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Understanding Karate Practitioners


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Since I take this thread as marketing research and not truly what the OP states, I'll rant a bit about MA suppliers...

1. If you don't have the item in stock, DON'T TAKE THE ORDER!

- Why is it every time I order something, I get an email back a few days later (if they bother) to tell me it's out of stock, and they offer me somethings else for the same price?

2. Don't tell me what I want or don't want. Tell me what I'm inquiring about isn't what I think it is and I most likely won't be happy with it, but don't tell me "You don't want that."

3. Don't lie to me.

- Don't tell me something is an inferior item when I know both items and the one you're trying to sell me instead isn't better. Don't tell me the material isn't cotton canvas, but rather twill when in fact it really is cotton canvas.

3. Ship the stuff out the same day I order it, unless I messed the cutoff time. If I messed the cutoff time, ship it the next business day.

4. Give me a tracking number. I want to know when to expect it.

Due to all of these things, I'm done with Kinjisan. The most recent is my sparring gear order. I ordered last Saturday. I got an email saying the order is pending review. I emailed back on Wednesday, got no response. I called Thursday and was informed they're waiting for a shipment from Century to come in that night. He told me he'd send it priority mail (like he was doing me a favor). I emailed Saturday about the status of the order, with no response. Here it is 10 days later and I highly doubt the stuff has shipped. I'll call again after lunch today. Most likely going to cancel the order and pay $20 more from Century directly.

A while back I asked about the Shureido K-11, as I was looking for a medium weight gi. I was told it was twill and not canvas. I was also told they're not made in a traditional cut. And I was told there's a problem with Shureido's factory and no one in the US had access to their stuff. All lies.

Then there's the fiasco of every time I've tried to order something, they're out of stock and I'm offered a "better" thing for the same price. Hasn't been better yet.

Edit: To follow up, I called them yesterday. I was told it was shipped on Friday and should've gotten a tracking number. I was told he'd email me the tracking number.

2 hours later I got an email saying it was just dropped off at UPS and I should get it the next day.

So no emails were answered, and it wasn't until I called that they realized they never sent my stuff out (4 days later). What if I didn't call? Wonder why I'm done with them? With a free shipping coupon, Century would have been $11 more. Should've went with them. I want to support the Mom & Pop guys, but it's getting ridiculous.

Never ordered from them, thanks for the heads up !

Teachers are always learning

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  • 2 weeks later...
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1.) I first became interested in karate after seeing my uncle's massive collection of karate/kickboxing tournament trophies and medals.

I watched countless hours of Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan with my cousins (my uncle's kids) and this also played a large role.

2.) At age 7 my parents started me in Shotokan Karate.

3.) My parents chose Shotokan because it was the style that my uncle (and at this point my dad as well) trained in. The dojo was run by a reputable family in the karate community, and who my uncle had actually begun his training with.

4.) In July 2015, at the age of 24 I attained the rank of Shodan under Sensei Yutaka Yaguchi. This was one of the most stressful and physically demanding moments of my life. The grading took place in a building where the outside temperature at the time was 38 degrees Celsius. It was hotter inside.

5.) I've been a retail butcher for 6 years. Until a year ago, this took up much of my time. However, at the age of 24 I decided to start University. I began in criminology. HATED my first semester in it, and transferred into a sociology program. So, to pass time, I study social theory, as a lot of first/second year sociology courses do not include enough theory in my opinion. I also have a girlfriend and a few close friends and family I spend lots of time with going on hikes and whatever else. My community has tons of wilderness and I try to take advantage of being in the environment as much as possible, as development in the area is hastening. I've done Tough Mudder 2 years in a row and am planning on doing it again this year. And, video games. I reserve video games for the early AM. Normally between 11pm and 3am. Yeah. Go lifestyle.

6.) Mikado, Tokaido, Tapout

7.) I choose gear based on what's available, and what fits me best. I wear Mikado gi's because they fit my body so well and are pretty well made. I have one Tokaido gi I keep for special occasions like gradings and ceremonies. Gloves I choose based on organizational regulations.

8.) I buy a new gi about every 5 years. I've never bought new gloves.

9.) I buy my gear from Mikado Enterprises. Family owned and operated. They'll never send you home disappointed.

To search for the old is to understand the new.

The old, the new, this is a matter of time.

In all things man must have a clear mind.

The Way: Who will pass it on straight and well?

- Master Funakoshi

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hello. I am a college student. I am conducting research for my senior project.


