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Finally.... I'm running!!!


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So after almost a year of telling myself that I need to get out and do some running, I've finally bitten the bullet and got out. This is the year I will test for 1st Dan, so I need to get into tip top shape. I've started going for a run before class on Tuesdays with a guy who will be testing for 3rd Dan. One thing I've never been is a runner, so my first run last week I really struggled to keep my breathing under control especially when running into the oncoming wind. We done 2 miles which took 20min (the other guy could've done it a lot faster but he went with my pace) and I felt like I could've coughed up a lung at the end, my legs were so heavy I couldn't do the sprint finish. This weeks run was a LOT better, it took 17min AND I managed the sprint finish, so in my book a huge improvement in just one week. But I still struggled to keep my breathing under control. We're going to do this route for another few weeks yet then change to one which is around 4 miles with a big hill at the end, in the meantime, I'm going to get out on my own at the weekends and on a Wednesday maybe to continue with trying to improve speed and time. To do that though, I need to improve my breathing, so, to any runners on here, Can you give me any tips on controlling my breathing? Any techniques or patterns you focus on to keep your lungs from exploding?

Any tips whatsoever will be greatly appreciated.


Be water, my friend.

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From a 10:00/mile pace to 8:30/mile in a week...nice progress. That will likely plateau as you become conditioned/used to running.

I've only been running for a few years and I started late in life (late 40s) so I'm no expert by any means, but this is what worked for me...

Main thing I do to control breathing is to time it to steps. At an easier pace I do breathing at 4 step in/3 step out which sometimes goes to 3/3 after a few miles if I don't want to slow down. If you can push harder you can consider a 3/2 or 2/2 pace...whatever works for you.

You may actually fund that you will need to slow your running pace while you settle on a breathing pace. I wouldn't worry about that, once you get the rhythm your running pace should improve again.

Personally I also find I need to stay unplugged. The few times I tried to run with music it messed my pacing and breathing up.

Good luck with the running...

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Thanks for the advice Hammer, I'll try it out and see how I get on. I like music to work out to but, I think I'll do the running without, at least until I sort the breathing out. Think a pair of gloves are in order too, could barely clench a fist for a while my hands were so cold.


Be water, my friend.

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Nice work mate!

Running has never been my forte - in fact I really dislike it, and only do it because I know it will improve my overall fitness.

I like interval running. Sprint 15sec, Fast Jog 30sec, slow jog/powerwalk 30sec.

Rinse and repeat for 20-30min.

I've seen good gains in my stamina and ability to hold running pace for longer doing this too.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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Nice work mate!

Running has never been my forte - in fact I really dislike it, and only do it because I know it will improve my overall fitness.

I like interval running. Sprint 15sec, Fast Jog 30sec, slow jog/powerwalk 30sec.

Rinse and repeat for 20-30min.

I've seen good gains in my stamina and ability to hold running pace for longer doing this too.

Thanks Yamesu. We have spoke about interval training too but, we are going to wait for the warmer weather and lighter nights to come in so we can get onto the nearby running track with some of the younger ones who want to come running but, we don't want to take them running round the streets in the dark.


Be water, my friend.

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So last nights run went well, we were halfway round and going good, when the guy I run with changed the route on me. He told me it was only half a mile more but I think this was just to get me to do it :lol: , I believe it's more like double the small run (so 4 miles) but never switched my tracker on properly to confirm this. I only stopped running a couple times and those were on hills and I had a stitch. The run took around 35min and again I managed the sprint finish, well maybe not quite a sprint but definitely faster than the pace I had been holding! :D My max heart rate was 185 (avg 150) and between the run and class afterward I burned 1166 calories, so all in all I think it went quite well, progressing nicely I think.


Be water, my friend.

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