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So the GKR people really did interrupt a training session in progress by entering the dojo space uninvited and unannounced?

Minus the challenges or actual fighting, this incident sounds an awful lot like dojo-storming. Not only impolite and unethical, it is a grave insult. How would these "karate salesmen" react if a group showed up at their dojo in the middle of training and attempt to intice students to leave while shamelessly flaunting their own martial art?

It should not be left unresolved and would certainly require a firm and polite warning to the GKR authority to whom these "salesmen" answer. In person with witnesses is best. Fortunately for them, most instructors are disciplined enough to restrain themselves, but if GKR continues engaging in this type of action, someday they will upset someone who might be less than gentle.

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I'm sure they've come across people who aren't so nice, Sparticus. And I'm sure they know the laws inside and out, so they'll have few problems crying about it in court. Hopefully Australia has stricter lawsuit regulations than the US.

As to how they'd handle themselves if someone went to their dojo, GKR is all point fighting, and according to a thread here (and I've seen similar elsewhere), lower ranks aren't allowed to hit upper ranks during sparring. I'd bet anyone with any decent amount of skill wouldn't have too much to worry about in a "challenge match."

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... GKR Rant rage rar!

...putting that tone to one side ... to be even handed ... the behavior of the person/persons handing out the leaflets during a class, as has been mentioned is massive disrespect!

No need to ask if or not here, its clear.

However, teh action will identify to you or anyone else ...oddly ... the students in need more guidance in humility and respect or where to find the door!

.... mid class, complete stranger handing out slips of paper, student stops accepts ....

A lesson to be learnt I'd suggest.

As to it being GKR ... no idea if such behavior is a driven/promoted activity on there part, but like the errant student shows a lack, a critical lack of understanding and respect.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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  • 3 months later...

MA schools become known through reputation good and bad. If students are easily influenced by a leaflet from another school and they want to join them, let them go without a fuss. Marketing/recruiting skills in some schools can seem very aggressive; personally I avoid them. MA schools with fewer students tend to lean towards traditionalism in styles and values. They are not get rich schemes because they treat what they do as an art.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good old GKR!

I've met a few of their students and instructors through the NAS circuit and they all seem like hard working, dedicated martial artists. I'm not too fond of their marketing strategies though.

But this is something else. I'd be getting in contact with their Regional Director, as well as the Police, as they already have.

Their Regional Director may just laugh, but at least your friend will be seen to take the high road, and attempt to rectify the issue before it gets out of hand.

Perhaps explaining the reality that their students have been trespassing on state government land to market a service for profit without the knowledge of the school?

A trespassing charge would look great next to their Trainee Black Belt Program.

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