My task: I am supposed to identify the behaviors and motivations of martial arts practitioners.

1) How did you first become interested in martial arts?

Old school shaw brothers Kung fu movies I watched as a kid

2) What discipline did you decide to practice?

Okinawan Goju Ruu

3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines?

Close in fighting, not too attribute based, I'm short, so getting inside is my game. Also limited high kicks.

4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline?


5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times)

Nature. Spending time with my Baby. Reading.

6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST).

Shureido, tokaido, fairtex

7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?)

Recommendation and reviews. I usually ask Sensei

8) Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment?

When I need.

9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?

Amazon awma - wherever had the nest deal on what I want.

Nothing Worth Having Is Easily Obtained - ESPECIALLY RANK

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1) How did you first become interested in martial arts?

My parents put me on Karate when I was little (5 years old).

2) What discipline did you decide to practice?

I didn't decide, see previous answer.

3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines?

See 1 & 2

4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline?

Sandan (3rd degree black belt), Wado-Ryu karate.

5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times)

Boxing, running, saxophone.

6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST).

Matsuru, Kaiten, Adidas

7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?)

Carefull comparison online, personal experience from fellow martial artists.

Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment?

8 till 12 months

9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?

Online, convenience.

"The ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of its participants."

Gichin Funakoshi

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1) How did you first become interested in martial arts?

I guess watching Bruce Lee movies made the "click"

2) What discipline did you decide to practice?


3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines?

A friend practiced and took me to his class

4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline?

Eternal Rookie

5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times)

Listening to Heavy Metal, Travelling, Playing electric Guitar, Reading, Movies, Going to the beach

6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST).

Shureido, Tokaido, Tokyodo

7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?)

Word of mouth, internet search

8) Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment?

When i need only, no specific ocasion since i got everything i need now

9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?

Martial arts shop, sports shop, online

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Sure would like to hear from acott001, if nothing for the desire to engage in a conversation. How about the rest of you?


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Sure would like to hear from acott001, if nothing for the desire to engage in a conversation. How about the rest of you?


Or a thank you for answering his survey.

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I get the feeling we have heard all we are going to from acott001..............

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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1) How did you first become interested in martial arts?

Honestly, the men in the family watched all those Chuck Norris movies.

2) What discipline did you decide to practice?

Korean Tae Kwon Do. In the small town I grew up in, only TKD and Shaolin-do were available. I opted for TKD because it looked more like Karate.

3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines?

At first, I chose Karate because it looked cool. Later, I favored the Okinawan styles and Southern Kung-Fu styles that are close-range.

4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline?

Hmm, I have a bad habit of using material that was previously learned from other styles when it seems ideal, so my skill level in the current discipline somewhat takes a hit for that.

5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times)

Outdoor Sportsmen activities-Camping, Hunting, Fishing, etc.

6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST).

Century, Tiger Claw, WLE.

7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?)

Usually trial and error, then stick with products that work.

Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment?

As needed or when I see a product that looks interesting.

9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?

Usually WLE as they often have what I'm looking for.

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1) How did you first become interested in martial arts?

In summer 2012 there was a strong athletic kid who was messing with me around. He was making fun of me. Telling me I'm not strong. He was always pushing me to the ground, he didn't even bother to fight me. After that I told myself that I'm going to the DOJO and learn how to fight in order to revenge him one year later in the same camp

2) What discipline did you decide to practice?


3) Why did you choose that specific discipline over the other disciplines?

It was the first thing what came to my mind. I also liked the karategi and belt system.

4) What is your skill level within your martial arts discipline?

I didn't even know how to throw a punch or form a fist.

5) What other things do you like to do? (When you're not in the gym/dojo, what else do you like to do with your time? This can be physical or nonphysical pass times)

I love watching martial art videos, practice martial art techniques, go to different seminars and camps. Yea I'm enthusiastic!

6) What are the first 3 martial arts related brands that come to your mind. (FIRST, not BEST).

Adidas, Venom, nike

7) How do you decide what martial arts gear/equipment to get? (How do you select one type or brand over another?)

I select the most popular brand or the equipment my sensei tells me to to get (gloves, teeth protector, pads for legs and etc..)

Roughly how often to you buy new martial arts equipment?

Once in 2 years. Usually gloves, my kimono stays for like 4 years.

9) Where do you get your equipment from? Is there a reason for this?

From internet website because there you can buy most popular things.

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