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Depression and how to beat it

Nidan Melbourne

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Hey guys and girls

I thought you all would like to be aware of your mental health and how to get help.

Over the last 10 years peoples mental health has slowly become worse, so the prevalence of Depression has increased (in both genders).

If you have multiple of these symptoms then please go speak to somebody.


- Not going out as often

- Not getting stuff done at school or work

- Withdrawing from friends and family

- Relying on Alcohol, sedatives or drugs (i.e. meth, coke etc)

- Not finding enjoyment in what your doing anymore (i.e. if you love Martial Arts then you don't want to do it anymore)

- Lack of Concentration


- Guilt

- Anger

- frustrated

- lacking in confidence

- unhappy

- indecisive

- disappointed

- miserable

- sad


- 'I’m a failure.'

- 'It’s my fault.'

- 'Nothing good ever happens to me.'

- 'I’m worthless.'

- 'Life’s not worth living.'

- 'People would be better off without me.'


- tired all the time

- sick and run down

- headaches and muscle pains

- churning gut

- sleep problems

- loss or change of appetite

- significant weight loss or gain

If you have any more than 10 of these (any combination) then consider seeing someone about it. If you think someone suffers from depression then sit them down and talk to them

It helps greatly if you listen to what they have to say and not interrupt.

Guys it is VERY manly to admit that you have depression and that you are not weak for admitting it.

If you want to do something about it go do something you enjoy, go run/walk, do something new, go out with friends.

If you want to talk post here, or pm me and we can talk

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I suffer from depression. Mine came via hard drug abuse which caused my dopamine neurotransmitters to burn out.

I took psychiatric medications on and off for 3 years, and after doing research I would like to say that you should not rely on a pill to fix how you feel.

You should try to overcome depression on your own. People have been prone to depression since the beginning of man, but now all of a sudden they create some magic pill that makes you happy??

That isn't good news, you overcome the depression on your own without medication.

I would strongly suggest seeing a therapist though for somebody to talk to about your problems and help you find a solution, but just don't prescription medication depression or anxiety. It makes things worst in the long run.

Check out



As well as this youtube channel, she has lots of videos of why you shouldn't take prescription drugs to treat your mental health.


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Personally, I think that it is very bad advice to tell people to just get over depression. You wouldn't tell someone to handle their diabetes without medication, or their heart condition. Depression is a real medical illness, not just a feeling of sadness.

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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I'm not really telling people to do that, I am suggesting it.

I wish I could go back in time and not start prescription medication, they changed my personality a lot and came with side effects.

I would have been a lot better off without them.

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I have very little patience for how people immediately say not to use prescription medication to solve problems. I'm concerned with how many suicides that advice has created. You take a person who cannot get out of their room and cries at how horrible a video game monster has it, and tell them to avoid taking the treatment to get themselves back on their feet. That's like lecturing someone bleeding out on the sidewalk that bandages and stitches are immoral. It's completely unacceptable.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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Bandages and stitches save lives. Psychiatric medications don't.

They save you from mental "suffering" which is a part of life but I think we can over come that on our own or with outside help.

Look, if you feel that you absolutely need it because you are currently living in a situation that makes you majorly depressed than go for it.

All i'm saying is, do some research, see a therapist, figure out the root of the depression, if you already know than eliminate it from your life...

There are other ways besides taking pharmaceuticals.

If somebody was dying on the ground I would bandage and stitch them if I knew how, if somebody was crying and was feeling down I would not give them a happy pill, I would talk to them about their problem and try to make them feel better.

I am not trying to offend anybody, but as somebody who took multiple depression/anxiety meds in the past, I am just saying there are other alternatives and life isn't over once you've become depressed.

Do what you wish, you don't have to listen to me, and I'm not saying that you should, just give what I'm saying a thought. I like helping people.

Here's another study about how Saffron the herb was just as effective as taking 20 mg of fluoxetine per day .


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Chemical assistance is great; it gets people up on their feet and able to move around, exercise, and talk to people in ways that will break them out of their death spiral of helplessness. It's up there with medication for things like schizophrenia, which people with mental illnesses have trouble staying on because "you shouldn't need medication", resulting in a destructive yoyo of getting on their feet, losing their meds, descending into madness and needing to be hospitalized after a lot of self destructive behavior, at which point they can get their meds again.

There's no point in talking at the low point of depression. It can sound something like "What, it's Wednesday? I thought it was Saturday. I saw a crumpled up piece of paper in the garbage and I started crying. I've been working on this painting for a week, and I only have three lines on it - but I don't know what they're there for. My landlord called a few weeks ago to tell me I was being evicted. At least, I think it was a few weeks ago. I'm going to cry now. Everything is fine, nothing is wrong." You have to pull them up to functionality before anything else means anything.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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I have suffered from depression for years and I WASN'T allowed to have meds because i was prone to addiction.

My psychologist found out i was prone to any form of addiction from not only me (I was seeing them for years before the depression hit) but from also my family, friends and my girlfriend.

So didn't want to prescribe medications cause they knew what would happen and that i might overdose to alleviate the pain. Especially since i was suicidal for most of my time with depression (I still suffer from depression as i type this but i have it under control).

So what the psychologist prescribed to me was to go exercise and experience new things with my closest family and friends. Which does help greatly.

So medications don't always work for those like me who are prone to addiction

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