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Getting back to the dojo.


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Hi all,

I have been out of training for about 4 years due to an ankle injury and repeated surgeries and will finally be getting back on the floor. The only thing that is bothering me is that I have ballooned up in weight. But it has been far too long and I need to get back.

My question is how many here have had a serious joint injury and how have you modified your training to accommodate it?

Thanks all! [/b]

A punch should stay like a treasure in the sleeve. It should not be used indiscrimately.

Kyan Chotoku Sensei

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I have had Multiple Knee Injuries and Surgery over the last 15 Years. On top of that I also ballooned in weight; which i am currently working on losing.

In relation to my training; i have primarily modified my stances to work for me. This was also partially modified by me after having spoken to my sensei about modifying techniques to work with my physiology and biomechanics.

But I still try and get into the correct stances when I can, as to not be a bad example for the more junior students. Although by modifying my stance, it has enabled me to evaluate students who also are in a similar position to correct their stance and also have the best outcome for them.

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Hehehehe ... !

Let me share (in brief) my MA career!

Stared when I was 18, my weight was about 65 -70kgs!

Graded to 1st kyu.

Kept this grade for a few years, then I would grade to Shodan, the idea was the be the best I could be ....

At about 26 I completely stopped training, still a 1st kyu.....

(work family and so on.)

My weight was about 70-75kgs!

I returned to MA about 5 years ago, my weight 95+kgs!!!

So wish this was not true ... but it was possibly higher...

The jeans I used to wear were 28 -30inch waist, now I was looking to purchase jeans with a 48 inch waist!

I am now a Shodan, my weight 78-83 Kgs!

My waist is 34 inches!

If you do anything ..GO BACK and train, be mindful of your injuries and simply rest as you need to, if you much push may I suggest you ONLY push after you have been back say 6mths, let your body get upto speed and be comfortable with what you now ask of it!

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Trust me, I have stopped training so many times since I got my shodan when I was 18 and always gone back for various times.

My latest break in training followed an injury at work, I went back last Monday after a number of months out, injuries are there, they will be there but as already mentioned, be mindful of them and you should be ok.

I love training, it makes me feel great and in this last month alone I Have lost 5kg in weight, I feel happier and want to now try and gain my shodan in this style (eventually - lots of time to go to get there, heck I may never get there).

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For the most part, listen to your body when you train. If that joint starts screaming at you, then you need to change something up a bit. Make sure your instructor knows about your injury, so that if he tries to correct something that you can't change due to the physical limitations, he will understand why you are doing what you are doing.

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