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On monday I might be taking a test to achiev the 3rd Kyu (brown belt) in shotokan karate. My only questions at the moment are:

1 - Should I be worried about properly executing bassai dai?

2 - What are the tips you can give me to excel amongst the others?

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Do the kata as best you can, you already know it. Even if you make mistakes, you can still pass if you maintain your focus and carry on. Gichin Funokoshi said that spirit comes first and technique comes second. Also, don't worry about the other karateka in the test; you just concentrate on yourself. You are the only one you can influence, forget the past, don't worry about the future; effect the now and do it with confidence. Your Sensei has faith in you or you wouldn't be offered the test. Go for it and let it happen, good luck.

Look to the far mountain and see all.

On monday I might be taking a test to achiev the 3rd Kyu (brown belt) in shotokan karate. My only questions at the moment are:

1 - Should I be worried about properly executing bassai dai?

2 - What are the tips you can give me to excel amongst the others?

1 - Yes

2 - Don't worry about it

I don't do Shotokan, so I don't know if you need Bassai Dai to pass your test. If you do, then yes, you should be worried about executing it properly. Well, as properly as you can, anyway. As far as "excelling amongst the others," that isn't something you need to worry about. Rank tests aren't a competition with the other people testing--they are a competition with your self. Do the best that you can, and don't give up. Good luck!

KishimotoDi | 2014-Present | Sensei: Ulf Karlsson

Shorin-Ryu/Shinkoten Karate | 2010-Present: Yondan, Renshi | Sensei: Richard Poage (RIP), Jeff Allred (RIP)

Shuri-Ryu | 2006-2010: Sankyu | Sensei: Joey Johnston, Joe Walker (RIP)

Judo | 2007-2010: Gokyu | Sensei: Joe Walker (RIP), Ramon Rivera (RIP), Adrian Rivera

Illinois Practical Karate | International Neoclassical Karate Kobudo Society

1 - Should I be worried about properly executing bassai dai?

Are you worried about it? Then practice! If you're confident that you can execute bassai dai with good form then relax! If you're not, then practice!

2 - What are the tips you can give me to excel amongst the others?

Don't worry about the others. Worry about yourself. Unless they are grading everyone and only the top X testers pass then do as best as you can and forget everybody else testing. The more you worry about other people the less your technique is going to excel. You're being tested because you teacher thinks that you are ready. Worry about nothing else.

Good luck! I can't wait to hear the (positive) outcome!

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.



I love Bassai Dai! So powerful. It means "Breaking the Fortress!"

Practice the kata until it becomes a matter of muscle memory. Then, in your test, don't worry. Just do it.

About the others around you- go at your own (or your Instructor's) pace. Tune the others out. If you worry about them or if you try to keep up with them, you'll make the same mistakes they do. Just keep your own focus, and do everything as you know how to do it. You'll be fine!

The other night, there was a white belt testing for yellow. He was doing everything slower than everybody else, and our M.I. thought he was messing up and starting over. So he called for me to take a point away. But when I explained that I saw that he was just taking his time and making sure he was doing everything right, although he was slower (he's 6'5, so it takes his legs a little longer to retract!), our M.I. didn't take the point. The student wasn't focusing on everybody else. He was focusing on what HE knew. And it earned him his next belt.

Good luck.

Seek Perfection of Character

Be Faithful


Respect others

Refrain from violent behavior.

I love Bassai Dai! So powerful. It means "Breaking the Fortress!"

Practice the kata until it becomes a matter of muscle memory. Then, in your test, don't worry. Just do it.

About the others around you- go at your own (or your Instructor's) pace. Tune the others out. If you worry about them or if you try to keep up with them, you'll make the same mistakes they do. Just keep your own focus, and do everything as you know how to do it. You'll be fine!

The other night, there was a white belt testing for yellow. He was doing everything slower than everybody else, and our M.I. thought he was messing up and starting over. So he called for me to take a point away. But when I explained that I saw that he was just taking his time and making sure he was doing everything right, although he was slower (he's 6'5, so it takes his legs a little longer to retract!), our M.I. didn't take the point. The student wasn't focusing on everybody else. He was focusing on what HE knew. And it earned him his next belt.

Good luck.

Agree...train so you know the kata and then when the test comes trust the training. Yes, a lot easier said than done, but it does work.

Regarding the scoring, is it common practice for an MI to dictate what others would score for any portion of a test? That's not what I encountered when I used to evaluate students...if I scored someone a certain way then that's how it went.

On monday I might be taking a test to achiev the 3rd Kyu (brown belt) in shotokan karate. My only questions at the moment are:

1 - Should I be worried about properly executing bassai dai?

2 - What are the tips you can give me to excel amongst the others?

First of all, good luck with your testing cycle!!

Don't worry about bassai dai...let it take care of itself. Just execute it to the best of your ability, and that will be seen by the testing panel. Relax, breath, and don't sweat the small things!! You'll be fine!!

You don't have to get a 100% grade to pass! So, if you mess up, dust it off, and forget about it...it happened...it's over...just let it go, and rock the house with your next technique and so on and so forth.

As I've already stated, let it take care of itself. Let the testing cycle take care of itself, let the three K's take care of itself...just relax, breath, and perform to the best of your abilities. Let your Kime shine; it'll be seen by those who need to see it. Don't worry about the other testing candidates...worry about yourself, and in that, just don't worry. VISUALIZE...then execute!!

You'll be excellent!


**Proof is on the floor!!!


Do Bassai Dai to the best of your ability.

Throughout the grading give 100% and put it all out there on the mat. Even though your sensei is looking for how well you do the techniques, if you give it 100% then he/she won't care if you stuff up


I'm exhausted, but it was very nice, I was approved to brown belt. Thanks everyone for the kind words and the advices.

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