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Very disrespectful and way out of line by that guest instructor.

When i visit other schools to teach, I will never criticize students for doing techniques incorrectly. I will tell individual students what they can improve on if i feel like what they are doing is blatently wrong. But I will ask the chief instructor to show me their techniques so i know what is correct and incorrect for their school.

For Kata i will show them a slightly different way of doing the kata, and show them the application and the reasons why we use it. But i do stress the point that every school does the kata slightly differently and they don't have to do the kata the way i've taught but to follow what the CI prefers students to do.

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One thing our Sensei tells us all the time- if a technique works, it isn't wrong! There are hundreds of things someone can do with a single technique. There are multiple applications of every kata. I've learned multiple apps for all techniques that I know. It doesn't mean that that any were wrong. If they work, they're not wrong! And to make that statement the way he did was against all principals of the arts that we study!

Just curious- what was it that he said was incorrect?

Seek Perfection of Character

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If the visiting instructor was a higher rank your Sensei should have stopped him and pulled him to the side away from the students and explained to him the error of his ways. If you outrank him it is well within your rights to do the same thing.

Either way something should have been said to make sure this instructor knows the proper way to address someone elses class. Whether right or wrong he had no business correcting you in front of your students. No humility or respect what so ever.

Being a Yondan I would think that etiquette and proper respect would have been already drilled into his head. That type of ego would not be tolerated in my dojo. He would have been respectfully asked to revise his statement or I would have shown him the door and told him never to return.

IMHO it was your Sensei's place to correct him and absolutely should have.

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.

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My question is, "why would he do that?" A question you'll never really know the answer to. At the end of it, however, your sensei backed You. This, while annoying and a head scratcher, is completely repairable by your sensei & you. Try not to loose much sleep over it. While this could have been much worse to repair, had your sensei not been there...he was there and has your back.

All my best.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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