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Ever get those days when you feel like you're going to die?


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I haven't done karate for like a good 4 months because I was busy doing my civil construction course but tonight I went. The sensei pushed us so hard because its the last day for the year and I got to the point where i felt like I was going to choke and die. Also when he didn't get enough responses he would punish us all the make us do these crazy hard stretched for 45 seconds where we had to lay on our stomach and put our feet, and chest up until he says its time over or whatever.

Makes me want to never go back lol, it scares me but i know its good for me so i will go back.

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That's pretty intense. I can honestly say we've never done that. But I've had moments like that in other sports and exercise classes, so if your class is more focused on exercise and fitness, I can see it.

Look up the word "shugyo". Some interesting stuff out there on it. It can be very helpful when done every so often (not every class).

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This idea may be redundant, but the worst thing to do after a very intense training session is to stop for two long because it will feel much worse. The stiffness and soreness will be as if one has never done anything before.

Most people enjoy the idea of getting leaner, stronger or just in an optimal state of fitness and health, but few actually enjoy or look forward to the feeling of their entire body being so sore that merely getting up feels like an Olympic event.

The more often one does it, the less it will feel sore. The longer one goes without moving the more it hurts. The older one is, the more this applies. Considering this may spare a visit or two to the hospital.

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I've had those days before. I'm not much for signing myself up for something like that, if I know its coming. I like to learn, but not to be so sore the next day that I can't get out of bed.

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I've reached the point where working out hard enough that you leave with that dead tired, but pleased with the work out feeling really hurts in the morning. Too many rounds sparring and my legs hate the stairs at work. Getting older for combatives. I'm in all those "senior" and "master" categories if I compete these days.

Then there are the nights like when PitbullJudoka, the other instructor, comes up asking what someone did, because he can hear me smoking the guys from down stairs when he's running late. Mind you, I'm doing every rep right along with the guys.

Kisshu fushin, Oni te hotoke kokoro. A demon's hand, a saint's heart. -- Osensei Shoshin Nagamine

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That's pretty intense. I can honestly say we've never done that. But I've had moments like that in other sports and exercise classes, so if your class is more focused on exercise and fitness, I can see it.

Look up the word "shugyo". Some interesting stuff out there on it. It can be very helpful when done every so often (not every class).

Shugyo...none other like it! Test ones mettle in ways unimaginable...our Soke and Dai-Soke were taskmasters to the Nth degree, and then some!! But their intent was to not hurt us, but to mold us...I appreciate that!!

Do it TODAY, so that TOMORROW will be easier!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I haven't done karate for like a good 4 months because I was busy doing my civil construction course but tonight I went. The sensei pushed us so hard because its the last day for the year and I got to the point where i felt like I was going to choke and die. Also when he didn't get enough responses he would punish us all the make us do these crazy hard stretched for 45 seconds where we had to lay on our stomach and put our feet, and chest up until he says its time over or whatever.

Makes me want to never go back lol, it scares me but i know its good for me so i will go back.

Short answer is yes, I have plenty of sessions where we are pushed pretty hard, predictably most of the kids cruise/cut the reps etc, but if you are like me you push yourself as hard as your instructor pushes you. It will show in the end, also at 5o yrs old I have to push hard to try and keep the fitness that I have.

The feeling you get walking out of the dojo after a hard core session, gear bag slung over your shoulder, chatting with your mates, is hard to beat. Endorphins are charging!!!!!!

See here for the buzz of a hard workout.....


Good if your feeling a bit low too......

Cheers Bull

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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  • 2 months later...

Aye!! Had those feelings a lot of times. But i still keep coming back for more, cause i know i can really confirm my training was effective and is going to make me stronger in the long run.

Don't let your belt represent you, but represent the belt.

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Most Tuesdays are like that in our club. There have been times when at the end of the class, I'm trying to take a drink of water but most of the bottle spills all over me because I'm shaking so much I can't physically hold the bottle still. But I LOVE IT!!!! It's even worse if my CI is away on holiday and one or two of the assistant instructors takes the class, that burn can last for days!! But the high after those classes is hard to beat, and always sleep like a baby afterwards....... Unless I'm working nights, that can sting a bit :lol:


Be water, my friend.

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