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Private Lessons

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Through my experience I realize that private lessons come in waves. Sometimes I have 10 a week, but I never expect that to last forever, it is a bonus. I was just wondering what are some ideas anyone has come up with to increase their quantity of private lessons. Maybe, how do you encourage people to do them? Have you reached out to other people that are not necessarily members of your school? The results are great, everyone I have done privates with learned significantly faster than in a group setting. Just looking for ideas, thanks guys!

"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then we shall find the way."

~Abraham Lincoln

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Prices, usually dictate to a student if they're willing to spend extra money on private lessons. Even then, prices aside, some prefer private lessons, while others prefer group lessons; a personal preference of students.

Private lessons gives the undivided attention of one instructor to only 1 student, while semi-private lessons to 2-3 students, while still being private, they're not group lessons.

No matter the size of the dangling carrot before them, they'll still want to do group lessons. Not all mistakes are caught by the instructor, no matter who they are. The instructors attentive stare is spread out in all directions. Students love to "hide" in that anonymity.

You're "sells pitch" will have to quite inviting to a student. I'd emphasize that they get "YOU" to themselves alone on the floor, where you can generate much more personal time towards them because you're attentive stare will not be divided, as it would be in a group setting. I'd not try to sell them on the myth that private lessons get one promoted faster. Not true!! Promotions are based on how well one does at any given testing cycle!!

My private lesson ratio is 35/65%, with the lower number being private/semi-private lessons.

Good luck, and let us know how everything's going for you in this area!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Not sure I understand why you would need to pitch this. Unless your charging an outlandish amount for the lessons I would think it sells itself.

I offer them as a means to help my students with areas they think they need help in. I also offer them to students before their tests to help them fine tune areas.

I don't have to ask them they ask me. It sells itself.

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.

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Depends on the person. I get private lessons on top of my usual classes because there are things I want to get covered with my instructor one on one.

But I get a couple of sessions free due to me teaching for free. but for students they pay for the room and time.

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Offer different types of privates. Perhaps a forms private, to help shore up little areas to trim things out. Offer self-defense or bunkai privates to those looking for that. Offer sparring privates for those wishing to get to that next level in competition.

What you might consider is setting up some Privates Time Slots on the schedule, and make some for each of the subjects I listed above. I don't know how you price it, but do whatever you do for them, and then see who signs up for them. It will give you a pulse as to what the students want to do, and you can tailor it from there.

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