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I am just starting in martial arts. I am 44, 6'1 and 245 muscular lbs. I use to study judo and boxed a little. Been about 10 years. I have a Goju ryu karate and taek kwon do school close to me. I think Goju ryu would be my best option. Looking for advice. The taek kwon do school seems to be a chain but they also teach hapkido which I am intrested. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am looking for real world applications. Ive been in some altercations in the past and knowwhat does and doesnt work. I do like discipline and tradition. Thank you.

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Visit as many as you can. The most important style is the teaching style. If what they're teaching and how they're teaching it makes sense to you, that's all that matters.

Students are usually the best indicator of a teacher's effectiveness. Are they competent? Are they sloppy? Are they disciplined (I don't mean are they being disciplined)? Are they all over the place?

Is the school mostly kids, adults, or a mix? Are the people there people you'd like to be around? Is it like everyone's trying to outdo each other, or are they working together?

Can you afford it? Is there a high pressure sales pitch? Does the schedule agree with yours? Is the commute reasonable? Are there a ton of requirements outside of day to day training? Will you be charged a bunch of fees for every little thing?

The main question is does the place feel like a place you see yourself being at for the long haul?

Style and teachers' credentials should get you to visit. The other stuff will make you a part of the dojo. Don't settle.

Best of luck.

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Yea, I'm going to be biased and say Goju ryu. But JR 137 has the right of it. Visit both schools and get a feel of the student body and the instructors. Weigh the Pros and Cons. And then pick the art you feel is the best fit for you.

And after you check em both out, report back :)

Goju Ryu - Shodan

My MA Blog: http://gojublog.com

Personal Blog: http://zenerth.tumblr.com

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Yes, check out both schools. Watch a class or several of each, and try to speak with the instructors about their classes, what they teach, what their goals are, etc. Do your best to gather as much info to determine which school lines up better with what your MA goals are, that way you can make an informed decision.

Welcome to KF! :karate: Let us know which one you decide to go with.

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Im going with Goju Ryu. Incredible instructors, small class size and real world effectiveness. Body conditioning and hard contact are stressed. I love it!

Great choice, Hussaria!! From what I know about Goju-ryu is an effective art through and through. Higaonna Sensei, Judan Hanshi is it's leading proponent world wide!! Enjoy the journey!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Im going with Goju Ryu. Incredible instructors, small class size and real world effectiveness. Body conditioning and hard contact are stressed. I love it!

That is great to hear! Goju Ryu practitioners are a tough bunch. Do you happen to know if it's Okinawan or Japanese Goju Ryu (goju-kai)? Or the or the governing organization?

Goju Ryu - Shodan

My MA Blog: http://gojublog.com

Personal Blog: http://zenerth.tumblr.com

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