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Renewing myself...or at least trying to!!


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I once knew a guy who was struggling with maintaining weight loss. He'd plateau and even gain weight with his routine, which was largely cardio, and minimal gym time. What ended up helping him was resistance training on muscles below the waist. Glutes and Quads are much larger than biceps and pecs, which means they burn more calories.

Even with that, he only got so far - everyone's body type is different!

Solid post!!

My gym routine, which changes to keep my body surprised, is heavy in resistance training to the Nth degree, including those areas you've mentioned. I'll see what the bike riding does. I've done 5 5K runs in the latter half of 2017, but, not significant weight loss...feel great...but I feel like the toy that keeps banging in the wall over and over, but won't give up.


I too struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Diet works to some extent, but the standard advice is not always good advice when it comes to diet. We're all different. It seems I'm different in that high fibre diet actually makes me seriously ill. Bizarrely I'm most healthy when I maintain a borderline unhealthy diet. But that's just me. My point is we can take advice, but ultimately we have to find our own way.

In terms of exercise, I was leanest and fittest when I was cycling a lot. I used to ride the more leisurely off road routes so a bit more physically demanding than the road, but not too much so, and a lot more enjoyable. I never did extreme stuff. It was always leisurely, but over many hours. It became difficult to keep it up when I became a daddy because I suddenly had family commitments.

I'm not trying to hijack the thread. My point is really to share what works and what doesn't work for me, in the hope that some small part of it might give you some ideas or help in some small way.

Good luck.

No, you didn't hijack the thread, not at all. You gave me your insight and experience, of which, I find very valuable; thank you, OneKickWonder!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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You've made amazing progress so far Bob so I wouldn't be too disheartened. :) With weight loss and strength programs I think it's common for people to plateau. Sometimes you have to mix things up and power through. Eventually you'll see the pounds start to come off again.

Thanks, Danielle; your advice is very important to me, as well as your support!!

I mix things up all the time!! The bike ride takes me 30 minutes on all types of topography to the gym...plus dodging Houston, Texas drivers is a workout on its own.

If there's a plateau purgatory, I'm there...still!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Well, slowly but surely, I've scratched my plateau purgatory. No, I've not broke through to the world of things that are under 250lbs, but the upturn of weight has started to reverse itself.


Have gotten that by its tail, and I won't let go!! Weight is slowly falling off me.

The death of my sister took a toll on me, and no, as a friend suggested to me a few weeks ago, I've not gotten over it, nor will I, but life goes on, and I must go on!! Too many empty chairs sit around my table nowadays, but that too, is life.

Got the gym blues for a few months, but that too is over, well, not completely because I'm only going 3 days a week, instead of my usual 6 days a week. I'm in no rush to return to that 6 day a week schedule at the gym, but at least I've returned.

Next month is our annual Testing Cycle at the Hombu, and I'm actually looking forward to going to Administer the event, and not dredge over it. Our Student Body deserves my full attention, so, I've pulled my rear out of my butt. Self pity has its place, and the Testing Cycle isn't the place for it.

Today, no gym, just a morning and dusk jog and some resistant band exercises.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Well, slowly but surely, I've scratched my plateau purgatory. No, I've not broke through to the world of things that are under 250lbs, but the upturn of weight has started to reverse itself.


Have gotten that by its tail, and I won't let go!! Weight is slowly falling off me.

The death of my sister took a toll on me, and no, as a friend suggested to me a few weeks ago, I've not gotten over it, nor will I, but life goes on, and I must go on!! Too many empty chairs sit around my table nowadays, but that too, is life.

Got the gym blues for a few months, but that too is over, well, not completely because I'm only going 3 days a week, instead of my usual 6 days a week. I'm in no rush to return to that 6 day a week schedule at the gym, but at least I've returned.

Next month is our annual Testing Cycle at the Hombu, and I'm actually looking forward to going to Administer the event, and not dredge over it. Our Student Body deserves my full attention, so, I've pulled my rear out of my butt. Self pity has its place, and the Testing Cycle isn't the place for it.

Today, no gym, just a morning and dusk jog and some resistant band exercises.


We lost my brother in July 2007, and it still has a profound affect on my family. Hang in there, man.

5th Geup Jidokwan Tae Kwon Do/Hap Ki Do

(Never officially tested in aikido, iaido or kendo)

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  • 1 year later...

It's been quite a while since I chimed in any updates on this thread; sorry about that.

The update is not good at at all...so bad, that I'm not willing to share it in its totality here as of yet.

DEPRESSION is my constant companion, and has been since my sister passed away in January 2018!! Then, there's been the SKKA being dissolved in its totality this past July. One thing after another, even my own dojo has had its difficulties away from the floor; the floor is as solid as its ever been, but off the floor have hit a bump in the road.

Deep depressions has set in, and often times, my thoughts have been betraying me across the board. I ask myself as of late...Where is my value anymore?? No answer has been given, if ever at all.

Then in July 2019, I once again severely hurt my lower back once again, but this time, worse than before...it's now been nearly 4 very long months since my lower back injury.

Days turn to weeks and weeks turn into months...

Just last week, I was given the green light to return to the gym and the floor by my PCP; but no more than 3 days per week for now; light duty, so to speak. My restrictions are 2 hours maximum of walking, standing, bending, and 15lbs of lifting; Physical Therapy of 3 days per week.

Weight has come back, not in its totality as when this thread began, but enough to keep me very deeply depressed. So much so that I still wonder what my value is anymore?!?!?!?

If I've let anybody here down because of this setback in this threads journey, I beg for your forgiveness!!

I...I...never mind...thanks!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Life at times can seem like full of sad circumstances and many types of things to worry about, however without all of these miserable, unseemlinglly unnecessary things, we would never be able to appreciate all the wonderful things and moments that life also has to offer.


Don't forget to read the comments below :karate:

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Bob! Your value is incalculably high! No one can put a cap on it! Not even you!

Keep in mind that no journey is a straight, direct path to the destination; rather, it tends to be a winding road, often filled with detours and construction. At times, we are driving along and making good time; then there are times where we have to get out and walk. There are times where we can put the pedal to the metal on long straightaways, and then there are times where we come to mountains that throw us lots of twists, turns, and switchbacks. Sometimes it feels like we are going backwards, but keep in mind that we are still going!

I think the hardest part of it all is to look back at what we had or what we were in our youth, in our prime, and it's important not to compare who we were then to who we are now. We grow, we learn, we change. But, we continue on.

You, Bob, will continue on! Even if someone like me has to drag you! :)

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Thank you, Brian and Alan!!

I've started to continue my workout journal, as of which, I will make a post once per week in this thread. This journey shall, and will continue with the vigor as it's never known....my life depends on it!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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