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Unconventional, well, electronic training?

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I started a post quite some time ago on training apps, particularly the 100push ups app - this kind of follows on from that I guess, me being the sucker for technology I am.

Well, I got bored while shopping the other day and went into a game store and purchased a copy of the UFC Trainer game for xbox kinect.

I had very low hopes for it, but it was $20, so it was not going to be much of a loss.

Anyways, gave it a go yesterday and am actually quite impressed. If I put in 100% effort, it is quite a workout! And, is only limited by how much you actually want to do.

The actual game is very responsive, picking up speed of punches and kicks really well, and I found it very cool seeing myself as a green figure shadow boxing

There is built in programs for 30 or 60 day strength gains or weight cutting. I tried the first day of the cutting, and it was great. Had me doing shadow boxing combos, and on the ground for core work.

Im not unfit (came in on the advanced end of the initial fitness test on the opening of the game), but it was still a good push and great to keep up with by the end!

The game takes (from height, weight, age and a very generalised heart rate) fitness levels and then tailors reps and time to suit the goals you input.

I cant say that I will keep on the program, particularly because I value dojo time and my own circuit and strength training more, but from first impressions I am a fan!

Anyone else had a go with this, and thoughts on the experience?

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Sounds quite cool, although just a twist on the home workout DVDs I suppose. I got myself the Wii fit when it first came out, with the fully honest intention of using it every day. The workouts were actually quite good and I felt sore the next day. I lasted 2 weeks and it just lay gathering dust after that.

But at $20 for the game, then why not?


Be water, my friend.

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UFC trainer ..yup got that on my X box!


Its good if a little slow and inaccurate sometimes.

The punch training is the best example of what I mean, put simply I punch faster than it can track me so I find I slow down to do 'its' speed training routine...?

go figure.

Otherwise the repetition stuff is very good for your fitness levels.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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