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In Secret!

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I'm very public about my training. This is for two reasons:

1. I own the school and like to drum up business!

2. Before I had my own school, I was always looking for new training partners and wanted to be sure my instructor's academy was doing well.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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I tend to not bring it up. My immediate family and close friends know that I train. If I tell someone it's usually because I find out that they train MA too. I remember when I told my older brother and they responded with kia's and making chopping motions.. :) Now that I've earned my black belt in karate they are now asking me how to get started in it.

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I don't hide it, I don't display it. I am a martial artist. I practice where and when I want. I am honest in my desire to practice and give no thought to what others may think.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't hide it, I don't display it. I am a martial artist. I practice where and when I want. I am honest in my desire to practice and give no thought to what others may think.

This was my favourite answer through the whole thread.

I feel the same. I will practice outside if I feel like it (though not in my Dogi), when and where I want to.

Its none of anyone's business.

I don't tout being a "fighter" or anything like that, nor would I bring it up randomly in conversation, but I certainly don't shy away from martial arts being a part of my life if it comes up in conversation.

"We did not inherit this earth from our parents.

We are borrowing it from our children."

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If you can deal with strangers or ignorant people disturbing your training, heckling you, challenging you or goading you; pestering you to show them something to entertain them, then you are luckier than me.

Secrecy saves me the aggravation and tedium of trying to justify a very personal interest and life endeavour. As you said, it's nobody else's business and that's why I like to keep it between myself, my teacher and fellow martial arts people.

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(to all)

Some of the posts in the thread speak about a person private/personal view of MA and there involvement.

Some speak about a public advert of MA and there involvement?

Some speak of a desire just to train, be this 'hiding in plain sight, or training in the dojo.

So the question ...

What is it that has you consider how you train in public?

Not a shame or poke fun direction here.


In Japan to run around in you Gi in public to train is looked upon very much like a person is looked playing football (soccer) or cycling with all the gear on etc

but this is a not Japan so to run around in jogging shorts and a tee in the western world is how its done ...

... is it acceptable

... is it embarrassment

... just your way

... being humble

... driven by the area where you live


I wear shorts and a tee when I run, I don't go around boxing the air or kicking at trees.

However, I run in an area I consider private, and off the beaten track.

If I ran around in my Gi, I'm sure some would consider me mad or daft, but I do not do this as to me its the fact to me its just plain not right to do so outside the dojo.

A soccer player doesn't go dancing in his stud boots, so why would I go running in a Gi?

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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My school has conducted outdoor classes, though not for some time now. When we did outdoors class, we trained in our doboks. I've done outdoors training with some friends of mine at the park, but in regular clothes. But I haven't done anything like this in some time.

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At one time I did practise outside in parks and my first dojo had some training sessions outdoors. When I did it with the dojo we were in our dogi, but when I did it alone I was in ordinary comfortable clothes. It still attracted much attention I would have rather not have had. Anything from an unwanted and very distracting audience to pestering requests for demonstrations and even hecklers out to prove that martial arts don't work. I had enough of that and with all those people around I would have been blamed for any trouble because I was the crazy karate guy training in the park. Now I keep it secret even if it might be seen differently where I live now.

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My school has conducted outdoor classes, though not for some time now. When we did outdoors class, we trained in our doboks. I've done outdoors training with some friends of mine at the park, but in regular clothes. But I haven't done anything like this in some time.

I have trained with sandans (3rd Dan) in a park a few times over the years for classes. And we wore our GIs. And we had a lot of people stop and watch. We all drummed up some interested parties wanting to sign up. And we were all of different styles as well

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Hawkmoon, to answer your question: I don't train in public, or wear my gi to the supermarket, because it feels like I'm trying to show off. It's like being a kid going to the store in her soccer uniform, "Look at me, I play soccer!" Additionally, let's be honest, martial arts are a bit stigmatized in this country (the US). I don't need to run into a doctor I work with and have that inform his/her impression of me (whatever that may be) on a professional level. Would I practice kata in the park? Sure, if it were secluded and there weren't a bunch of people around. Have I? No - that's why I go to the dojo. I can trail run outdoors, but I can't in the dojo.

And as for picking up milk on the way home, well I'd rather change; My gi doesn't have pockets.

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