, and I believe it's time to get off my backside by resuming my gym training.

This new gym isn't as large as the one I attended back in Pearland, TX, but it seems to have everything that I'm looking for, except no swimming pool. I'd have to drive 30 minutes south to a sister gym to swim, and I don't desire that at all...the drive that is.

The one cool thing about this new gym is that EVERY piece of machine has a BUILT-IN TV...even the rowing machines. At my old gym, TV's were hung from the ceiling, and you had to tune into that TV's frequency to hear it, and they were only viewable from the second floor.

I pay much less per month, $20, and the sign-up was only $5!! I can do much more for my buck, and they've a large room for Zumba and the like, but it's the size of the room that got my attention. It could be a possible Kyuodan Dojo...a place to teach...hehehehe!!

So, to the gym I go...once again. I'll ease into my usual routine so as to not aggravate my lower back.

Current weight = 256lbs...70lbs lost...40lbs remain to lose by this October!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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The new gym has "new" equipment. However, when I say "new", I'm actually meaning that the equipment is new TO ME!!

The StairMaster is the only equipment that I was familiar with.

They've several TreadMills, but I've never used any of the 4 different choices.

The Rowing Machines had no adjustable tension wheel which meant that at each pull, there was no resistance.

I was able to get a good work-out, it's just that the familiarity is gone. The thing about that, I went through the same thing whenever I joined the gym back in Texas.

In quick short, I'll figure the whole darn thing and will be rockin' and rollin'!!

The great news that I want to share is this...

At one time I would wear a size 4X t-shirt; this was back in October 2016. Today, just for grins and giggles, I tried on a 2X, and the shocking thing about that is that I thought for sure that the 2X would be tight..but it was loose!!

Time to go to the gym!! 38lbs pounds left to lose by this October!!

Who knows, I might be wearing an XL or L by then...WOW!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Keep up the great work. Keep the new shirt size in mind when you're feeling like you've plateaued or feel like you're getting nowhere. It's those small victories (no pun intended) that really keep things in perspective.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the support, everyone; means everything to me!!

Gym workouts are going pretty great.

Average's this week/6 days a week:


45 minutes

Levels 7-10

Heart Rate: 130

Calorie Burn: 450

Floors: 105


30 minutes

Inclines: Start>2.0 for 6 minutes...then 8.0 for 6 minutes...then 15.0 for 6 minutes...then 8.0 for 6 minutes...then 2.0 for 6 minutes...then 5 minute Cool-Down for 5 minutes at 2.0...Speed at 3.5 at start...then 3.0 for the duration...then at Cool-Down at 3.5.

Calorie Burn: 300

Heart Rate:120



30 Minutes

Calorie Burn: 315

Tension: NONE [Rowing machine's at this new gym don't offer tension dials :(]


20 minutes

5 miles [Varying hills and such]

Calorie Burn: 275

Free Weights/Weight Machines

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

1.5 hours

Various Machines

Various Free Weights

Calorie Burn: 2000


NONE [This gym isn't equipped with a pool. Closest one is 30 minutes away :(]

Maintaining my strict diet still!!

Today was a great day. From beside my gym workouts, I ran in my first organized run today, on the Fourth of July, before hitting the gym afterwards!! It was a 5K/10K run; which is approximately 3.1/6.2 miles. I completed the 5K run in just over 30 minutes...31:56 was my official time. Start time: 0730. There was quite a lot of runners, of all ages and experience!! The camaraderie was fantastic between the runners, sponsors, and spectators all around. Each 5K/10K finisher received a specially designed commemorative medal. My race number was: 1061...I don't know if that's an indication of how many runners participated, but there was a lot of them; a literal sea of runners!!

I'm entered in 4 more organized runs this year. 2 in August, and 2 in September.

I'll weigh myself at the end of July. Last weigh in June was 251.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to the gym last night, but, it's not a good report!!

While on the StairMaster, I was struggling to maintain, and at the 10 minute mark, I stepped off. I was huffing and puffing like all get out.

Then I went to the TreadMill, and I was struggling as well, and at the 10 minute mark, I stepped off.

I usually breeze through my workouts, with no problems!!

My heart rate was at 189!!

My heart rate is usually around 134-140, depending on what I'm doing.

I went home, took off my workout shirt, wiped myself down in the attempt to cool down....NO SUCH LUCK!!

I felt as though I was reliving it when I first was diagnosed with Afib in September 2016.


My wife took me to the emergency room immediately.

Nurses hooked up the EKG, put an IV in, took some blood, gave me a few shots for the Afib. Then I had an X-Ray of my chest.

Doctor confirmed...


Doctor admitted me into the hospital overnight for observations due to when I first came into the emergency, my Afib was uncontrolled, but 5 hours later, my Afib was controlled.

My heart finally settled down to 76bpm, but the Afib was and is still there.

I was doing so well...until...NOW!! Lost 80 pounds, watching my diet, exercising, I mean, I was doing good!!

I'll return to the gym tomorrow, but I'll be back doing my modified gym work; which is what I was doing last September.

I was going to buy a mountain bike...NOT NOW!!

I was going to run 4 more 5K runs...NOT NOW!!

Back to the Cardiologist for plan 'B'!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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