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keeping the same belt


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Hi i am new to the forum i have taken my kids to karate with kugb shotokan they are really enjoying it and i have got the bug to start again myself.I got to purple and white can i go back as the same belt?i have not got my licence for proof as it was 20 years ago.I know its going to take time to get fit again and remember things im not that bothered if i dont grade for a year or so its just a bit of an incentive.Thanks for any info Jim,i must of missed the j of my user name lol.

I would say what does it matter what grade you start ? you are now 20 years older and wiser with some experience of karate which should serve you well in your training , no matter what you need to go back to basics and condition your body , go back to hian shodan and do it regulary for few months and sharpen up your basics ,after you do that and feel confident you will sail through your old grade in no time.

But meanwhile enjoy your training no matter what colour belt you are ...

I never forget the first day I walked into the dojo with two of my mates , I already had about a year of training and was a green belt ,my other two mates one was a brown belt from another club and the other one was a purple and white .

we went into the dojo and sensei said you can train as guest tonight and at the end I will tell you if you can train or not ! so we gladly obliged and did the best we could to impress him.

At the end we went up to him and bowed and he said : ok you can start training here but all of you start from white belt !

all three of us didn't even hesitate a second to say yes and that was it ,all three of us went on to become dan grades by sensei himself in years to come , the journey was hard but very rewarding and enjoyable !

never give up !

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  • 1 month later...
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This is my first post to this forum. Interestingly enough, this thread instantly caught my eye.

After 35 years, I am going back to class. My 19 year old daughter started about 6 months ago and is very talented and loves karate. We want to start going to class together.

I asked the instructors and they said I could keep my rank and just get caught up at my own pace. I don't feel comfortable with that so I have been going to class and just watching. For one thing, things have changed. What is being done now and what is expected has, as one may surmise, changed somewhat. They have a handbook now. We never did.

I also have been doing some practice on my own and working out so I am as worthy of my rank as I can be.

I would gladly re-start as a white belt, but in my particular case I have permission just start back up like nothing happened and catch up as I can.

One thing I noticed is things are not as strict as they were in the mid-seventies. Also, more attention is given to legal aspects than before. Thirty five years ago we were NEVER taught to hold our hands open and step back from a real life attacker like we are now. The reason we are now is because most real life physical conflicts will end up in a court room. We may need to prove that our actions were in self defense.

Another thing that is different......students must remove their rank (belts) before drinking or eating in the class.

Eating and drinking in class????? That's a luxury certainly not afforded 35 years ago.

I think it's a great thing that karate, at least our style, has evolved to reflect the way society has changed.

I am anxious to get back in class. Sometime after Memorial Day I should be back into shape enough to get caught up.

Does your brain control your body, or does your body control your brain?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi im new here but was wondering, does anyone know how i can prove the grade i was at 14 yrs ago wen i dont have my old licence with the stamps in? I am starting back at white and will be assessed over a few mths to ensure i am back upto standard before wearing the colour i got to. If anyone can help me, id appreciate it. I used to do shotokan, in bournemouth UK. 1997/98 to 2000. My first gradings were in verwood and my instructor name was tina. Thanks

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I made 7th Kyu as a junior and went back 15 years later. I started at White belt again as an adult but was able to double grade on the first grading. It felt good. I had remembered some basics but wanted to perfect my technique and also wanted to earn my ranks as an adult! Now i have just earned my 4th Kyu.

We stand in a circle at the end of class as my Sensei always says its about continual learning. Start at white and look at it as extra training time to improve what you do...

That which does not kill us, must have missed us.

- Miowara Tomoka

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a few people who are training with me and 20 years ago they reached up to their 3rd dan (and a couple who got to 4th) and hadn't trained in all those years. But what they did was wear a white belt and attend a Black belt grading to allow our sensei to decide what rank that they should be at (They may retain the old rank that they had 20 years ago). They wear a white belt for the meantime, BUT they train with us black belts so they can be refreshed on the advanced stuff as well.

Since we have a few 4th Dans training with us, then we have a couple of 5th/6th dans help assess him (just to make it fair).

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I repeat this , as it has been asked again.

20 Year Gap ! Sorry you WERE a 4th kyu 20 years ago. That means to me you are back at the beginning. There is a monumental difference between the memories of what you did 20 years ago and what your body will do now ! If the gap was of a few years, it would be worth asking the question of the teacher, but after 20 years ? Besides, it should and would be up to the discretion of the teacher IMO.

If you believe in an ideal. You don't own it ; it owns you.

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20 Year Gap ! Sorry you WERE a 4th kyu 20 years ago. That means to me you are back at the beginning. There is a monumental difference between the memories of what you did 20 years ago and what your body will do now ! If the gap was of a few years, it would be worth asking the question of the teacher, but after 20 years ? Besides, it should and would be up to the discretion of the teacher IMO.

Solid post!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I,as a brown belt(35yrs ago)decided that I couldn't muster up the nerve to show up with my brown at my new dojo. Out of respect to all my fellow students, I started from scratch! I believe I've gained my Sensei' s and classmate' s respect. Humility goes a long way in Karate way.

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I,as a brown belt(35yrs ago)decided that I couldn't muster up the nerve to show up with my brown at my new dojo. Out of respect to all my fellow students, I started from scratch! I believe I've gained my Sensei' s and classmate' s respect. Humility goes a long way in Karate way.

Respect sure does go a long long way also does humility.

Its good that you went back to the very start to relearn everything as a sign of courtesy.

Also if you had gone back straight as a brown belt people might have thought you were some poser or who the heck would have graded you to brown belt.

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  • 1 month later...

I can see it both ways but I personally have never started an art and wore my previous belt.

I would be humble and let the instructor decide where you belong. If you were a purple belt and he asks you to wear a white belt just look at it this way... you'll progress faster and may just pick up on something you didn't know before. How many of us get past a belt and if not required on the next rank forget about a technique or stop practicing it?

When I started Goju Ryu I was a Sandan in Shorin Ryu. I started at white and rightfully so. What's the saying, "empty your cup so that I may fill it". If you go into an art with preconceived notions of your ability you miss those little intricacies that you'll learn if you keep an open mind and you will turn into a much better martial artist. Plus your instructor will know where you were and you will climb the ladder quicker so a belt starting out really doesn't matter.

Be humble and have an open mind. The belt means only what you put into it anyway. The reward of earning a belt in a new style far exceeds being able to wear your former rank. Go into it with an open mind and enjoy learning.

Devil Dog


Shorin ryu, goju ryu, isshin ryu, kobudo.

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