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Last workout of the year

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Do you/your dojo do anything special for the last workout of the year? We had ours tonight. Wednesday night is usually all ranks adults followed by black belts. Our CI decided to have one class for everyone, littlest ones all the way up to the highest ranks. We went almost 2 hours. There was one 6 year old, a few pre-teens, and the rest were adults. I think my CI covered just about everything in the syllabus tonight, minus weapons. It was a sweat fest. The 6 year old was a bit bored here and there, but he got us laughing several times. It was the first time he's done it, and we all agreed it should be an annual tradition. End the year on a positive note.

We have our annual Kagami Biraki on January 17th. It's a traditional New Year workout and celebration. Our honbu has there's on the 10th.

Anyone do anything special?

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Our Hombu will be bringing in the New Year with a special New Years Class, open for all ages and for all ranks from 11pm to 1215am, and that will be followed by a party from 1220am to 145am. Just like its been done for as long as I can remember. Of course, we don't expect many, if any, kids to attend because the lateness of the celebration.


My family and I will celebrate the New Year...by staying home in Houston, TX. Nope, I've not been to the Hombu's New Years Class but for a few times since I left California to care for my mom in Dallas, TX before she passed away many, many years ago.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I wish we did stuff like that.

The Boys and Girls Club we operate out of is closed from December 23rd through the first Monday of the new year, so we had our last adult class of the year way back on December 15th. It was special this year, as it was the class I got my black belt and we went through the entire syllabus in preparation for that, but usually it is just a normal class.

The last kids' class of the year was two days later on December 17th. Usually we have relay races, take a group picture, give Christmas goody bags to the kids and generally have fun, but our kids' instructor couldn't make it that day and I ended up running the class last minute (that was fun-- first class as a black belt and I'm in charge-- surprise!). I did a few relay races with them then I took them to the mats and worked on some breakfalls and rolling from Judo. They love that stuff and we don't do it nearly as often as we should (especially with the icy winters here), so it worked out well and they had a lot of fun. We ended with a little "demonstration" kata where everyone sits against the wall and one belt level comes up at a time and performs their kata for everyone to get them used to performing in front in a group with a little pressure and to allow the lower belts to get a taste of what's coming and see what slightly more advanced technique looks like. We finished it off with me performing my newest kata (Sunsu) for them, which they've never seen before and enjoyed.

Overall it's usually a fun but fairly anticlimactic end to the year.

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Unfortunately we had our last class for 2015 on the 16th December.

Our juniors have a fun breakup full of games and then have some food afterwards. All paid for by our CI usually a couple hundred dollars of food.

Then our seniors do a training session at our usual time, but is usually a much more relaxed class where we have more fun than doing a full on session. And is followed up by us going out for dinner around the corner.

Both juniors and senior breakups we have belt presentations, mainly Black Belt + Dan Grading Presentations. then we do what we gotta do.

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