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Favorite Technique

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In every Martial Art there are many many techniques. But do you have 1 technique that is your absolute favorite or even absolute favorite to use during kumite?

Personally mine is Gedan Mawashi Geri or Lower Roundhouse Kick which in Lamens terms is the thigh kick. I find it to be a very useful kick that not many people expect to see.

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Favorite to use is Chudan Mae Geri (front snap kick)...quick, not as effective in close but opponents don't expect it. Also like a nice Gedan Mawashi Geri off of the back leg.

One I can't do well but I sure want to learn is Ushiro Mawashi Geri. Yes, the wheel kick is flashy, but we don't have the floor to practice it and I don't like the idea of intentionally falling or rolling to do a technique.

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One I have used a fair bit is an ura-mawashigeri (reverse roundhouse) to the stomach/chest, pushing off into a spin for an uraken/haito to the lower back. Its a little risky but when it comes off then the opponent is usually very surprised to catch a dig in the kidneys.

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I'd have to say mine is the round kick, to anywhere. My second favorite is the spin heel kick.

When we grapple at DT, my go to technique seems to have been the Americana.

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I'm a puncher. I've been told by a tailor or two that I have the torso and arms of someone who's 6 ft tall, and the legs of someone who's 5'4. I'm 5'9 and step on my 29" inseam pants. I'm also 215 lbs. needless to say, I'm not the guy who mesmerizes anyone with kicks. And my hips don't favor roundhouse kicks. I can easily front kick at face level, but roundhouse and side kicks are mid-rib level at best. If I get a roundhouse up to an opponent's head, there's not much power behind it at all.

Jab, cross, front kick, overhand punch to the chest or collarbone, inverted punch to the stomach/liver/spleen area.

I really like throwing a hook kick to the head, followed by a back/side kick to the stomach when they step in thinking they've got an open shot. I caught everyone at my dojo with that one a few times early on. Now they all just stand back after the hook kick because they've figured out that it's just a tool to bait them into stepping into the back/side kick.

I also really like the inside-out crescent kick. I mainly throw front kicks, so people get used to blocking down. Knee straight up like a front kick, then bring the foot around to the head. Trying to work that one into a combination that flows hasn't been easy for me though. And I'm not sure how hard that kick really would be if I didn't lighten up right before contact. Gotta get a heavy bag.

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I know that this seems that I'm being difficult when I say this, however, it's just me being honest with myself...

I've no favorite technique because, to me, situations create the technique for said moment.

Again, I don't want to sound indifferent at all.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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That's a tough one, but I have always been fond of doing things with my hands. At the end of the day, I love jabbing. It sets up so many other things and is just a quick little reminder to your opponent that they are getting close enough for me to act.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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