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My journey back into Goju Ryu


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Hey peeps, so I realized three years later that my opening post is not quite intended to what it's supposed to be. It states "My journey back into Goju Ryu" but it doesn't state why I went back to it. Well, in 2000, I actually started my journey of Martial Arts with Karate. I never knew much of martial arts, but I was an overweight kid with spectacles, so I also couldn't play any of the conventional sports (rugby, soccer, hockey, cricket) due to my spectacles. I then remembered that at high school there was a Karate school. I joined there and had the time of my life. I lost weight, I became confident and became strong. We were always mocked by the conventional sports guys(which I presume is normal) because we were different. After my final year, I lost touch with the school. By then, in their curriculum, I studied their version of Goju Ryu(which was shotokan, goju ryu, shito ryu) as they promoted their own style. I had no idea that they were a McDojo and that their gradings actually meant nothing in the real world. No disrespect, just saying. I then began my years of college and started working. In our Central Business District, there was a Wing Chun/Sanda/ Shaolin five styles school and decided to try something different. I didn't stay long there mainly because I didn't work long in CBD. I then moved over to Seni Silat, which was promoted by a teacher in the greater Cape Town who had come back from Malaysia after his training there for a while, and he was practicing in one of the mosques. I really loved the Seni Silat, I still do. But I was belittled by some of the Muslims because I have a girlfriend, and obviously in Islam, having a girlfriend is frowned upon as marriage is the proper way but they never understood that she has always been there, and at that time, I just recently became Muslim for myself and I wasn't prepared to throw her away because of some idiots that had no say in my life and now they want to say something. So I left, also because the instructor did absolutely nothing about it, in my opinion, he was weak. The rest is history, and now you know why I have names this post "My journey back into Goju Ryu. Actually, the REAL Goju Ryu, and not some McDojo Goju Ryu.

Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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Okay, so this weekend I will be having my first Gashuku. It's not the typical weekend away type of Gashuku, but more of a mandatory Gashuku for extra instruction as our grading is next month. Because of my zeal, I have not been selected to perform with the orange belts, but along with the green, blue and brown belt students. I don't know if I said it before but I take my Karate quite seriously and put everything I have into every technique even if it tires me out. I strive to do the best that I can and strive to be better than average. To say that I am a "natural" is to boast, so I won't say that. No one is natural and takes time to achieve the best that can be done. I would like to thank my seniors on this forum as well for the inspiration and guidance, you too are instrumental as well as the lower grades on this page as I believe that everyone can learn no matter what level.


Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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So Saturday morning went quite well, I really enjoyed myself. There was more time to explain in class with what and how, more executions of waza, kihon and kata. I love training with the senior grades because I aspire to be one, one day. I have a nice bruise on my forearm too haha! I blocked too slow and the brown belt caught me just below my hand with a chest punch and I blocked too slow because I hesitated in my technique. I am looking forward to my grading next month and I feel confident that I will pass.

Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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So Saturday morning went quite well, I really enjoyed myself. There was more time to explain in class with what and how, more executions of waza, kihon and kata. I love training with the senior grades because I aspire to be one, one day. I have a nice bruise on my forearm too haha! I blocked too slow and the brown belt caught me just below my hand with a chest punch and I blocked too slow because I hesitated in my technique. I am looking forward to my grading next month and I feel confident that I will pass.

Osu! :bowofrespect:

The path so far: 2 kyu Karate (Shito-ryu), 3 kyu Aikido (Aikikai), 5 kyu Judo, 9 kyu Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu

Not a day without a kata

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey all,

So this weekend past was the Cape Town Unicity Karate championships along with Karate South Africa hosting the event. We have a few WKF officials in the country and they were there as well. The air was filled with electricity. There were Shito-Ryu schools (Hayashi Ha/ Ryushin-kan/ Kimura Shukokai), Goju-Ryu schools as well. The Shito-Ryu (Ryushin-kan) guys walked away with the most medals I think, their fighters were fierce and well trained. I never competed but I did sing the national anthem for the event (I am a well trained singer too).

I have only competed in one Kumite in my life when I was young and right there and then I vowed to train to do it again. I know it is sport karate essentially but it's something I feel I want to at least attempt once again in my life. I also wanna give the Shito-Ryu guys a run for their money HAHAHAHA :D

Our Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate-do Kyokai event is somewhere in September this year and I will train to compete, maybe in both kata and kumite divisions and if I excel, then I will have the opportunity to compete in the Unicity/ Karate South Africa events.

Now for the main query of my post: Our school relies on attendance or how much hours spent in class to follow up to the next grading. So I want to know, will it be beneficial for me to attend two dojo's in my province, same organization where I will be able to fast track my black belt? Do you think it's beneficial to do so? The issue isn't the fees as class is affordable. I feel that I lack training in my own time mostly because there's no reward at the end of it but I want to excel faster.

By now, most of you know that I am an eager student, always willing to learn and grow. Apart from that, I am 31 years old so I don't want to be an old shodan (no disrespect to the seniors).

Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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  • 1 month later...

Good morning KF'ers!!!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, just very upset that my Rugby team lost against the Crusaders this weekend (for those who watch Super Rugby).

Anyways, this Saturday coming will be my first grading for the year. I feel that I'm not ready, I also don't feel worthy... but alas I will press on. So my grading consists of three elements. Kihon, Kata, Bunkai. My Saifa is a bit dodgy but everything else seems fine.

I will be looking to get a stripe on my Orange belt.

Any tips/ recommendations you can give?


Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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Good luck on Saturday, and put your money on a Crusaders-Hurricanes final.


Never bro! If Stormers don't make it, then I vote Chiefs! Haha!

Uphold the Budo spirit and nothing will overcome you!

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Good luck on Saturday, and put your money on a Crusaders-Hurricanes final.


Never bro! If Stormers don't make it, then I vote Chiefs! Haha!

Hahahaha, Actually I'm a Highlanders fan since Jeff Wilson days.....

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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