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Marijuana Legalization


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Well its like this. We tried to out law beer in the 20's and people bootlegged it and still got more than enough. The only time it will become leagal is when the goverment can corner the market and sell it. Which is not going to happen because anyone can grow it anywhere. So I don't see it ever being made legal. (US or Can)


As far as what people do in there own home. I am fine with that. I wish a lot more would choose to drink at home and not other places because IMO drunk driving lead to way more deaths than any other drug related event.


I guess the best situation for law enforcement would be this. Its ok to have it but you can't sell it or use it in public. Kind of like you can't have been open in public or smoke in certin places. People are going to do it and its a loosing battle. If you want it grow it yourself fine. Selling it should come with a HUGE fine and jail time. IMO that is the best way to fight the drug war.


With that said don't think I am a supporter of Pot but but I am a realist.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Well I don't do drugs or drink because I am underage but I am not planning to.


But I have a sister also and she is 17 turning 18 in about 4 months. Well I know that she smokes because I have seen her before smoking and I am not sure if she does any illegal drugs or drinks underage. But when she was in gr. 10 or 11 I heard that she said that she hangs out with the gr. 12 and people over 18 so that they can give her cigarettes and other drugs.


I think that it should be illegal to grow weed but maybe smoke it in your home and no where else.


I agree to what G95champ said when that we loose most people to drinking and driving and there is quite a lot of teens that die. I found a website and it said that 6-7 teens die a day related to alcohole. Thats 2016-2352 teens 15-20 die each year. :o that's a lot.

when you do your best it`s going to show.

"If you watch the pros, You will learn something new"

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's an interesting discussion. As a former extremely heavy pot smoker i would add how do you gauge when someone is impaired because of it ? If a person in a bar has a couple of drinks and drives but is not legally drunk or impaired, where could that line be drawn with law enforcement ? Most ( if not all ) people i would think smoke pot to get high. Even to catch at least a buzz. Many people who drink occasionally, including myself, can have a drink or two and be fine, i'm not sure that's possible with pot.


Thoughts ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bad idea for the common person to get it whenever they want. Medical mj? It has some merits to it. I would have to go with a big NO. THC, the active drug in mj builds up and store in the fat of the body and can cause "flashback" or recurring highs. Alcohol doesn't have this effect. Imagine driving down the road and BANG, flashback! You haven't toked in a month and yet your body has released stored drugs into your system and you run over a small child. Now, what you did in your own home, that didn't hurt anyone at the time, has killed or maimed a small child. Yep, I gotta go with no.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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No offense, guys, but how exactly did you earn the right to run your neighbor's life?


Do you own yourself, or does society own you? If you own yourself, how dare anyone throw you in prison for ingesting a substance when you haven't hurt anyone?


If an addict shoots somebody, prosecute him. If he's high and he runs someone over, prosecute him. Throw him in jail for doing harm. Not for inhaling some smoke.


I don't smoke either pot or tobacco, but I'm sick of being oppressed by a giant nanny "for my own good."


* Ignorant Taekwondo beginner.


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"Quite frankly, I'm on your side. If you're talking about actually trying to amend the Constitution in legal fashion to get rid of the Second Amendment, bring it on! At least you want to do it honestly and somewhat fairly, unlike most people who've tried to nullify the Amendment by illegal means."




please inform me of what you mean by this "nullifying by illegal





The ACLU, the NAACP, NOW, and the NRA all have their roles to play. They all protect rights that are vital to individual Americans and thus to all Americans. Discard them at your own peril.


the fact that they are black and the involvment of the naacp has nothing to do with what i had stated nor with my view of gun control in america and frankly i find that statement patronizing..my opinion has nothing to do with race


Why? You do know that Muhammed broke lots of federal gun laws when he bought his AR-15 "off the books," don't you? Why didn't the tough penalties for what he did stop him?


Could it be because he's a murderer and murderers don't follow laws? The guy is going to be executed for his murders, and you want to sentence decent people who simply want to possess weapons for their own defense to prison in order to discourage him.

the fact that someone as crazy as this individual is able to get such a weapon shows that its too easy, and that there should be laws made to prosecute those who choose to sell guns to anyone in the name of the dollar bill without proper background checks or "of the books" AKA illegaly


they become as much responsible for the harm caused as the person who commits murdr with the weapon sold..just as now a person who host a party and lets a guest leave and drive drunk and kills someone is held liable by law and is also responsible in the death..decent people who carry firearms for self protection should not purchase them out of someones trunk or pawn shop nor carry them concealed without the proper license .i dont know much about where your from..im in new york where its ridiculous now that its almost a common thing for high school students to carry firearms as it is a backpack for thier books.alot of school yard disputes are settled with gunfights instead of the old fashioned fistfight where you may leave bruised not in a bodybag..mohammed may have broken alot of federal gun lwas in obtaining such a weapon..but he was not alone..those who supplied him are guilty also..if i was a drug dealer and supplied you with a heroin dose that killed you then im guilty of murder as well as distribution..

And you very rarely will, because it almost never happens. In about 98% of successful defenses with a firearm, not a shot is fired. Don't fall into the "Kellerman trap" of believing that self-defense is only real when someone kills an intruder. Conservative estimates of crimes prevented each year by private citizens using firearms range between 750,000 and 1.5 million per year. Now, not all of these are preventions of murders, but you can still see how many lives are being saved. On the other paw, deaths of all types involving firearms (murder, suicide, accident, justified shootings, etc.) total just over 30,000 per year. You do the math.


