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Over the hill at 33?


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One of my teachers asked my age one of the last classes i replied 33 and was told its all downhill from here your past your prime.

I'm just starting to get fit now lost 1 and 3/4 stone since i started and am feeling stronger than ever.

How long is the shelve life of a Karate-ka ?

What age were you in your prime?

Be like water !

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Stay on top of it. This modern notion that we all start becoming decrepit after the age of the 30 isn't really how the human body was meant to age. It's mostly the modern lifestyle that leads to that. Paleolithic man, if he survived childhood (a challenge which caused the short average life expectancy we learn about), regularly lived into his 60s and he stayed strong until then-- none of this needing a cane after age 50 or these long degenerative illnesses. He would be strong right up until the end and then just keel over one day, which is definitely how I hope to go out. Eat right, lower your stressors, live long and drop dead.

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Yeah. I used to believe that. Had a frank talk with my osteo specialist...and he said, 'Sorry...you're still 50. We're told that 50 is the new 30 or 40, but even without injury or illness...the ligaments and bones age the same way they always did. Modern diet, and lifestyle affects the quality of life as you age.'

So...if you want to do back-flips like a 15 year old olympic gymnist...you are out of luck. If you want to be strong for as long as possible martial arts is a good way to keep as fit as possible. I started MA at 43, and have personally found that one can stay with an art as long as one modifies for problems.

Stay on top of it. This modern notion that we all start becoming decrepit after the age of the 30 isn't really how the human body was meant to age. It's mostly the modern lifestyle that leads to that. Paleolithic man, if he survived childhood (a challenge which caused the short average life expectancy we learn about), regularly lived into his 60s and he stayed strong until then-- none of this needing a cane after age 50 or these long degenerative illnesses. He would be strong right up until the end and then just keel over one day, which is definitely how I hope to go out. Eat right, lower your stressors, live long and drop dead.

Leaves fall.

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Saw this one the other day.

Old guy, poor sheep farmer, revolutionized ultramarathon racing starting by running a 566 mile race across eastern Australia in under six days. Continued to race until his death in his 80's.

Don't believe the hype. Just change your approach.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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Never underestimate a farm boy. Can fix, drive, catch and grow anything on about 6 hours of sleep.

Nice post. Gonna steal it. :)

Saw this one the other day.

Old guy, poor sheep farmer, revolutionized ultramarathon racing starting by running a 566 mile race across eastern Australia in under six days. Continued to race until his death in his 80's.

Don't believe the hype. Just change your approach.

Leaves fall.

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One of my teachers asked my age one of the last classes i replied 33 and was told its all downhill from here your past your prime.

That guy is either ignorant of a jerk. Or both.

My fists bleed death. -Akuma

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It's a matter of being smart about how you train. You might not be able to bang like you once did. And that's okay. More recovery time between those sessions, better nutrition, quicker to back off instead of pushing thru, ect.

There's no real "prime: unless you're competitive. Then there is clearly some degeneration when we talk about high, elite levels of competition. If your goal is to defend yourself then you can be at your "prime" for quite a while.

It's relative to your goals. However, the biggest adjustments that can keep you clearly progressing past 30, 35, and 40 (yes, I just broke 40) is being smarter about tactic selection and training patterns.

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I hope he was only joking ! If not he was being stupidly negative especially as it's Goju. One of the less gymnastic styles. Of course aging has it's effects - I now I'm 53. Just as an example that age is no barrier - watch this.


This lady is 86 years old , performing the Kata, Jion. Simply brilliant.

If you believe in an ideal. You don't own it ; it owns you.

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It was a bit tongue in cheek i think and perhaps a little mind game to get me fitter for my next grading.

I kind of look on it as im more fit than i was before and as long as im getting fit and enjoying myself then im happy!

Be like water !

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