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shin splints


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I'm wondering if anyone can help me (KickChick, maybe?). Lately I've been getting shin splints (or shin pain at any rate--I don't know how bad it has to be to qualify for the name) when I run. It hasn't been too bad, but last night it got so bad I stopped halfway through a three-mile run.


Is there anything I can do besides resting that will alleviate the pain and help my body recover? I only run three times a week (soon to be four), although I do dance three times a week. I've been out of the dojang all week, but I'll be back on my normal schedule there next week. Is not running the only solution, or is there something else I can do?

Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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I had a problem with shin splints when I ran, now I don't :D But when I did, I started to tape my shins on my runs, and this helped for bit. The taping of the shin was in the form of a cris/cross. Now, I'm no expert but I was told to do this by someone either in or familiar with sports medicine, or sports training. I ended up having to take anti-infammatory pills, but that too only worked for so long. Eventually I found that rest was the best recovery.


Mind of Mencia

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Unfortunately, not running isn't an option for an applicant for Officer of Marines. :-)


Thanks for the link, by the way. I searched for shin and shin splints earlier and found only shin conditioning.

Chris Tessone

Brown Belt, Kuk Sool Won

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Im a football coach and we face this every year.


The only way to get them better is rest. Once you get them better there are a few things you can do.


1. Wear high socks when running and working out. This keeps the muscles tight against the bone. You can also tape them up or buy one of those bands you see basketball players wear but IMO high socks is the best bet.


2. Light weight lifting with calves and step ups wil help build the legs so it don't happen as much.


Again not much you can do but rest....

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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I used to suffer from shin splints when i go running, here's a few things to try -


dont run on the road or pavement


run on soft ground


shorten the run and wear a rucksack with some weight in it.


repetataive strain can cause shin splints among other things.


good luck

pain is temporary, pride is forever!

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I've had trouble with shin splints. I've heard people saw it's cracks in the bone but i think otherwise.


There is a muscle on the front of your shin which is responsible for tilting your feet so youer toes come towards you. (opposite to standing on tip toes) I find the pain is cause by straining this muscle if i run on my heels (ie too upright) try running slinghtly leant forwards and more on the balls of your feet, and try doing some strenthening work and full stretching warm up of your ankles. ie toe circles etc.



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