Most successful defenses are simply not newsworthy.


statistics nothing but numbers my friend..until you see it in your neighborhood..until someone you know gets killed for nothing..that one number is one to many..if your mom is going to the store and gets shot for simply being there at the wrong time..and is killed by an animal who should have not even been on the street much less have someone sell him a firearm then whats a statistic chart worth?? my father is retired NYPD he was forced to retire after falling off a second story fire escape wrestling a firearm from a twice convicted felon who should have been in jail..he shot the convict and was lucky to not have been shot himself..while he aimed to disable the other guy was looking to kill..thats my pops always the gentleman.. if it was me i would have made sure i popped him in between the eyes..but since my father didnt kill him it was not news worthy .as a matter of fact my father had to be investigated as to why he didnt use other means to subdue the suspect..who had a firearm in the act of a felony burgalary..go figure

post your citations then..if you need to review your notes i can recall on a daily sotries of guns being used to kill innocent people just by last weeks news articles and im talking about only those that made the papers


. . . . are, again, incredibly rare. Accidental deaths among children 14 and under amount to a few hundred per year. That sounds like a lot until you remember that there are about 280,000,000 people in the U.S. and about as many firearms. More children are accidentally killed by drowning, eating household cleaners, falls, bicycle accidents, etc., every single year than by gunfire. Among adults, accidents are the second lowest cause of accidental deaths. The only thing rarer is "specific types of poison."


i dont know the exact amount..i will research it..however "incredibly rare' is not the case..everyone has heard of such horrible incidents..that defintely does not make it rare.. incredibly rare is ones house being hit by a meteor


ill tell you what seems to be rare is someone shooting and killing a person commiting a crime against themselves or thier family/property this is something we dont hear




and finally you are correct i do have right to my opinion..and my opinon stands that a gun is made for nothing else then killing..i served in the military..ive seen up close and personal what a weapon can do..i was a corpsman(medic) in the service..ive spent a few nights as a child growing up wondering if my father was going to make it home..knowing alot of bad guys out there had a a gun they were more then willing to use on my father or any other "pig" that got in there way..because a nine to five was far beneath them..ive had more then a few people i know gunned down..i myself was shot at on two occasions one time feeling the heat of a slug whizzing past my ear which was meant for my head not even in military action..but by common thugs who felt they needed to shoot me to prove how tough they were..and in recent events in washington/virginia which are allready fading into yesterdays news..i bet you no one living around those areas will ever feel safe again in thier god given constitutional right to fill thier gas tanks without being shot to death..much less the right to bear arms and i leave with this.. can you really tell me firearms in america is not a problem?

Edited by taezee

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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okay something got messed up in seperating your qoutes with my rebutal but if you read straight through you know whats mine and yours..and i am openminded..but i stand firmly my belief is the sole purpose of a firearm ..each one thats is manufactured is to someday kill a human being..wheter they are desreving or not..moreso then to kill a deer by a hunter..just as any car manufactured is to transport people from point A to point B just as we pratice martial arts to subdue or cause serious harm to an assailant who tries to harm us ..all other reasons are secondary we can get into debate about that also..it is also my belief that this is the main reason for studying martial arts..to be able to harm those who choose to harm me..same can be said of possesing a firearm..to kill those who choose to try to kill me..all he other things that come with it.."self discipline..enlightenbment..physical fitness..confidence..characther..e.t.c are secondary as to why martial arts where created..its is to defend one from an attack not to win a gold medal with a ref controling a match in a ring with rules..a firearm to the crminal to be able to do what i he/she wamts to to to gain with deadly force..even if it means picking off innocents because he/she feels like it..and for them to be able to get such power in thier hands so easily means there is something seriously wrong with the amount of guns in america..you are at thier mercy same as you are at the mercy of fate that the next drunk driver wont ram head on into your car as you try to get home from work which also took the life of my anut 12 years ago because someone wanted to get high and then drive a car she was taken..no defense aginst that..just chance..she was just coming home from the supermarket..trying to make some breakfast for her family..but she was in the way of some person who didnt care..was drunk and killed her at stop sign..no matter the amount of time i have studied martial arts (twenty five years) ive never left the dojang confident in the fact that i can defend myself against a thug pointing a gun at me to ever think that would be denial at its best..real life is a big difference then the movies where you may see jet li grab the gun empty the magazine and smile at the bad guy before kicking him in the face.. ..all those years of training mean nothing in the second it takes for a trigger to be pulled and i would laugh in the face of anyone who would argue otherwise..self defense against a gun my ass..the best defense against that is to give up what i got and pray the guy doesnt shoot me..just as i pray im never in the wrong place at the wrong time..the more we have laws that prevent people with easy access to weapons the more we wont wind up in such an incident..its easier to get a firearm then to get cuban cigars again go figure..and yes i am ranting..im pissed and maybe when a whole lot of people get as pissed as i am something will change..instead of forgetting about it weeks later and being glad after reading or seeing the latest news report that it didnt happen to me or someone i know.its only news or another statistic until then where ONE is a devastating number that will haunt you for the rest of your life.where ONE is someone you know.or your death where people will read about you..and how your life was taken.."he was just pumping gas".."he was just going to school".."he was just trying to get home"..but someone who had a gun didnt care about all that..they may have even sneered and pulled the trigger..then went on to brag about how scared you looked as you realized you where going to be on the news that evening..please someone tell me how great guns are....tell me a story about how great it is to kill an deer..how it was a lifetime experience for you...how forfilling it was..or tell me a story about a crime that happened around the corner from you in which someone was shot dead by some scumbag..which one is more common?? more specifacally mr don gwin tell me of the advantages of having firearms as i see you a gun enthusiast? and i apoloize in the fact that i just relized this belongs in the sinper posting in "serious discussion"

Javier l Rosario

instructor taekwondo/hapkido

under master Atef s Himaya

"whenever youre lazy enough not to train .someone, somewhere is training very hard to kick your *"

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