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Renewing myself...or at least trying to!!


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I am impressed by your workouts. I was never a runner, but I used to ocean swim 2 miles a day. Even then I was not fast, but steady.

Steady is good!! It's the saying in weight training, that says, less weight, more reps...unless you're a body builder.

When I first swam, I struggled to be consistent in my lap count. After all, one way in a pool at my gym is 30 yards. Doesn't sound like much, until you try it after having not done that for so many years. I was lucky to finish 1, and not 1 lap, just once from one side of the pool to the side.

Then, staying steady, I'm now able to do 12 full laps, but I'm not trying to go as fast and hard as I can, but to just a slow and steady, NON-STOP!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Hey all,

Just letting you all know that I'm still rocking and rolling at the gym.

Change is important; the same, can become stale.

Having said that...


*30 minutes with a 2 minute cool down at the end of the 30 minutes

*Level 7-10

*434 calorie burn

*HR 145


*20 minutes with a 2 minute cool down at the end of the 20 minutes

*Forest Walk Program

*Inclines...8.0 at the 4 minute mark...15.0 at the 8 minute mark...8.0 at the 12 minutes mark...other time marks varied incline per the program

*Varied speeds from 1.0 to 3.5

*HR 110

*250 calorie burn


*20 minutes with no cool down

*Level 10

Battle Ropes/Pull Down Ropes

*30 minutes/10 minutes BOTH with 30 seconds between each exercise/set

*13 different exercises (BR)/4 different exercises (PDR)

Free Weights

*1 hour

*Various machines with various weights

#It's important to know that I'm not trying to build up a lot of muscles because muscles equal more weight. Therefore, my free weight training is to balance the workout as well as to tone.


*12 laps non-stop

*Each lap (up and down the lane) is 60 yards...720 yards...7 football fields

*Once per week, usually on Saturday

This routine change was effective ever since my post about the 2 months plateau of the up and down weight loss fight. Well, I'm glad to say that this most recent change in my gym routine is starting to break that plateau. Having dropped 3lbs this week.

Also, have changed my meal portions from 1 cup to a half cup, however, the protein sizes are still the same per the Portion Measuring Tool.

My gym is still 6 days a week!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Great job! I am not sure I could keep up.

"Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know." ~ Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

"Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger threatens." ~ Jigaro Kano

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Sounds like you're doing great, Bob.

If you put on weight with muscle, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Body composition is going to be your main focus, and adding muscle mass can help you to actually burn more calories.

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Great job! I am not sure I could keep up.

Thank you, LLLEARNER!! I believe that you'd have no problem in keeping up...none at all!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Sounds like you're doing great, Bob.

If you put on weight with muscle, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Body composition is going to be your main focus, and adding muscle mass can help you to actually burn more calories.

Thanks, Brian!!

Thinking about it, you're absolutely correct about the body composition and all....great point, one I hadn't considered. Thanks, Brian!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the late update!!

Well, I pulled my lower back last Friday night. So severe, my wife called an ambulance!! Once at the ER, Doctor took x-rays; they were negative. So the doctor said that it's more than likely a soft tissue issue. He said that if I can't stand or walk, he'd order an emergency MRI; I stood, and I walked. He released me with two prescriptions: one for pain and one for back spasms!!

Wife took me home...just quite awhile for me to get up the stairs; seemed like forever.

The pain was excruciating!! Any movement would trigger one back spasms after another. Each step was so severe, I wet myself 3 times because I couldn't make it to the bathroom; it would literally take me 15 minutes, each direction to reach the bathroom from the living room, which isn't that far, and back. Just standing to relieve myself was nearly impossible.

Getting in the shower, after I wet myself, wasn't a thrill either.

Sitting up or sitting down...forget it, but I had to because I couldn't just stand there, and each of these actions took at least 5 minutes to achieve.

I did the ice/heat therapy...with I'm still doing...doing ice right now as I type this post.

3 days of severe pain every waking moment tasked me to the Nth degree!!

But I endure!!

Monday I began to feel much better!! But still, I was in quite a lot of pain!!

Tuesday I was much better, but very tender and sore!! Spasms weren't as severe, but there enough to get my attention. Those spasms were telling me I moved incorrectly...I listened...I still listen!!

I gauge my movements carefully, yet, even today, I get a twinge of a spasm, which tells me, it's time to get up and walk around...so I get up and walk around.

It's been a long week!! I'm better, but still, far away from 100%, whatever that feels like for someone nearing 60 years of age.

I'm resting, as to not aggravate my lower back. This means, NO GYM!!

Nothing...no stretching...no walking beyond normal usages...NOTHING per my PCP!! REST IS THE KEY FOR AT LEAST 2 WEEKS.

I'm concerned with gaining some weight back. I've gained 10lbs...from 252lb to 262lb....in one week...VERY DEPRESSING!!

I've worked too hard to drop weight and to not be that sedentary lifestyle individual again!! I'm getting around the house much better, and getting outside to the store or what have you, but the gym is a no no per my PCP!!

I watch my portions of food!! I don't binge!! But I have to eat!! I'm consuming calories but I'm not burning calories either!!

Today, I had a moment of self-pity, and I broke down and cried because I am still not 100% and I can't go to the gym and I can't do any MA training and I felt WORTHLESS!! I'm gaining weight, and I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN ANY WEIGHT!!

I don't know what to do?? Day by day, the blues get me down!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Setbacks happen, and they suck, but know that this to shall pass, Bob. Let your back heal, and then start back in on things lightly. Build up. Once your back is healed, I'd recommend to start doing deadlifts, but that's just me. Get that back strong! But, one day at a time.

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Setbacks happen, and they suck, but know that this to shall pass, Bob. Let your back heal, and then start back in on things lightly. Build up. Once your back is healed, I'd recommend to start doing deadlifts, but that's just me. Get that back strong! But, one day at a time.

You're right, of course, even though it is quite upsetting.

One question, Brian, doing deadlifts, in which I do agree, can bet my back stronger, however, with a pinched nerve and a few bone spurs, won't my back still be chronic for the rest of my life??

Losing the weight...changing my life for a much more healthy lifestyle...and all, to save my life, but to also take the unnecessary pressure off my back, is paramount in my weight loss journey.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Don't get too down, Bob. Rest as required and jump back into it when you're up to it. A rest will always do you good, don't worry about the weight you've gained, once you're fighting fit again you will smash through the plateau you've been experiencing!


Be water, my friend.

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