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10th - 9th Kup (Taekwondo)

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I graded last Tuesday and am getting the result in a couple of hours. Pretty sure I failed. The grading went relatively well (I was very worried about push-ups on your knuckles on a hard floor, but managed those all right) until I completely cocked up a basic move (middle outer forearm block-reverse punch). Stepping forward was all right, but stepping backwards I was on the wrong leg, and when I went to correct it, I lost track of the count and ended up bailing :( Add to that a couple of silly mistakes (not crossing my hands the first time we did middle outer forearm block - fortunately I realized just in time!) and I think I'll be THAT ONE GUY (again).

I hadn't tested for anything in about 3 years, and for martial arts, not in 13-14. Still it's no excuse. I'm just an idiot who doesn't know moves :(

I'm just hoping my teacher takes into account what he saw of me in class - and thank goodness there were no outside masters present to watch me fail miserably!


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Keep your chin up. You may pass, but if not, you've already pointed out some areas you need to work on, which is great. You've got a starting point to go forward from, and if you have to test again, no big deal. Look at it this way, its an extra class! Keep at it, stay positive, and look back on the experience as motivation.

Keep us posted! Good luck! :karate:

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Against all odds, I passed. Guess he didn't want to hold anyone back on the first grading... However the highest grade (not mine) was a 66, which furthers my belief that mine was probably like a 49.5/100, lol.

I am also positive that my instructor took into account what he saw me do in class - he knows I can do better than that rubbish grading. (Also he says he's 'seen worse'?!? I though my mistake was pretty brutal!)

Oh well, onto Chon-Ji...

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Great job! Remember it's just a first test. Your instructor understands that and he certainly isn't going to expect someone to be perfect their first time out. I have no problem believing he's seen worse. I'm sure he's been around the bend enough to know when someone's ready despite testing mistakes.

Congratulations! Keep up the hard work!

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Great job! :karate: Now you know what to expect out of the testings a bit more, and so should be able to prepare yourself better the next time around. Use this as a learning experience.

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Congrats! I would hardly call your mistakes major ones for a 10th gup - pretty minor things really although they may not feel like it. Also if you realized your own mistakes then that's good and you'll know what to work on for next time. Don't sweat it and have fun learning Chon Ji :)

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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  • 4 months later...

Congrats. Everyone will have a bad day but will often turn into a good one.

I am not sure about your instructor but mine takes into account not only how you perform on the day of the grading but also how you train in class normally and what your attitude is like towards martial arts.

So your instructor took everything into account :)

But Congratulations on passing!

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