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What Scoring system do you use?

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I have fought with two scoring systems on the mat; I did semi-contact points fighting in my youth. 1 point for a hand technique, 2 points for a kick to the body, 3 points for a kick to the head and 5 points for a jumping kick. I also did Ippon Jui Kumite scoring in Karate; Full Ippon technique winner, or two Wazari or four Yuko or a combination. I think it's the same as Olympic Judo. How do you score your martial arts fighting?

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Pretty much everything I do these days is grappling. Most everyone uses a variant of the IBJJF rules:


While doing MMA, it was a variant of this:


Granted, I fought so long ago that not everything was unified like it is now. The system used now (per above) was still being sorted out while I was involved.

Shootfighting before that was, again, similar to the above later in the later fights I did. Prior to that, it was in a tournament format and if I recall the scoring system was a combined set of points from grappling and stand up. It was unwieldy, hence why it was probably moved away from, and so long ago I don't remember the specifics.

Before that, I did (a very few) karate tournaments. If I recall (again, a long time ago) it was a point per contact regardless of punch or kick to any target area, head included. But it was so long ago and I've been so far removed from that aspect for so long, I don't remember specifics beyond that.

Very interesting to see what everyone's responses will be. Great topic.

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Continuous sparring for my style is 2x 2 minute rounds with a 1 minute break. Four corner referees who all score by points and you have to win by majority vote. If the bout is tied after 2 rounds you do 1 minute extra time then if it is still tied after that you go to the golden point round where the first scoring technique wins.

1 point for hand to body or head

1 point for a perfect block (knocks opponent off balance)

1 point for kick to body

2 points for kick to head

+1 point if it is aerial (both feet off of the floor)

+1 point for every 180 degree rotation

So if I managed to pull off an aerial 360 roundhouse to the head, that'd be 5 points.

Also have a warning and penalty points system.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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  • 4 months later...

I compete in WKF rules, so

1 point for a punch

2 points for a kick to the body

3 points for a head kick or take down with follow up technique

It's not about the medals you win, it's about how much you improve.

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  • 1 month later...

ATA rules-

1 point for punch or kick to body.

2 points for kick to head or jump kick to body.

3 points for jump kick to head.

(To qualify as a jump kick, both feet must be off floor at time kick lands).

We do not allow kicks below belt or to back, and no hands to head in tournament or testing sparring. (We teach hands to head in class sparring).

In the younger ranks, if the technique is controlled and doesn't hit, if there is no attempt to block/evade we will call the point. This encourages control and not killing your opponent who didn't see it coming. :)


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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  • 8 months later...

World Karate Federation Rules.

Yuko (1 point)

- Chudan or Jodan Tsuki to any of 7 possible scoring areas

- Jodan or Chudan uchi to any of 7 possible scoring areas

Waza-ari (2 points)

- Chudan Kicks

- Chudan defined as abdomen, back, side, chest

Ippon (3 points)

- ANY technique from a fallen or thrown opponent

- Jodan Kicks

- Jodan defined as Face, Head & Neck

WINNER is defined as a CLEAR LEAD of Eight ( 8 ) Points, or the lead after time up.

If scores are tied at end of bout the referee and judges will have a casting vote for the winner. The referee will call "HANTEI" and referee + judges will vote for the winner.

7 scoring areas:

1. Head

2. Face

3. Neck

4. Abdomen

5. Chest

6. Back

7. Side

Judging criteria for scores to be awarded (other than a kiai)

a) good form

b) sporting attitude

c) vigorous application

d) awareness (Zanshin)

e) good timing

f) correct distance

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