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I have come to realize that my flexibility is going to be one of the big issues for my progressing in Karate. More specifically in my legs.


I cannot kick very high in a forward kick due to hamstring tightness and side kicks are also limited by my side split ability.


I know I need to do streatching to improve this, but how when etc?


I am told warm up is important but I don't have time to jog etc before hand. I have been doing straight leg toe touching 3 times a day for a few days trying to streatch out the hamstrings and do successive side split widening by tightening my legs like I am trying to squeeze the floor with my legs as I let them go out further. All in an attempt to get my flexibility so that I can kick higher and properly.


Any tips on the fast track to improving this?



43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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The very best time to concentrate on stretching and really working the stretch is after you are thoroughly warmed up (dripping with sweat) from a workout. This is when you can really push your muscles and tendons more than usual in order to get on that "fast track" so-to-speak!


After all my cardio kickbox classes we really work on our flexibility stretches ... because when your muscles are warmed up there is less chance for injury.


You need to do a search here on the forum in Health & Fitness under keywords.... stretching (correct spelling), high kicks, flexibility determination, and splits..... --- that should tun up for you a vast amount of threads offering advice to achieve that never ending desire!

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The height of you kicks should not slow down your advancement. However stretching is very important and the hips and hamstrings are the key.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Dynamic stretches every morning and before every workout. If I was to do one type of stretch, it'd be dynamic. Makes sense since kicking is a dynamic action. If you do a search on flexibility/stretching, you should bring up old threads in this forum. An excellent book is 'Stretching Scientifically' by Tom Kurz. However, this ebook, http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/docs/rec/stretching is very good as well if you take the time to read it.

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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Btw, saying 'I do not have time to warm up' is an absolute load of bullshit. If you can't do something properly without causing damage to yourself, don't bother doing it at all. Without the warm up, you'll get into your kicks and the next thing you know, you've pulled your hamstring. Do NOT neglect the warm up!

It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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I agree with everyone here. You MUST warm up first. In TKD, we do jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, ect to get the blood flowing. Then we stretch. But I get the best results from stretching AFTER class. Because I'm definitely warmed up, my muscles are loosened up, and there is much less chance of injury. After pulling my hammy, I don't wanna pull another muscle. That hurt! So, warming up is the most important part of stretching. If you stretch cold, you are asking to pull something.

Laurie F

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When I say I don't have time to warm up, I am not referring to before class. I am referring to the mad rush in the morning getting the kids ready for school etc and me into work at a reasonable hour.


If it is simpley a matter of doing 1 or so minutes of jumping jacks then fine, I can fit that in, but 10 mins of exercise isn't going to happen in my morning routine.


I have found my worst enemy right now is my ham strings. They prevent me from extending my foot high enough on a front kick or side kick.



43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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I started MA at age 25. I was not flexible at all. I couldn't even touch my toes sitting down! LOL. You wouldn't think so now, but it took me two years at workin at it (I noticed that you were a white belt). It takes a lot of work and patience. I do this (the one you stated above: "side split widening by tightening my legs like I am trying to squeeze the floor with my legs as I let them go out further." But be sure to warm up properly. I do this stretch after class, and I'm getting really good results.

Laurie F

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I will take the advice and add some stretching to the end of class too. I have been using the pinch the floor technique for side splits.


My flexibility is starting off a bit better hamstring wise than you started off. I can touch my toes sitting down and standing up, but barely.


Side splits I am a good 16 or so inches off the ground in the middle.


I have the book 'Stretching Scientifically' on loan from my brother in law. Seems like a good book but a bit involved.



43 Years old

Blue Belt (7th Kyu) Shorin-ryu

Roberts Karate

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