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Have You Actually Seen a 10 Year Old Full Black Belt?

Have you seen a 12 year old (or younger) with a full (not junior) black belt with your own eyes, in person?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you seen a 12 year old (or younger) with a full (not junior) black belt with your own eyes, in person?

    • Yes
    • No

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Thank you for the replies, all. :)

For the record, I did want to say that I didn't/won't vote as it doesn't really apply to me.


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  • 5 months later...

I was awarded a Black Belt at 10 after training for 7 years. As someone else mentioned, the only difference in requirements was breaking (smaller boards, not different techniques) I had trained at least three times per week for my 7 years time as well as ranked nationally amongst other children my age as young as 5 years old. We obviously had to know our physical skills as well as good attitude, written reports including the history of the art as well as a more personal one and many korean terms covering body parts, counting, stances, kicks, punches, etc. There were not many young black belts in my school. I was definitely a rarity, and to this day, he still does not award a young martial artist this rank without the proper requirements deemed for his school.

After 1st degree, I chose not to test again until about 15 years old for 2nd and another 4 years for 3rd.

Though becoming a BB at a young age myself, I think it takes a special child to earn a black belt and I definitely agree that they are being 'given' away far to often without consideration of not only physical ability, but also mental ability.

I'm currently struggling with an instructor at a different school than talked of earlier, that is pushing a 15 year old to test for his 5th degree... different story, different rant... different time... :kaioken:

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15 year old testing for Godan??!!?? That, I just don't understand why this would be permitted. Imho, the age alone is one thing, but the tenure is abated severly...again, imho!!

Seems to me, and forgive me, all, but if legitimate ranks were important at one time, they're not that way anymore. Reasons like this is why, imho, ranking in general is mocked at!! And I take offense to the implications and being lumped in because I've worked my tail off to earn the ranks I've earned.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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15 year old testing for Godan??!!?? That, I just don't understand why this would be permitted. Imho, the age alone is one thing, but the tenure is abated severly...again, imho!!

Seems to me, and forgive me, all, but if legitimate ranks were important at one time, they're not that way anymore. Reasons like this is why, imho, ranking in general is mocked at!! And I take offense to the implications and being lumped in because I've worked my tail off to earn the ranks I've earned.


Excellent post, you above all others would know what it takes to be in the MA at a high level. I agree completely that no one under the age of 18-20 should be above nidan, of course that's just my opinion and I think in the eyes of many that would be lenient.

Black belt AFAF # 178

Tang Soo Do

8th Kyu

Matsubayashi ryu shorin ryu karate

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Generally speaking...If one passes each and every testing cycle at their determined dates/times, and no double/triple grading's, and nothing is out of the ordinary and so on and so forth...

We're looking at somewhere near 17-20 years to obtain a Godan, and I'm being quite liberal with my calculations. Perfect testing cycles, meaning that the candidate passed each testing cycle the first time, is not common. Why? I've not meet a perfect student yet!! Mistakes occur often during ANY testing cycle, and to be perfect for 17-20 years is unheard of, imho.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Surely mental maturity also comes into it. Can a ten year comprehend the other aspects and not just the physical routine of Kata, Kihons etc.

Also curious about Kumite, just how this would work for a 10 yr old? Especially in a shodan grading.

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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I voted yes, I have seen one, I am one.. or was.

I got my BB 1 month before I turned 11. This is going to sound like bragging, but it is not.

I was always a very mature child, well above others my age. I trained in my dojo 6 days a week and was homeschooled by the CI's wife, so I would go to the school with her daily after school and train one on one with the CI for about 2 hours a day and then take the juniors class and the adult class. I earned my Asst. instructor patch at 8 with a brown belt. I am the youngest and lowest ranked person to ever receive it. By the time I got the BB I had been in the adult classes for over 2 years and when tested I was side by side with them and had no special privileges or slack requirements. I did everything they did including sparring with them, throws, board breaking with the same 1" thick boards they used, etc..

I am not trying to say I am special but I completed every adult requirement for the rank and I feel that I personally was of sound mind to hold the rank.

I have certainly seen some who did not deserve it, some a little older and some much older. I think my old organization has changed it up a bit these days though. I sat on a testing board last week and saw a kid who was probably around 11 or 12 promoted to junior BB, I don't know if they just skipped junior for me or if the didn't have it back then. In my opinion he should not have gotten the rank based on his technique but they passed him in one of those " we will pass him but he needs to work on this" kind of things..

Honestly though the candidate whom I felt the strongest about not passing was a guy who was in his mid 30's going for 2nd dan.. If he were my student he would be wearing a blue belt.. I felt he was not anywhere near the rank he had much less going up another level.. My point here is that it goes both ways.

Black belt AFAF # 178

Tang Soo Do

8th Kyu

Matsubayashi ryu shorin ryu karate

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Thank you for sharing that, chiliphil1. I'm sure it's not an easy thing to put out there when martial artists tend to be fairly critical of kids attaining the rank.

Side note: I was homeschooled, as well. :)

Thanks again,


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I've seen black belts as young as six...yes, I said 6! Total rubbish IMO.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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