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Karate online/home training


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I have trained in Tang Soo Do and BJJ in the past. However, I haven't trained in the past 10 years. I don't have time to go to a dojo and the only chance that I have to train is at night when my 2 y/o goes to sleep. I have found a few online/train at home programs. I just want to get opinions in regards to them or see if there is anything better out there. My 15 y/o and I will he training together.



IMO, Johnson' AK looks better.

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First off, welcome to the community.

I can't speak for everyone else but I don't usually recommend training with no instructor, at least for new practitioners. Too easy to build bad habits from videos.

That said, if you already have a background in martial arts, then online training could be very useful to get you back into the swing. I've trained alone many times before and I always feel like I get more out of it when I have someone else there so there's a back and forth, so having your 15 year old there will be very valuable for both of you.

I cannot speak to the programs you've posted. They look like they'd provide you with the information, and I personally have been studying a kenpo based art that uses Ed Parker's system (similar to the first site you have listed but in a dojo) and I really like it. Again I can't speak to this one, but I know my instructors have modified some of Ed Parker's system to make it more realistic for street application. If this is a direct pull from Ed Parker's system, there may be some elements that aren't very realistic.

I also have a background in Taekwondo and since I've moved on from practicing that in a dojang I have often referenced Master Woo's online program at http://taekwonwoo.net/. Their videos are very comprehensive, especially in the areas revolving around Taekwondo kicking and sparring.

Also, not to toot my Sensei's horn for him, but he has a couple online courses for Home Invasion Prevention, and Tactical Urban Survival. I took the in person version of this course and learned a lot. It's done in a 7-8 hour long weekend seminar, whereas the online version is broken up into easy to follow lessons.


He also runs a well put together online program for home training to teach proper martial arts stretching.


Don't know if this is at all helpful, but you at least have some more material to work with.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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I agree with Nidan. To clarify my previous post; since your past training revolves around Tang Soo Do, something like Master Woo would be a good reference because of the similarities between TKD and TSD to just bring your past skills back into practice. The HIATUS class I posted is less of a straight martial arts class and more of an all around protecting your home, self, family practical knowlege type of class.

To learn something brand new from videos with no teacher to bounce questions off of though will be much more problematic.

"The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering."

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as addition or brush-up videos are useful, when they are detailed.

i'd recommend videos of

- bas rutten (mainly striking; muay thai background)

or the youtube channels of

- kwonkicker (striking; tkd background)

- stephan kesting (grappling; bjj background)

- submissions101 (grappling; bjj background)

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